Alexander Dugin
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🇮🇩 Akhand Bharat. India Raya

India – yang mengejutkan banyak orang – saat ini memiliki perekonomian dengan pertumbuhan tercepat. Berdasarkan hasil tahun 2023, PDB negara tersebut tumbuh sebesar 8,4%. Pada tahun 2027, Indonesia akan menjadi negara dengan perekonomian terbesar ketiga di dunia. Jika tren ini terus berlanjut, India berpeluang menyalip Amerika Serikat bahkan Tiongkok pada tahun 2030-an.

India adalah pemimpin dalam demografi dan vektor TI. Diaspora India kini menguasai sebagian besar Lembah Silikon, dan Perdana Menteri Inggris, meskipun seorang globalis liberal, namun seorang etnis India, Rishi Sunak. Menariknya, politisi konservatif berpengaruh di Partai Republik Amerika, pendukung setia Trump, juga keturunan India, Vivek Ramaswami, adalah antipode ideologis Sunak. Bagaimanapun, orang-orang India sudah maju.
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L'ultima domanda che le rivolgo è come spiega questo fenomeno che ho notato: per oltre 70 anni, un gruppo di persone in Occidente e negli Stati Uniti, i liberali, hanno difeso efficacemente il sistema sovietico e lo stalinismo, e molti hanno partecipato personalmente allo stalinismo, hanno fatto la spia per Stalin, lo hanno sostenuto nei nostri media, amavano Boris Eltsin perché era ubriaco, ma nel 2000 la leadership di questo Paese è cambiata e la Russia è diventata il loro principale nemico. Così, dopo 80 anni di difesa della Russia, hanno odiato la Russia. Che cosa è successo? Perché questo cambiamento?
(di Tucker Carlson)

Forwarded from Katehon
Alexander Dugin is the most famous political philosopher in Russia. His ideas are considered so dangerous, the Ukrainian government murdered his daughter and Amazon won’t sell his books.

✍️ Alexander Dugin, Tucker Carlson

🌐 The Tucker Carlson Encounter: Alexander Dugin
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Rozmowa Carlson-Dugin

Rosyjski filozof Aleksander Dugin udzielił wywiadu amerykańskiemu dziennikarzowi Tuckerowi Carlsonowi. Został on już opublikowany na oficjalnej stronie Carlsona, ale data nagrania nie została ujawniona. Niewykluczone, że Amerykanin ponownie przyjechał do Rosji po rozmowie z rosyjskim prezydentem.
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Ekonomi tarihinin başlangıç figürü olarak “toplam işçi” kavramı, “ekonomik kişilik” formülü ile tamamlanabilir. Ekonomik kişilik toplam (bütünsel) işçidir. Bu durumda ilgi odağı, antropolojik yorumuyla kişiliktir (öncelikle Fransız Durkheim-Moss okulunda ve ABD'de F.Boas'ın takipçilerinde).

Burada kişilik (la personne) bireye (l'individu) karşıttır, çünkü kişilik, herhangi bir ek özelliği olmayan ayrı bir insan varlığının atomik bir verisi olan bireyin aksine sosyal, kamusal, karmaşık ve yapay olarak yaratılmış bir şeydir. Birey, kişiliğin kişiden çıkarılmasının ürünü, insan biriminin her türlü bağdan ve kolektif yapıdan özgürleşmesinin sonucudur.

✍️ Aleksandr Dugin

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🇺🇸🧐 Russofobia da liderança liberal se baseia no ódio contra um dos maiores bastiões de valores tradicionais, diz filósofo russo Aleksandr Dugin em entrevista a Tucker Carlson

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Alexander Dugin: Ethnos and Society

In this monograph, Dugin provides an overview of the primary foreign and Russian sources and schools that influenced the establishment of ethnosociology as an independent and original scientific discipline. Dugin offers a profoundly philosophical approach to the categories of the “ethnos,” “narod,” “nation” and “society,” providing clear definitions of these concepts, and expounding a broader ethnosociological taxonomy. For the first time in the field, this work brings a consistent approach to a broad spectrum of knowledge, as well as elucidating various methodologies of ethnosociological analysis, bringing everything together into a single, easily applicable system.

This volume is an invaluable manual for those specializing in sociology, philosophy, political science, cultural studies, ethnology, international relations, state, and law, as well as being of interest to those who follow the current developments in the humanities.

Buy it now:
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Alexander Dugin: Last War of the World-Island: The Geopolitics of Contemporary Russia

Alexander Dugin traces the geopolitical development of Russia from its origins in Kievan Rus and the Russian Empire, through the peak of its global influence during the Soviet era, and finally to the current presidency of Vladimir Putin.

Dugin sees Russia as the primary geopolitical pole of the land-based civilizations of the world, forever destined to be in conflict with the sea-based civilizations. At one time the pole of the seafaring civilizations was the British Empire; today it is represented by the United States and its NATO allies. Russia can only fulfill its geopolitical mission by remaining in opposition to the sea powers. Today, according to Dugin, this conflict is not only geopolitical in scope, but also ideological: Russia is the primary representative and defender of traditional values and idealism, whereas the West stands for the values of liberalism and the market-driven society.

Whereas Russia began to lose sight of its mission during the 1990s and threatened to succumb to domination by the Western powers, Dugin believes that Putin has begun to correct its course and return Russia to her proper place. But the struggle is far from over: while progress has been made, Russia remains torn between its traditional nature and the temptations of globalism and Westernization, and its enemies undermine it at every turn. Dugin makes the case that it is only by remaining true to the Eurasian path that Russia can survive and flourish in any genuine sense – otherwise it will be reduced to a servile and secondary place in the world, and the forces of liberalism will dominate the world, unopposed.

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Forwarded from Eurosiberia
Heidegger and Dugin: ‘Dasein’ and Multipolarity

by Constantin von Hoffmeister

In the philosophical landscape where Alexander Dugin’s Eurasianism intersects with Martin Heidegger’s existentialism, the concept of Dasein becomes a pivotal point of convergence. Heidegger’s Dasein, or “being-there,” encapsulates the essence of the human condition as fundamentally intertwined with the world. This notion rejects the idea of humans as mere detached observers, positing instead that our existence is inextricably linked with our environment, and that our understanding of ourselves and our place in the cosmos is perpetually shaped through...

Read the full essay here:
Forwarded from Arktos
The Tucker Carlson Interview: Terminology Explained

Alexander Dugin discusses the nuances of political terms and their different interpretations between Russia and the United States, highlighting the challenges of concepts like ‘woke’ and ‘liberal’.

Read the essay here:
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Forwarded from Lucas Leiroz
A entrevista de Aleksandr Dugin a Tucker Carlson deixou claro o que todos já sabíamos: Dugin não é apenas o maior filósofo de nossa era, mas também uma figura incontornável no cenário mundial. Sua capacidade de mobilização cresce a cada dia. Hoje o livro mais buscado na Amazon era uma obra comentando o seu trabalho - isso porque a plataforma o censura e ninguém pode adquirir nada de Dugin ali.

Em breve, não haverá nada fora do duginismo.
Forwarded from Idee&Azione
Alla fine, è tutta una questione di sovranità. Questo è stato il nocciolo dei dibattiti più seri che ho avuto la scorsa settimana in Brasile, con esponenti del mondo accademico e in diversi podcast legati alle conferenze. È il tema generale che incombe sul governo Lula, in quanto il Presidente sembra assumere la figura di un combattente solitario messo all'angolo da un circolo vizioso di quinta colonna e di élite comprador.
(di Pepe Escobar)

Forwarded from Idee&Azione
L’Idea dell’Imperium ci attrae impetuosa: siamo pronti ad essere i suoi nuovi militi? Il sangue dei martiri del Donbass, dei suoi civili, dei suoi filosofi e dei suoi guerrieri che hanno bagnato e che impregnano ogni giorno la terra della Novorossija, ci chiama a raccolta: saremo degni di questa chiamata, di lasciare per sempre le ideologie della Modernità a favore di quell’Idea imperiale che sorge improvvisa nelle nostre coscienze come appello divino, per poter così realizzare il passaggio in continuità ideale dal comunismo e dal fascismo o dal liberalismo di vecchio stampo, verso la gloria dell’Imperium per il Bene della Causa?
(di René-Henri Manusardi)
