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Kijk: Protest in Italiaans parlement tegen coronapas, chaos breekt uit.

In het Italiaanse parlement is chaos uitgebroken tijdens een protest tegen de coronapas. Verschillende parlementsleden hielden grote vellen papier omhoog met daarop de tekst ‘no green pass’ oftewel ‘geen groene pas’.

NEW – Chaos erupts in the Italian parliament over new “Green Pass” 🚨 (@disclosetv) July 29, 2021

De regering van premier Draghi heeft besloten om een aantal beperkingen op te leggen aan alle ongevaccineerde mensen die niet beschikken over een….

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Tweede dodelijke steekpartij in één week tijd in Rotterdam: 15-jarige jongen op klaarlichte dag doodgestoken.

In Rotterdam is donderdagmiddag een 15-jarige jongen doodgestoken. Het is al de tweede dodelijke steekpartij in de Maasstad in nog geen week tijd. Het ´incident´ vond plaats in de Rotterdamse achterstandswijk Beverwaard, dat recent nog in het nieuws kwam vanwege de vele gewelddadige straatroven. Of dat deze keer ook het geval was is nog onbekend.
Het slachtoffer werd nog gereanimeerd, maar dat mocht niet meer baten. Op het plaats delict overleed de 15-jarige jongen aan zijn verwondingen. Er zijn nog….

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GOP lawmakers refuse to wear masks on House floor, file lawsuit against Pelosi for bringing back mandate.

U.S. Rep. Ralph Norman (R-S.C.) speaks as Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) and Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) listen during a news conference outside U.S. Supreme Court on July 27, 2021 in Washington, D.C. (Alex Wong/Getty Images)
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 12:49 PM PT – Thursday, July 29, 2021
Since the return of the mask mandate on the House floor, a number of Republicans have refused the order and have decided to sue House Speaker Nancy….

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ALLE premiers en presidenten van de wereld worden gecontroleerd door de Wereldbank en een PFIZER contract.

Achtergrond: Pfizer is uiterst agressief geweest in zijn pogingen om de details van hun internationale COVID19-vaccinovereenkomsten te beschermen, schrijft Ehden.
Omdat de kosten van het ontwikkelen van contracten erg hoog zijn en veel tijd kosten (juridische beoordelingscycli), ontwikkelt Pfizer, net als alle andere bedrijven, een gestandaardiseerd sjabloon voor overeenkomsten en gebruikt deze overeenkomsten met relatief kleine aanpassingen in verschillende landen.
Deze overeenkomsten zijn vertrouwelijk, maar gelukkig heeft één land het contractdocument niet goed genoeg beschermd, zodat ik erin geslaagd ben….

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Michael Rapaport RED PILLED! Globalist Destruction is NOT LIMITED to ‘Conservatives’.

A viral self-recorded video posted to Twitter, featuring Michael Rapaport, is a pivotal moment for unification, and Stew Peters hopes this moment will allow the masses to realize we are ALL fighting against the SAME ENEMY!
DeAnna Lorraine joined Stew Peters for “Shots Fired” to discuss on today’s ‘Stew Peters Show’
Follow Stew on social media.

MORE NEWS: Majority of Hospitalized “COVID Patients” Are ‘VACCINATED’ | Dr. Jane Ruby
See all of Stew’s content….

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Majority of Hospitalized “COVID Patients” Are ‘VACCINATED’ | Dr. Jane Ruby.

Dr. Jane Ruby joined Stew Peters to discuss the world’s most ‘vaccinated’ countries and how their recent spike in hospitalizations happens to be those who have recently been inoculated.
The data suggests that the shot is what’s making people ill, and that’s no surprise due to the recent ingredient revelations uncovered.
Follow Stew on social media.

MORE NEWS: Michael Rapaport RED PILLED! Globalist Destruction is NOT LIMITED to ‘Conservatives’
See all of Stew’s content….

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Jan 6 ‘Informants’ Caught Helping People ‘Break’ Into Capitol Building? Police Ordered To Stand Down? (VIDEOS).

The ‘Commission’ on the January 6 Capitol riot is in full swing, featuring tears from far left Capitol police officers, but are they really interested in the truth of what happened?
Since the Capitol riot, there have been allegations leftist protestors dressing as Trump supporters had instigated the rally crowds. There also have been allegations that federal informants may have played a large role in facilitating the entry into the Capitol. After the information….

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Matt in Melbourne – Regeringscontrole is buiten zinnen.
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Biden Admin Hints At More COVID Restrictions….

During a press briefing on Thursday Joe Biden’s spokesperson did not rule out the possibility of lockdowns and school closures.
Jean Pierre claimed during the press briefing that Biden will “follow” the guidance.
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Namenlijst verdachten ´Gooische Kopschopkakkers´ bekend: Hein, Sanil, Stan, Damian, David, Daan, Lucas en Martijn.

De weerloze Carlo Heuvelman werd tijdens zijn vakantie op het Spaanse eiland Mallorca vermoord door een groep doorgedraaide Nederlandse toeristen. Wie of wat de vermoedelijke daders waren bleef tot nu toe onbekend, maar onze concullega GeenStijl heeft een klipklaar lijstje gemaakt van de hoofdverdachten van dit uiterst zinloze geweld.
Deze groep Nederlanders wordt dan ook verdacht van betrokkenheid bij de dodelijke mishandeling van de eveneens Nederlandse Heuvelman. Een zeer ernstig incident dat natuurlijk nooit had mogen gebeuren.

Volgens weblog GeenStijl….

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Watch: Video of Biden Right After His PA Event Sparks Confusion and Outrage.

The vaccine and COVID messaging coming out of the White House are so confusing, nobody knows what the heck is going on right now.
Suddenly, we’re told that people who are vaccinated now need to wear masks because they’re spreading the virus.
Save Money While Supporting Conservatives, Check Out Mammoth Nation (30% Off) Pelosi now has a new “Mask Mandate” inside the House, and she’s even instructed her Capitol Police buddies to arrest people….

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Wash. police call new reform laws ‘confusing,’ say will lead to an increase in criminal activity.

A police vehicle follows behind a group of demonstrators near Pike Place Market as they protest the death of Daunte Wright on April 12, 2021 in Seattle, Washington. (David Ryder/Getty Images)
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 3:09 PM PT – Thursday, July 29, 2021
Law enforcement agencies in Washington state have continued to voice their concerns on a raft of police reform measures they say will handcuff their abilities. Recent reports detailed the laws, which were….

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Stew Peters Show: More Tests Say METAL in ‘Vaccine’ – Majority of Hospitalized ‘COVID’ Patients ‘Vaccinated’.

‘The Stew Peters Show’ July 29, 2021 – Stew is joined by Dr. Jim Meehan and Clay Clark discussing the contents of the ‘vaccines’, the reason for the push and the end game for those pushing testing and inoculation.
Dr. Scott Jensen is running for Governor of Minnesota, and joins Stew to reveal the full globalist assault he has endured. Dr. Jensen opines on some of today’s most polarized issues like election integrity, law….

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House GOP calls Biden, Pelosi leadership into question.

Surrounded by members of the House Republican Conference, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) speaks during a news conference outside the U.S. Capitol on July 29, 2021 in Washington, D.C. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 3:34 PM PT – Thursday, July 29, 2021
During a press conference on Thursday, top names in the GOP came down on Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) regarding their leadership or lack there of. House Minority Leader….

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[VIDEO] Doocy and Biden Get Into Testy Debate and Peter Trips Joe Up….

It doesn’t take a lot to trip up Joe Biden, that’s for sure.
However, what Peter Doocy did in just a few short seconds, was to show the world what a testy fraud and liar Joe Biden really is.
Save Money While Supporting Conservatives, Check Out Mammoth Nation (30% Off) As you know by now, Joe Biden and his Dem cohorts are pushing yet another mask mandate – telling vaccinated people that they need….

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Nieuwe data: volledig gevaccineerde personen lopen niet alleen COVID op, maar dragen ook meer virus bij zich waardoor ze ongevaccineerden infecteren.

Dr. Robet Malone zegt dat als de door NBC News onthulde gegevens juist zijn, zij suggereren dat het Covidvaccin ervoor zorgt dat het virus gevaarlijker wordt, meldt
In een interview op de War Room podcast waarschuwt Dr. Robert Malone, MD, MS Physician Scientist, de uitvinder van mRNA vaccintechnologie en RNA als geneesmiddel, dat de COVID-19 vaccins ervoor zorgen dat het virus “meer infectieus wordt.”

Na de brisante melding van NBC News, afkomstig van niet nader genoemde regeringsfunctionarissen, dat volledig….

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Capitol Police Are Told To Arrest Any Staffers And Visitors Who Don’t Have Masks On.

U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) have been ordered to arrest visitors and staffers not wearing masks on the House side of the Capitol complex.
USCP Chief Thomas Manger announced this in a new police memo that was obtained by a member of Congress, according to Fox News. While officers were told not to arrest members of Congress who refuse to wear masks, they will instead be directed to report the lawmakers’ noncompliance to the House….

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[VIDEO] Maskless GOP Reps Gather Inside Capitol Chamber, Tell Pelosi to Shove Her Mask Mandate.

There’s a battle brewing on Capitol Hill and it’s over the new mask mandate that Nancy Pelosi enacted in the House.
For some reason not yet clear, vaccinated people are being told they have to wear masks again.
Word has it that the CDC will be announcing that Vaccinated people are transmitting the Delta variant. [[[GET ON GETTR]]]
This is interesting since we don’t even have a “rapid Delta variant” test yet…so, not sure….

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Sen. McConnell: Country will benefit from common-sense infrastructure investment.

U.S. Senate Minority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) (L) and Senate Minority Whip Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) (R) arrive at a news briefing after a weekly Senate Republican Policy Luncheon at the U.S. Capitol on July 27, 2021 in Washington, D.C. (Alex Wong/Getty Images)
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 5:18 PM PT – Thursday, July 29, 2021
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said no legislator would think an infrastructure bill is….

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Is It Time For The ‘Good’ FBI Agents To Move To Another Agency?.

In my 20 year law enforcement career, I was never a giant fan of the FBI.  Most of the agents I came into contact with were arrogant pencil pushers who never sat in the driver seat of a black and white.  Don’t get me wrong, there were great agents too. Most of them had prior real law enforcement experience, but I’m sure there are good ones who have not. I’m not just going to….

Lees meer :€˜gooda€™-fbi-agents-to-move-to-another-agency/

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