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Everyone’s jumping ship!
👇🏻Shocking! 😡
“In recent months, the United States has been increasingly pumping Ukraine with various types of weapons in order for the acute phase of the conflict to last as long as possible. As they say, "to the last Ukrainian." But this is far from the only and, if viewed from a strategic position, not the most important article of American exports. Washington has been nurturing Nazi movements in Ukraine for many years and regularly supplies homegrown National Socialists to create a "new Reich" in the center of Europe.”
According to a multiple-case study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology Case Reports earlier this year, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database contained a total of 915 reported cases of alopecia, 67 of alopecia areata, one of alopecia totalis and eight of alopecia universalis associated with Covid vaccines…
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The longterm adverse effects of Aluminium in vaccines.
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Mary Holland, alerts everyone of how the usual suspects have been planning and rehearsing pandemics to push us into the WHO becoming a One World control centre…

It’s time to say NO‼️
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Not the first time cartoons spell out the truth…!
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‼️Commander of Aidar Battalion D. Muryga confessed he carried out terrorist attacks on the DPR.
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Italian Health Minister is received with screams of ‘murderer’!

Italians have had enough!
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Ex-Sky & ITV News Executive Mark Sharman On How Media Was Warned To 'Not Question The Official Government Line.’

'It created an environment which led to the biggest assault on freedom of speech and democracy I’ve known in my lifetime.”
Forwarded from Insider Paper
ALERT: Russia has developed its own anti-drone laser capability and is already using it in Ukraine, Vice Prime Minister of Russia, Yury Borisov, claimed in an interview on Wednesday.

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It will be a miracle if we get to defeat the evil forces that have ruled the world for centuries, but I’ve always believed in miracles. Life itself is a miracle.

I don’t know how, or when, but I have an unwavering faith that humanity will finally set itself free.

Never had so many realised what so few were up to and this is the key to victory; the realisation of the deception, the ilusion, the manipulation and ultimately the criminal attack on humanity.

Not only do they want us dead, they want those who survive to be soulless transhumans, at the service of their dystopian new world order.

This truly is humanity’s last chance to freedom, so let’s not only believe in miracles, let’s ask ourselves what can we do to make the miracle happen.

Contrary to what it may seem, the real power is not held by the few at the top, but by the many at the bottom, our compliance keeps them in power, our non-compliance will bring them down like a house of cards.
So stop complying!
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Goodnight my friends!
Thank you for one more day of companionship on this journey! ❤️
There is no greater contribution to the future of the world, than raising a strong, kind hearted, courageous human being.

At a time when women have been so horribly corrupted in their souls that they fight for the right to kill their unborn child, I wish to express my deepest respect to all those mothers that understand that their role as a nurturer, as a guide, as a mentor and an educator of the next generation, is in fact, the most important role there is.

I have met many succesful women in business, but I have much greater admiration for those that choose to stay home and bring up their kids. There is no job in the world that requires more skills, more dedication, more intelligence and more creativity, than being a mum.

I so wish that one day women will understand that we have a gift, a wonderful, miracle gift, of creating another life inside of us, and that it is our duty, our mission and our most important role, to make sure this new life grows to be the best human being it can be. There is nothing we can do in this world more spiritually rewarding than that.

Let’s understand and claim our contribution to the universe for what it is - the most important there is.
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To the lucky mums that get help from their cats! 🤣😍
Good morning! ❤️
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There is no mission impossible for this cat! 🤩
‼️Monkeypox - Another Planned Event‼️

There is never, it seems, an event, without prior planning and rehearsal. In the same way that Event 201 served as Covid’s dress rehearsal, it seems that ‘Monkeypox’ has been planned and rehearsed too.

Not only did Gates announce it months ago as a possible bioweapon, the vaccines are already ready!

And check out this table top exercise by NTI from last year, which looks at a possible biothreat scenario which happens to be Monkeypox starting in May 2022!!! 😱