General Flynn ️
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I’m hearing YouTube may have taken the interview off line. If they did, don’t be surprised.
I know this attached quote has made the social media rounds before but after reading the Maricopa County forensic audit report again, I find this quote even more serious. We need to forensically audit every state in these United States, and we need to do this now.
“Loudoun County has become a microcosm for the issues tearing parents and teachers all over America apart.

The school board has been repeatedly accused of ignoring parents' concerns and vilifying anyone who challenges their view.

Teachers have quit in outrage over the proposed changes and they say the school board is trying to force CRT and transgender issues onto the kids.

It is a snapshot of what is happening all over the country.”

I am for this father 🙏🏼🇺🇸
Let’s not let this be our generation’s theme song!
#FightBack Foundation is paying attorney’s fees for an important GA election case presently pending in the 11th Circuit. The case is legally solid. It is based on the GA legislature not adopting the 2020 changes in the election procedures. The foundation needs your help. Please consider donating to to help the GA lawfare battle being waged by Mr. Lin Wood and his team of lawyers…winning this important case helps America’s cause for election reforms.
Parents, you are to blame if you place your children’s lives in the hands of “teachers” exposing our kids to this sheer psycho-babble nonsense.
The main stream media needs to stop calling American Patriotic citizens conspiracy theorists…this isn’t a theory, this is a conspiracy and the left (Democratic Party) and much of the RINO establishment is in bed with this BS…don’t think you’ll get away with it.
This below is a reply I received (among very many), I found it spot on…drives home the point that;

Local Action = National Impact

If and when they need us to actually physically fight, they would sound the alarm and we would answer the call. We are not at that point yet. The DS wants you to start a war...... that is not what we need right now. We need to keep pushing forward with disobedience, non compliance and grass roots activism. Be vocal. Be heard and seen. Keep pushing back. More and more people are waking up and joining the movement. Together we are strong, divided we are weak. Stay strong patriots, the people have the power!”
Interesting theory…

“It’s far more likely that "Guccifer 2.0" is former CIA Director John Brennan than a Russian intelligence cut-out.”
Agent Barnett was the lead agent for Crossfire Hurricane…must be some seriously guilty people starting to speak out again.