Glenn Greenwald
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Time for another email urging: Dig deep into your pockets during a pandemic to help TheIntercept
keep the lights on!
People who have only received two COVID vaccine shots are gross, and I'm grateful that the Atlantic stepped and bestowed them with a shameful new name -- the Unboosted -- while suggesting they perhaps must be shunned along with their even more filthy brethren: the Unvaccinated.
Media corporations meeting in secret with WH officials to discuss how to present a more optimistic view of Biden's economic policies seems to me to be a bit like . . . . . . state TV.

But I'm glad (and unsurprised) to hear from CNN that the "conversations have been productive."
The left's dreariest and most joyless faction somehow attacked me and davidmirandario
for securing funding to renovate public spaces in Jacarezinho, the Rio favela where David grew up. andraydomise
& I will discuss it on getcallin
live at 6 pm ET:
Media Matters angry that one cable network - and only one - is devoting air time to arguing the US should not go to war with Russia over Ukraine.

Media Matters employees should tear themselves away from 24/7 live-blogging Fox and go enlist to fight Russia in defense of Ukraine.
My discussion with andraydomise
last night on our Getcallin
show about the bizarre spectacle of the worst parts of the left attacking me and davidmirandario
for the crime of renovating the neediest favelas in Rio can be heard here, at the 46:00 mark.
"His argument is reliant on seeing leftism as a project apart from 'Liberalism' when, in reality, leftism is, at this point, a bunch of partisan zealots who are controlled opposition." -- annakhachiyan

"Like AOC" -- nobody_stop_me

"Yeah, and all their media propagandists."
NEW: Matt Gaetz and the Dangers of Prosecutorial Leaks For Everyone
This is spectacular. And it's highly representative of what much of the media is doing regarding the Steele Dossier now that it's been exposed as a fraud.
Julian Assange -- the most persecuted journalist in the west -- is still in a high-security prison in the UK because the Biden DOJ appealed the British judge's rejection of the US extradition request, demanding he be imprisoned while the appeal pends. The ruling will be tomorrow:
A study by primarily Stanford researches examines why obesity produces such bad COVID outcomes. It finds that COVID can infect fat cells, which means it not only causes severe illness but also long COVID. Once peer-reviewed, it would be a major finding:
The primary blame for perpetrating the Jussie Smollett hoax obviously rests with Smollett , but it's still worth asking (a) what cultural factors incentivize this behavior and (b) why so many leading Dems instantly and unquestioningly seized on this before anything was known:
Yesterday I posted the video of Lula heralding Assange as a hero and denouncing the US/UK as tyrannical. Here's another center-left presidential candidate from Brazil, CiroGomes
, arguing the same.

US/UK establishment liberalism & the Biden DOJ is a rogue faction of autocracy:
Just keep sticking out your arm and don't question.

And definitely don't express any skepticism online about any of these decrees because you're likely to end up banned.
Three DNC Google pundits who couldn't place Brazil on a map if you put a gun to their head spend 15 minutes lying about our renovation project for Jacarezinho, a place they hadn't heard of until 3 days ago, based on a show in a language they don't speak, all while helping nobody.
Amazing: Here are what leading press freedom and civil liberties groups -- Committee to Protect Journalists, Reporters Without Borders, Freedom of the Press Foundation, and ACLU -- tweeted about one of the gravest attacks on First Am press freedoms in years in the Assange case: