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Digging for clues and barking out a lot of patriot stuff. God is Sovereign.
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Forwarded from We The Media (AwakenedOutlaw ⭐️⭐️⭐️ & OutlawJW on Gab)
This was always about the accumulation of more money & power and never about saving the planet.

And if you haven't figured that out yet then you're 1) stupid, and 2) arguably deserving of being enslaved by them.
Some Dots are sobering to Connect.

Research is emerging that OPIOD abuse and ALCOHOL abuse are SIGNIFICANT CO-MORBIDITIES for severe Covid 19 disease and death , even 10.2 TIMES THE RISK, compared to those infected, but with no abuse issues.

Was AMERICA’s OPOID CRISIS part of their Plan? To make AMERICANS even MORE susceptible to the virus?

We KNOW that the CCP supplies the deadly fentanyl crossing our borders.
We ALSO KNOW President Trump Fought Hard against opioid devastation, including holding US Big Pharma and Pharmacies ACCOUNTABLE.

So 4 Arkansas inmates were “deceived”, and given an experimental medication, without being told what it really was, and “without their consent?”

Great- FIGHT FOR THEIR RIGHTS of medical freedom, ACLU, and then?

DO LIKEWISE for 329,999,996 OTHER AMERICANS, who are being MANDATED to take an EXPERIMENTAL drug, against our will.

Still have questions about Trump and his support of the vaccine?
I do.

But I think this guy’s analogy makes the most sense.
We are in a WAR TIME situation to save our Country right now, and after complete Victory?

There will be a time when we WILL know more of the WHY re this and other issues.
In the meantime? Trump has MORE than earned our trust and he deserves the benefit of the doubt. “Now we know in part…but then shall we know fully” II Cor 13:12
NOW are the Drops making Moar sense?

Search “Voter ID” Results:

“How do you 'show' the public the truth?
How do you 'safeguard' US elections post-POTUS?
How do you 'remove' foreign interference and corruption and install US-owned voter ID law(s) and other safeguards?
It had to be this way.
Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light. “

“2019 push Voter ID based on verifiable intel (fraud).
2020+ safeguarded.”

"Trump has periodically called for stricter voter ID laws, which advocates warn could restrict ballot access in low-income communities, students and people of color."
Like Clockwork.
ID required (when)?
Sheep follow the most absurd arguments.
D_party voter corruption on display.”

“What about voter ID laws?
Photo ID? When is it necessary and must be presented? Make a list. Laugh.

“Why are there no voting ID laws in place?
What do you need an ID for? List. Compare. Laugh.
What is the argument for not allowing voter ID laws to be enacted?”
NOW are the Drops making Moar sense?

Search “Voter ID”

“What about VOTER ID laws?
Photo ID? When is it necessary and must be presented? Make a list. Laugh.

“Why are there no voting ID laws in place?
What do you need an ID for? List. Compare. Laugh.
What is the argument for not allowing VOTER ID laws to be enacted?”

“2019 push VOTER ID based on verifiable intel (fraud).
2020+ safeguarded.”

"Trump has periodically called for stricter VOTER ID laws, which advocates warn could restrict ballot access in low-income communities, students and people of color."
Like Clockwork.
ID required (when)?
Sheep follow the most absurd arguments.
D_party voter corruption on display.”

How do you 'show' the public the truth?
How do you 'safeguard' US elections post-POTUS?
How do you 'remove' foreign interference and corruption and install US-owned VOTER ID law(s) and other safeguards?
It had to be this way.
Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light. “
Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.
Crimes against children unite all humanity [cross party lines]?
Difficult truths.
Forwarded from Liberty Overwatch (Patriot)
Steve Bannon Is on to Something and the NYT Is Worried: ‘Local Races Are the Ventilation Shaft in the Republican Death Star’

In a recent cringe-filled left-stream article, the NYT focuses on the power of local elections and warns Dems that they need a Plan B as Republicans use the “local action = national impact” strategy to take back the country. Ezra Klein writes:

“This week, I half-jokingly asked Ben Wikler, the chairman of the Wisconsin Democratic Party, what it felt like to be on the front lines of protecting American democracy. He replied, dead serious, by telling me what it was like. He spends his days obsessing over mayoral races in 20,000-person towns, because those mayors appoint the city clerks who decide whether to pull the drop boxes for mail-in ballots and [it’s] small changes to electoral administration that could be the difference between winning Senator Ron Johnson’s seat in 2022… and losing the race and the Senate. Wikler is organizing volunteers to staff phone banks to recruit people who believe in democracy to serve as municipal poll workers, because Steve Bannon has made it his mission to recruit people who don’t believe in democracy to serve as municipal poll workers.

I’ll say this for the right: They pay attention to where the power lies in the American system, in ways the left sometimes doesn’t. Bannon calls this ‘the precinct strategy,’ and it’s working. ‘Suddenly, people who had never before showed interest in party politics started calling the local G.O.P. headquarters or crowding into county conventions, eager to enlist as precinct officers,’ ProPublica reports. ‘They showed up in states Trump won and in states he lost, in deep-red rural areas, in swing-voting suburbs and in populous cities.’

‘If you want to fight for the future of American democracy, you shouldn’t spend all day talking about the future of American democracy,’ Wikler said. ‘These local races that determine the mechanics of American democracy are the ventilation shaft in the Republican death star. These races get zero national attention. They hardly get local attention. Turnout is often lower than 20 percent. That means people who actually engage have a superpower.’”

Source ⚠️ NYT
Learn more🔎 Become a Precinct Committeeman

Looks like some successful sports legends have been “asked” to put political pressure on a US Senator, re voting legislation that a HUGE MAJORITY of Americans, from Both parties, is AGAINST.

Just WHO is calling in these chits?
“ when the vaccines first came out in January 2021 and they started injecting people, THOUSANDS of people DIED and they KNOWINGLY covered it up “

Critical Info re Vax COVERUP:

Did you wonder WHY Pfizer wanted to wait 55 YEARS to disclose the “safety” tests of the vaccine?

Thanks to the courts, all info is coming out NOW, and HERE it is.

WATCH and SHARE to SAVE HUMANITY. (yea I know, it sounds like hyperbole, and yea it’s Alex, but Truth is Truth)
Forwarded from 1st Amendment Praetorian
There's going to come a time by soon when the communists realize that their takeover via scamdemic didn't work.

They will try to blame it on faulty numbers, bad info, anything but the truth.

But never forget: The initial projections from the Kings College London were exponentially wrong from the get go.

The guy who is responsible for the projections used to justify lockdowns believed his own projections so little that he broke the lockdown he created to meet a married woman for a tryst.

Yet the powers that be, the elites, our brave and intellectual "betters" continued using the same shop guilty of projections that were horrendously wrong over and over and over again.

They blacklisted, censored and ridiculed some of the world's leading minds in epidemiology, evolutionary biology, front line doctors and pathologists.

All in favor of taking their cues from a lifelong bureaucrat who hasn't seen a patient in decades - certainly no coof patients - and who has a decades-long history of fucking things up on a grande scale (and torturing orphans & puppies).

When it came time to investigate the Level 4 Biofacilty that JUST HAPPENED to be in the same city as the virus outbreak, said bureaucrat used his control of all research funding to strong-arm any dissenting scientist into following his narrative that it had to be natural - despite all evidence pointing to the contrary, and evidenced by FOIA emails tha showed even his inner circle knew it was a lab leak.

To appease the "conspiracy theorists," he appointed a team to "investigate" who all had massive conflicts of interest, as they had responsibility for funding, building and running the gain of function expiraments that led to the coof.

Said bureaucrat went on every friendly media network that works have him, constantly, and received nothing but Pfizer-sponsored softball questions.

Social media used computer nerds in Silicon Valley to censor, blacklist and de-person esteemed scientists trying to sound the alarm - because their software engineering courses apparently taught them more about medicine & evolutionary biology than 12 years of school + 20 years of research at the world's pre-eminent research centers.

So when these pieces of human excrement attempt to say, "we were just doing what the experts told us," never forget that everything. Every single thing. Every:
-increased drug overdose
-loss of a job due to lockdowns
-impediment to development for children who've never seen a face
-road rage incident bc people were stretched to the limit
-innocent murdered by repeat violent offender who was let out because of "the coof"
-loss of US trust around the world for leading these shenanigans.
-broken family over disagreements over masks or shots
-vaxx injury
-lost job due to mandates
-lost business due to lockdowns

And so much more.

Never forget that it was all built on a house of lies and they persecuted anyone telling the truth or calling attention to the data with everything they had.

These people deserve nothing but Old Testament-style fury of God and man alike.
“ This makes me so angry… they literally ruined our lives…the damage they have done to my generation has been unbelievable…the damage to the rest of our Lives, to our education….They didn’t care about what this did to us.. Not one person in this government has cared about young people in this pandemic. Nobody cares. They disrespected the children.
The damage has been done to this generation… I literally watched my future crumble before my eyes…we’ve lost our lives forever and we will never get this back”

— a British political commentor who was a student during the pandemic.
Break down in tears at 1:40.


Watch HERE:
Still puzzled about what Epstein’s NY mansion really was?
A: It was a surveillance honey pot site to compromise politicians and elites . To understand it better?
Just watch (if you can stomach it) the 2018 horror movie Bad Times at the El Royale, a murder mystery thriller set at a similar surveillance honey pot hotel on the California Nevada border, fashioned after an ACTUAL HOTEL, the Cal Neva, owned at one time by Frank Sinatra, and similarly used by the FBI and celebrities and politicians like the Kennedy’s MLK and Marilyn Monroe in the 1960s.
Also in the plot? A Charles Manson-type cult leader.

This clip shows the surveillance methods used. Bugs plus a huge two way MIRROR in each room. And? You may also rethink the TRUE origins of cult leaders like Manson, David Koresh and Jim Jones. Three Letter Agency involvement?

#TheMoreYouKnow #ThinkMirror