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Rioting in France Over COVID Passport/Vaccine Certificate; French Farmers Spray Macron’s Home With Fecal Stuff.

Posted on July 26, 2021 AuthorEarthNewspaper.comComment(0) The Republican Guard, a security detail established to protect the President of France, have ALL resigned, and will no longer protect President Macron! The mass resignation comes on the heels of his Presidential Decree requiring French citizens to have and use a “Sanitary Passport” (i.e. Vaccine Certificate) or be denied access to stores, bars, even DENIED VOTING! Citizens are taking to the streets in almost every major city, literally battling….

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CNN Lemon & Cuomo Want You BANISHED From Society Unless You Get The Jab.

CNN Propagandists count on their viewers being stupid.
Many of them prove them right as they continue to watch these absolute clowns.
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They’re not serious people.
Just listen to what they say.
Don Lemon actually says “You have to obey the rules.” as he pushes propaganda that would violate the Constitution. The Constitution is literally the document that this country was founded upon, AKA the rules….

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Ariz. audit completes ballot recount, begins analysis.

Ballots are pulled aside for a hand audit by Maricopa County Elections Department staff ahead of Tuesdays election on October 31, 2020 in Phoenix, Arizona. (Courtney Pedroza/Getty Images)
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 11:57 AM PT – Friday, July 30, 2021
Election auditors in Arizona have completed the third and final recount of 2020 ballots and have now begun preparing their report. On Thursday, State Senate President Karen Fann (R) said the physical tabulation of ballots….

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Kamervragen over ‘schokkende’ coronavaccincontracten met Pfizer.

Deze week zijn de contracten die Albanië en Brazilië sloten met farmaceut Pfizer voor de levering van ‘coronavaccins’ gelekt. Forum voor Democratie heeft de contracten doorgespit en constateert: “De inhoud is schokkend.” De partij heeft Kamervragen gesteld.
“De overeenkomsten bevestigen ons vermoeden dat overheden wereldwijd, in de waan van een ‘pandemie’, met de meest krankzinnige voorwaarden akkoord zijn gegaan,” aldus FVD.
In de contracten valt onder meer te lezen dat Pfizer geen enkele verantwoordelijkheid aanvaardt voor eventuele bijwerkingen. De koper,….

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VNG gaat aankomende verkiezingen nieuw elektronisch telbaar stembiljet testen, maar lijkt nu al flop te worden.

De Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten (VNG) hoopt dat er bij de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen van volgend jaar voor het eerst geëxperimenteerd kan worden met elektronisch telbare stembiljetten. Dat klinkt leuk, maar wie het biljet bekijkt ziet dat er al snel veel mis kan gaan.
Het stembiljet lijkt in zijn huidige vorm als maar groter te worden, en dat maakt het tellen er niet makkelijker op. Op zich dus logisch dat er geëxperimenteerd gaat worden met een compacter, makkelijker te tellen stembiljet. Tot….

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[VIDEO] Americans Taken Aback, As Joe Appears to “Eat” Leftover Food Off His Chin During “Wildfire Briefing”.

Joe Biden has had a lot of really embarrassing moments on TV.
If I were to make a list, I’d be here all day and night…but we’ve all seen the blunders, and brain-freezes, lies, and wild stories time and time again.
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But what happened today, could be his worst one yet.
At the very least, it’s his most bizarre.
During an event to discuss wildfires,….

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Experts say some parts of U.S. may have reached peak infection, could see decreasing cases.

Former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb testifies during a Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee hearing. (Zach Gibson/Getty Images)
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 12:42 PM PT – Friday, July 30, 2021
Experts have suggested hot spots for COVID infections in the U.S. may have reached their peak. On Wednesday, former Food and Drug Administration commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb said the worst infection rates for many areas may already be behind them. He suggested the U.S.….

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Pfizer Projects $33 Billion in COVID Vaccine Revenues!.

Admin · Published July 29, 2021 · Updated July 29, 2021 July 29, 2021TOP NEWS OF THE DAY Pfizer Projects $33 Billion in COVID Vaccine Revenues, Driven by Boosters and Vaccines for Kids FDA Made ‘Dangerous Error’ by Advising Against COVID Antibody Testing USDA — Not Pesticide Companies — Should Regulate GMOs, Lawsuit Says Mother of 21-Year-Old Who Died After HPV Vaccine: Merck Filed False Report, CDC Failed to Investigate ‘Stop the Money Pipeline to Fossil Fuels’ — New….

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How Dangerous These COVID Vaccines Are (Photos of Strange Anomalies in Vaccinated & Blood Clots).

by Admin · Published July 29, 2021 · Updated July 29, 2021 Brighteon Source:

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Lake Oroville is Drying Out. Too Bad Kennedy’s NAWAPA Project Was NEVER Implemented By Our Politicians. (No Need to Worry About Crumbling Oroville Dam-There Soon Will Not Be Enough Water to Pose Any Threat!).

[embedded content] Leonard Dixon July 25 at 5:37 PM  ·  Lake Oroville, CA. The first photo is from 3 years ago. The 2nd photo was taken April 27 2021. The 3rd was taken last week. The North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWPA or NAWAPA, also referred to as NAWAPTA from proposed governing body the North American Water and Power Treaty Authority) was a proposed continental water management scheme conceived in the 1950s by the US Army Corps of Engineers. The planners envisioned….

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New Law In WA Could Be The End Of Proactive Policing, Put Public At Risk.

Washington state’s new House Bill 1054 just went into effect last weekend, and it is already proving to be a disaster. On Wednesday night, police in Washington were unable to use a K9 to track a murder suspect due to this new ‘police reform’ law. Woke law makers rushed a law with language making it very difficult for police to keep people safe, and now the people will suffer.
Dave “JD Buck Savage” Smith….

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Second largest Fla. county to require students to wear masks.

Families protest any potential mask mandates before the Hillsborough County Schools Board meeting held at the district office on July 27, 2021 in Tampa, Florida. (Octavio Jones/Getty Images)
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 1:30 PM PT – Friday, July 30, 2021
A potential legal battle is underway in Florida’s second largest county as a school district announced implementing another mask mandate. During an interview on Thursday, State Rep. Daniel Perez (R) said it should be left….

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Rep. McCarthy to Biden on rising inflation: Wake up.

U.S. House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) speaks during a news conference in front of the U.S. Capitol on July 27, 2021 in Washington, D.C. (Alex Wong/Getty Images)
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 1:08 PM PT – Friday, July 30, 2021
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has taken aim at Joe Biden over the rising inflation in the U.S. Speaking on the House floor on Friday, McCarthy criticized Biden’s comments at a CNN Town….

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GOP Reps. warn Dems on FTC pushing partisan policies, consolidating too much power.

U.S. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) speaks during a news conference in front of the U.S. Capitol on July 27, 2021 in Washington, D.C. (Alex Wong/Getty Images)
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 2:02 PM PT – Friday, July 30, 2021
A group of House Republicans set their sights on the Federal Trade Commission, saying it’s in the middle of trying to expand its authority in a partisan matter. According to the Washington Examiner on Wednesday, Reps. Jim Jordan….

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#PfizerLEAK – Author of Viral Twitter Post Validates Document LIVE on Stew Peters Show.

EXCLUSIVE! Ehden Biber, author of the viral Twitter post #PfizerLeak, joined Stew Peters, who pressed Biber on the authenticity of the documents.
Biber explained how he was able to verify that the contract between Pfizer and world governments was, indeed, signed by representatives of the pharma giant and government agents.
The thread can be seen at:
The contract can be viewed at

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Globalist WARNING! Keep Your Kids AWAY From Their Grandparents!.

Don’t allow your children to keep their grandparents away from their hobbies and away from earning a paycheck!
DeAnna Lorraine joins Stew Peters for ‘Shots Fired’, revealing the newest ‘health warning’ from the globalist cabal.

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MORE NEWS: #PfizerLEAK – Author of Viral Twitter Post Validates Document LIVE on Stew Peters Show
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Sen. Graham, Rep. Cuellar hold press conference on Biden border crisis.

U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) speaks on southern border security and illegal immigration, during a news conference at the U.S. Capitol on July 30, 2021 in Washington, D.C.  (Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 3:29 PM PT – Friday, July 30, 2021
Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) held a joint press conference on the border crisis where they both agreed that something has to change at the southern border. Cuellar,….

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VACCINE FAILURE! Patients Hospitalized, Dying Mostly FULLY ‘VACCINATED’!.

The data doesn’t lie.
Dr. Jane Ruby joined Stew Peters to reveal that the “Delta Variant” may not be the killer, but that the ‘vaccines’ are likely causing the trauma being treated at hospitals.
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MORE NEWS: Globalist WARNING! Keep Your Kids AWAY From Their Grandparents! See all of Stew’s content at StewPeters.TV
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Are Vaccine Passports….

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Fla. Gov. DeSantis issues executive order allowing parents to reject masks for children.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speaks holding his facemask during a press conference to address the rise of coronavirus cases in the state, at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, on July 13, 2020. (CHANDAN KHANNA/AFP via Getty Images)
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 3:50 PM PT – Friday, July 30, 2021
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) signed an executive order saying parents can decide whether their kids should wear masks in the classroom. On Friday, DeSantis said….

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[VIDEO] Congressional Candidate Mike Collins Just Made The Greatest 4-Second Political Ad of All Time .

In yet another bizarre moment, Joe Biden recently told the world that he used to drive an 18-wheeler semi-truck.
Yep, and his CB handle was “Butt Wiper.” ***FOLLOW US ON TELEGRAM*** More from Red Voice Media
Just kidding, I made that part up – but he really did say he drove an 18-wheeler, which came straight outta left field.
The man has been in politics for nearly three 50 years – what is he….

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