Marjorie Taylor Greene
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✝️ Christian
🍑 Georgia 14’s Congresswoman
♥️ Mother of 3
💼 Successful Business Woman
🇺🇸 Save America and Stop Communism
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I spent time this weekend writing a letter to all of my Republican colleagues laying out clearly why we need a new Speaker of the House.

Mike Johnson has surrendered to Joe Biden at every turn and is no different than Nancy Pelosi.

He has funded the left’s radical agenda time and time again!

The Leader of the Republican Party just told the truth about the FISA bill that Speaker Johnson is bringing to the floor.

Johnson already fully funded the DOJ that wants a death sentence for Trump, is he going to continue to give the deep state the tools to kill Trump?


The State Department and DOJ has been calling members urging a vote to reauthorize FISA without strong warrant requirements for Americans.

When the deep state is whipping votes there is a major problem.

Media is too big
Republicans do not believe in warrantless spying on Americans.

Speaker Mike Johnson is urging members to reauthorize FISA after President Trump said: KILL FISA.

It’s like asking the Deep State to hold itself accountable after it has abused the American people’s trust.

I’m calling for Speaker Johnson to allow for open rules and allow votes on ALL amendments for FISA.

That’s a rule that he could actually get passed.

Law enforcement can get a warrant against a threat, we don’t need FISA.


Reauthorizing FISA is not the priority, securing the border is.

We need a United States Congress that is focused on our border!

Media is too big
We need an open rule to make FISA reauthorization as transparent as possible.

The people claiming we need warrantless spying on Americans to keep our country safe should be focused on securing our border and deporting the terrorists already here!

That’s what I’m focused on.

The rule to move forward on FISA was defeated. But FISA is alive and well.

We haven’t voted on the bill yet, and it’s likely we’ll see it under suspension (breaking the rules to pass it with Democrat support) sometime soon. It unfortunately has not been defeated.

Speaker Johnson said in our conference meeting this afternoon that he will try to move forward on it tomorrow.

Today’s rule would have allowed a vote on the Jordan amendment to force warrants on FISA surveillance. Which I support.

But I want to be clear, I will not support any version of FISA that doesn’t protect Americans from spying by our own government.

I support Warren Davidson’s bill that would FULLY protect American citizens from spying and I urge Speaker Johnson to allow this as an amendment and any others to move forward in an OPEN RULE.

The American people deserve transparency in this process.

If we can’t protect our citizens from their own government, then FISA SHOULD DIE!

Media is too big
This is the truth about abortion.

It KILLS a baby. It's not just murder, it affects everyone involved.

As Arizona tries to pass a law that will allow abortion up until birth, everyone should think about the truth of abortion.

Media is too big
I’m against the reauthorization of FISA altogether.

I disagree with the people telling President Trump that this “new” version of FISA is A-OK.

I do not trust giving the Biden administration the ability to spy on any of us.


Media is too big
Do you trust Biden’s Department of Justice to hold the FBI accountable?

I don’t trust the government, but I do believe in upholding the constitutional rights of Americans.

The government should not spy on Americans without a warrant.


I support President Trump and am working as hard as possible to help him win in November and winning a Republican House and Senate majority.

But I do not support Speaker Johnson.

He funded the DOJ, FBI, and today voted against warrant requirements and FOR FISA!!

The April 15th tax deadline is two days away.

The U.S. federal government collects an average of $4.7 trillion annually from Americans and this is the result of your hard earned tax dollars.

It’s absolutely shameful.

We should slash half the size of the federal government and empower the states.

Pray for Israel! 🙏

Biden gave Iran access to $10 BILLION after Hamas attacked Israel.

Now Iran has launched an attack on Israel.

How much money do the U.S. taxpayers have to pay now after this weekends Iranian activities?

How much money will Zelenskyy get because obviously Ukraine first?

Were any innocent people injured/killed from Iran apparently saving face?

How about our military members who courageously defended Israel?

Will Biden be releasing billions more to Iran to appease them?

When will the Biden admin actually defend our border?

Why do I feel like this week is going to be another week of America last?

Media is too big
I completely agree.

Speaker Johnson is calling my motion to vacate a “distraction” and “not helpful to our party.”

In reality, a Republican elected Speaker who fully funds and supports the Democrat’s agenda is destroying our party and will cause us to LOSE the majority.

Are we going to vote to bring back sanctions on Iran like we had under Pres Trump and freeze their money?

Because that worked.

Has Biden’s FBI been rounding up the people chanting “death to America” in Michigan and Chicago?

Or are they still just locking up J6’ers?

April 15th - Tax Day

As Americans pay their hard earned tax dollars to the federal government that has enslaved them in $34.6 Trillion in debt, left us unprotected from a continual deadly border invasion & rampant crime & drugs, and perpetual government policies that are actively destroying our future, Congress returns to send close to $100 billion more to fund foreign wars.

I will not vote for the never ending America last model of failure that Americans hate and has rightfully given Congress a 13% approval rating.

There are winning solutions to all of these problems when Washington remembers who pays for everything and who they took an oath to serve.

Stormy Daniels said the affair never happened and Michael Cohen committed perjury and is a serial liar.

This political show trial shouldn’t be happening!
