Tracy Beanz
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Investigative Journalist and Editor in Chief at Host of the Dark to Light Podcast, every M-W-F at 2:30 ET on all major podcasting platforms. Opinions shared here are mine alone and do not necessarily represent those of my company.
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Welp, I was a little early but . . .
Forwarded from General Flynn ️
Chase Bank has gone full blown woke! They need to deal with their own reputation instead of persecuting my family and I. DOJ dropped my case for their own egregious government misconduct, appears you weren’t that lucky with the DOJ. I guess my America First political views don’t align with yours. Your loss 💪🏼🙏🏼🇺🇸
Forwarded from General Flynn ️
I miss you so much, Pressley 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻
Forwarded from Audit the Vote PA (Toni Shuppe)
UPDATE: Senator Judy Ward just stood on the side of truth. We're down to 13 on the list now. We already have challengers for 2 on this list. We won't be announcing them yet. 😉 Let's make these swamp critters sweat a little bit.

See how fast we can separate the good guys from the bad guys? Less than 24 hours ago I made this original post.

CORRECTION: My original post had only 8 Senators...there are actually 14. See correction below.

There are 14 Republican Senators who we have the ability to primary as early as May of 2022. Here they are in the order I think we should work to get them out of office.

1. Senator Jake Corman (a.k.a. Jake the Snake)
2. Senator Ryan P. Aument
3. Senator Camera Bartolotta
4. Senator Bob Mensch
5. Senator Pat Browne
6. Senator Mario Scavello
7. Senator Robert "Tommy" Tomlinson
8. Senator Lisa Baker
9. Senator Michele Brooks
10. Senator Pat Stefano
11. Senator Kristin Phillips-Hill
12. Senator John Yudichak
13. Senator Chris Gebhard

Unless these Senators come forward and publicly back Senator Mastriano's efforts for the audit/investigation of the 2020 election that has now been hijacked by Jake Corman and Kim Ward, we are going to actively seek candidates to primary them. These Senators all know what's been going on behind closed doors in Harrisburg and unless they come forward and take a stand against Senator Corman's mob boss tactics, they are complicit and part of the problem.

If you are in any of their districts and have an interest in running, please reach out to us at Audit The Vote PA. We have a constitutional consent form from Restore Liberty that we will ask all candidates to sign before we agree to help you seek office, but once we find the right candidate, we will do anything we can to support you and get you to unseat a SWAMP politician.

Even with a rigged election system, we can still do this. That was one of our questions for President Trump and his answer was, they can only cheat so much before they'll get caught...and make no mistake, WE WILL CATCH THEM!

So those 14 Senators are being put on notice. Back Mastriano and tell the truth about what's really going on in Harrisburg, or start looking for a new job. We're done being nice. It's time to clean house.

#WeAreComing4You #AuditTheVotePA 💥🙏🇺🇸
Forwarded from Audit the Vote PA (Karen Taylor)
Word from Senator Judy Ward:

Update on the Forensic Investigation into Elections

Last week, the Senate State Government Committee questioned the Acting Secretary of State on the post-election audits.

Since I am not a member of the State Government Committee, I was not able to participate and question her. My colleague Senator Doug Mastriano, who does sit on the committee and has been at the forefront of election integrity, questioned the Acting Secretary’s decision to decertify Fulton County’s voting machines after local officials granted third-party access for a review of their election processes.

Her action to decertify is very troubling. The election code clearly articulates counties are charged with administering elections and have the authority to investigate irregularities – whether real or perceived.

At the same hearing, the Acting Secretary of State Veronica Degraffenreid said: “Voters, the election of 2020 is done. It’s over.”

The Wolf Administration continues to disregard the many Pennsylvania voters that have lost faith in our election process including many of you who have reached out.

The case for auditing the election is unmistakably well-defined. In the days and weeks leading up to the election, the Pennsylvania Department of State fundamentally and repeatedly altered the way Pennsylvania’s election were conducted.

The constantly changing guidance delivered to counties not only directly contradicted the Election Code language the department is obligated to uphold, but it also conflicted with the department’s own court filings as well as decisions of both the Pennsylvania Supreme Court and the United States Supreme Court.

The department systematically worked to undermine the security features embedded in our Election Code. People voting in person were held to a higher standard than those who mailed in their ballots.

A disorderly 2020 General Election was followed by a confusing 2021 Primary Election. We must work to counter the damage that has been done to the integrity and confidence in our election process. I will continue to fight to uphold Pennsylvania law as it was written, not as it was interpreted by a hyper-partisan Department of State or state Supreme Court.

As a member of the Senate Intergovernmental Relations Committee, I am eager to move forward with this review and get the answers you deserve. As I have stated previously, I continue to support a forensic investigation which Senator Mastriano brought forth and the use of subpoenas where needed. I assure you that I am doing my best to see this process through to restore election integrity for my constituents and all residents of the Commonwealth.
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NEW - Dr. Fauci: "I believe that mandating vaccines for children to appear in school is a good idea."

Forwarded from JovanHuttonPulitzer (JovanHutton Pulitzer)
Media is too big
Marine Officer Stuart Scheller, who was relieved of command after speaking out and asking for accountability from his senior command because of mistakes made in Afghanistan posted a video on YouTube today. I shared the link but also grabbed it in case it’s taken down @TracyBeanzOfficial
I got one of these shirts I mentioned on the podcast. Here’s the link
I’m praying for the people in Louisiana this evening 🙏
Forwarded from General Flynn ️
Twitter bans many strong conservative truth telling voices and allows this total unadulterated propaganda!!! Look at the thugs standing around this guy. This is a metaphor for our own US Media and the lies they spread about everything (they should seriously reconsider the positions they are taking). They are owned and puppet-speak whatever their masters tell them. God Help Us All!!!

PS., get off twitter ASAP! Leave them in the dustbin of history.
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