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Germany: Dogs must be walked twice a day under new rule
"Pets are not cuddly toys," German Agricultural Minister Julia Klöckner said. The new rules, if passed, would also limit the number of dogs owned by breeders and introduce maximum temperature for pets' living quarters. -
France has reported a sharp rise in the number of coronavirus cases - 4,771 - up a thousand on Wednesday's figure. It is the first time more than 4,000 daily cases have been seen since May.
Meanwhile Spain, Germany and Italy have also recorded their highest numbers of cases since late April or May. -
A plane with German specialists and equipment necessary to transfer Navalny landed at Omsk airport on Friday morning, prepared to take the politician to a top clinic in Berlin. But doctors at the Siberian hospital said his condition was too unstable to transport him. -
Coronavirus cases linked to the Sturgis motorcycle rally in South Dakota last week have now reached across state lines to Nebraska, public health officials said.
At least seven Covid-19 cases in Nebraska's Panhandle region have been tied to the rally -
"Helpless Means You Can't Do Anything. There's a Lot We Can Do."
In an interview with DER SPIEGEL, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Donald Trump's pandemic adviser, discusses the anger of his opponents, his relationship with the president, mistakes made in the effort to contain the spread of COVID-19 and his cautious optimism that a vaccine will be available soon. -
Kids are still taking pretty big risks, according to several new studies of youthful behavior from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Teenagers are only using condoms about half the time when they have sex, they're not always wearing seat belts when they drive, more than a third admit to texting while driving and a third are vaping, the CDC's annual survey of teens found. -
For three years, QAnon spread from the dark edges of the internet to mainstream social networks, and the social networks did little to stop it happening. Now Facebook and Twitter are trying to crack down — but it may be too late. What was once a fringe conspiracy theory has now been openly endorsed by some congressional candidates with a real shot of winning, and complimented by the President of the United States. -
A group of people are to receive €1,200 'universal basic income' per month for three years in a new German study.
Germany is launching a new trial to find out how universal basic income affects the attitude and lives of those who receive it.
As part of the Pilotprojekt Grundeinkommen (Basic Income Pilot Project) study, 120 people will receive €1,200 each month for three years. -
Three pop concerts are being staged on one day in Germany to enable scientists to investigate the risks of such mass indoor events during the pandemic.
Some 4,000 healthy volunteers aged between 18 and 50 were urged to sign up for Saturday's study in Leipzig, carried out by Halle University.
Singer-songwriter Tim Bendzko agreed to perform at all three successive gigs.
The study came as Germany recorded its highest number of Covid-19 infections since the end of April. -
A South African who was thought to be the oldest man in the world has died at the age of 116.
Fredie Blom's identity documents showed he was born in Eastern Cape province in May 1904, although that was never verified by Guinness World Records.
When he was teenager, his entire family was wiped out by the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic. He went on to survive two world wars and apartheid. -
Dry rooms and air-conditioned indoor spaces hike Covid-viral infection, conclude Indian and German researchers in their meta-study. They're urging optimum humidity standards for building interiors and public transport. -
A survey has found that 76% of Germans think Europe's relations with the US would improve under Democrat Joe Biden's leadership. A January study showed that Germany's confidence in President Trump is relatively low. -
Girls in the rural areas of Tanzania are often trapped in a cycle that includes female genital mutilation, forced marriage and teen pregnancy. Women in the country are now fighting to free the next generation from the suffering and oppression.
World’s largest urban rooftop farm in progress. A company in Paris is transforming roofs and abandoned urban areas into spaces which are covered in plants. The project aims to be "a global model for sustainable production".
Private households and elderly care homes are responsible for most of Germany's coronavirus transmissions, a study by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) for infectious diseases has shown.
The study, published on Friday, found that the majority of coronavirus outbreaks in Germany are found in the home, with an outbreak infecting an average of 3.2 people. In these instances, transmission probably only occurred among other family members, the study said.
Nursing homes for the elderly are the second most affected by the pandemic, but the risk of widespread infection is much higher, with an outbreak resulting in an average of almost 19 other infections. -
The Berlin hospital treating the seriously ill Russian opposition leader, Alexei Navalny, says he appears to have been poisoned.
The Charité hospital released a statement saying "clinical evidence suggests an intoxication through a substance belonging to the group of cholinesterase inhibitors".
His condition was "serious but not life-threatening" the statement said. -