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Fighting for POTUS45 🇺🇸

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Liz Harrington: “We can’t let them get away with this. If you let a bunch of communists steal an election, they don’t suddenly get better. They don’t suddenly stop and say, ‘oh let’s just go back to normal.

No, they’ll say half the country are domestic terrorists. They’ll start raiding journalists apartments. They’ll start raiding the apartments of the former president’s lawyer and top attorney. I mean they’ll start stripping away lawyer’s law license….

They want to silence dissent. They want to silence the other side. They want to smear and label you… They want to literally make it illegal for you to run against them in the next election…

We have to get to the bottom of it. We have to have consequences for people who broke the law and we need the true real results, otherwise we won’t have real true results ever again.”

Absolutely. We need to fix 2020, but this doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t vote.

We need to vote like our lives depend on it.
Forwarded from MistyG
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Dan Crenshaw is imploding..

A constituate asks what he’s personally done to help any of the J6 prisoners being denied due process.

🤡 “If I went and saw them, it would gain a lot of attention for ME and do nothing for THEM.. unless you want a performance”

Is he suggesting that MTG, Matt Gaetz and Louis Gohermt speaking out on their behalf is political theater?
Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
Ray Epps is going to be speaking with the unselect committee on Friday.
It's thanks to citizen journalists that he hasn't escaped the limelight. Bravo anons.
Funny that certain people are attacking Ron DeSantis based on fake news articles, all using anonymous sources. None of these articles mention any names…

“A former Trump aide said…”
“According to sources…”

Look at the outlets above - Washington Post, Newsweek, NY Magazine, Newsweek, the Daily Beast, etc etc.

Did anyone take the time to click into these articles? Did they check the sources used? Or did they see a few headlines that fit their narrative and promote fake news themselves…

Of course the fake news is pushing division between DeSantis & Trump. Clearly they have some disagreements, but does that mean they are enemies? No.

Divided you are weak.
Divided you fight each other.
Divided you pose no threat.

Don’t let the fake news getcha!
Forwarded from Dan Scavino 🇺🇸
Regarding Trump/DeSantis:

Find me the source of either of their quotes. You can’t because all of the fake stream media has quoted it as anonymous. They do this to conjure fake stories and create fake dissent.

This is one of the most important election years of our lives. They would love nothing more than to create a strong divide in the party that is set to take back all positions of power. Don’t fall for their lame tactics. We’ve seen this time and time again.

Trump & DeSantis are both Patriots. 🇺🇸
The Unselect Committee has issued subpoenas for Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Jenna Ellis & Boris Epshteyn 🍿
Forwarded from Pepe Deluxe (Pepe Deluxe)
It's not about me...if it were I would quit right now

We get treated worse than every group that backs President Trump

We get attacked the most and we get the least support

We talk about all the things nobody else talks about that is happening

We have been light years ahead of the Media

We tie in every little thing happening like the El Paso Shooter and his dad's history and uncovering the false flags

We do all the lifting and digging and redpilling....and get no praise or respect from even the Steve Bannons,

Look how much Karli and all of us promote and support him

That's ok though....we've been here since the beginning

We have been condemned by Congress, blamed by Joe Biden, portrayed as Terrorists by the media, outlawed on Facebook and Twitter, attacked by armies of robots, CIA plants, and FBI visits to scare us

Not to mention the spiritual aspect

Anons are forever my favorite people on Earth and forever will be
Media is too big
Adam Schiff & the Unselect Committee just can’t seem to get their hands on those pesky documents from the Trump administration.

The National Archives is supposed to turn the documents over tomorrow at 6:00pm, but Pencilneck doesn’t seem too confident.

Schifty is hoping that they move “very quickly” and with “swiftness”.

What’s the rush, Liddle Adam? Panic much?
Forwarded from ✞ Dr C 17 ✞ (IET 17 ⭐️⭐️⭐️)
I’m convinced this is to wake people up.
Like how ridiculous of a thing to write as an article
Man's agonizing penis pain is found to be rare side effect of COVID
Forwarded from StormyPatriotJoe ️️️ Channel (Stormy Patriot Joe)
We Protected the Vote for Trump in 2016 in FL

We Protected the Vote for DeSantis in 2018 in FL

We Protected the Vote for Trump in 2020 in FL

Now do your state

Maybe some need to look in the mirror
Media is too big
Jamie Raskin, who blamed his son’s suicide on President Trump, is excited because the National Archives is set to release 4 pages of documents from the Trump administration.

“The system is now working in that we’re going to get all of that information and we’re going to be able to look and see what kinds of activities was the Executive Branch involved in. To what extent was there official involvement in these various attacks on our democracy and you know, I’ve divided it into a riot, insurrection and a coup, and I think we need to find out to what extent the executive branch of government was involved in each level of this attack on America.”

Various attacks on democracy?

Wait, I thought the J6 committee was merely investigating the “attack” on the Capitol?
Forwarded from CannCon (CannCon)
Trump vs Twitter. NCSWIC.
Good morning Patriots 🇺🇸

Happy Birthday to my bro @Patri0tsareincontr0l.

He is a great brother, a great anon and a great Patriot! If you feel so inclined, please wish him a Happy Birthday 🥳

You can find his channel here. Give him a birthday follow 👇🏼
Forwarded from Jon Herold
Remember Trump's EO 13799: Establishment of Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity

Check out their mission and the definitions then think about how the Democrats stole the election in 2020 (at least the evidence we have seen out of WI, AZ, etc..). Also remember it was Marc Elias leading the effort that eventually led to the commission being shut down.

Trump has known how they operate since May of 2017. There is no way they weren't ready for it in November of 2020.

Plus we still have the machines themselves to think about.
Forwarded from Praying Medic (Dave Hayes)
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Boris Johnson announces the end of covid vaccine passports and mask requirements in the UK.
Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
UK has abandoned passports.
Omicron shattered their vaccine passport/Infinite booster plan into a thousand pieces.
Where's the black pilled and doomers now??
Hope is on the horizon! Never give up!
Eyes on. False flag potentially incoming?

[They] need a narrative change, and they are willing to kick off a full scale war in order to do it.

“Lieutenant Colonel” Alexander Vindman was on MSNBC this morning calling for the United States to send troops to Ukraine to support them against an attack from Russia.

The military industrial complex is itching for war. Let’s see what happens.
Forwarded from Praying Medic (Dave Hayes)
Be careful what you ask for.