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Danvan (Twitter)

RT @MaksymDraws: On this day, 10 years ago, brave people of Donetsk came to the streets to protest the looming Russian occupation. I was there. And I hope to come back one day.
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Danvan (Twitter)

RT @UKRINFORM: Французький актор та режисер П’єр Рішар записав звернення в підтримку України:

💬 Минуло два роки — і стільки загиблих, стільки масових убивств, стільки міст зрівняли з землею. Я шокований тим, що бачу. Тому я знову висловлюю своє захоплення героїчним опором, здатністю долати труднощі, які випали на долю українців.

Відео: UNITED24
Danvan (Twitter)

RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Interior Minister: Russian secondary attack kills 2 rescuers, injures 3 more.

A Russian strike in Donetsk Oblast killed two rescuers and wounded another three while they were putting out a fire caused by an earlier attack, said Ihor Klymenko.
Def Mon (Twitter)

@GirkinGirkin: Did he mention the Ghost of Kyiv?
Def Mon (Twitter)

@Teoyaomiquu: I really do like the initiative to buy excavators. It's a good investment
Def Mon (Twitter)

RT @vkrainets: Волтер Лех теж вилікувався від твіттера
Немає тредів про ситуацію навколо шахрайки
А мені здається, що вестернам було б цікаво дізнатись хто вкрав їх гроші
Def Mon (Twitter)

RT @DefactoHumanity: Thank you @Torixas and all the people from #Netherland that support #ukraine

I am off to the Children’s hospital next .

If anyone would like to help us get treats for women at the frontlines you can donate on our website we one day to pick those up!

Thank you all for your support. YOU #StandWithUkraine️
Belarusian Hajun project (Twitter)

Lithuania closed the Katlouka-Lavoriskes and Pryvalka-Raigardas border crossings on the Belarus-Lithuania border on March 1 at 01:00.

The cameras show that at 00:50, a car of Lithuanian border guards with beacons on was already at the entrance to the EU through the Pryvalka checkpoint, and a fence and people standing near it, who apparently hadn’t had time to pass through, were at the entrance through the Katlouka checkpoint.

Lithuania has previously closed two other border crossings on August 18, 2023. Thus, currently the following border crossings on the Belarus-Lithuania border are closed:
• Losha-Sumskas;
• Vidzy-Tverecius;
• Katlouka-Lavoriskes;
• Pryvalka-Raigardas.

Border crossings that still operate:
• Kamenny Loh-Medininkai;
• Beniakoni-Salcininkai.

In addition, the remaining checkpoints are prohibited for crossing on foot and by bicycle.
Belarusian Hajun project (Twitter)

Two aircraft flying from Lithuania to Asian islands ‘suddenly’ landed in Tehran: were they purchased by sanctioned Iran?

On February 29, 2024, two Airbus A340 passenger aircraft with reg. numbers C5-MIA and C5-MIC departed from Lithuanian Siauliai airport, flying to Sri Lanka and the Philippines.

According to open sources, both of these aircraft were owned by the leasing company Macka Invest Company at least in 2022 and had been in storage in Siauliai for exactly two years.

On February 29, 2024, they departed from Lithuania with a difference of only 12 minutes, at 14:08 and 14:22, and then, after 17:00 UTC, both aircraft ‘disappeared’ over the territory of Iran: one – near Tehran, the other - near Chabahar in the south of Iran.

It’s possible that these aircraft were transferred/sold to Iran to circumvent sanctions imposed on it. Moreover, earlier we have repeatedly recorded a similar situation with aircraft that departed from Belarus.

We thin...

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Идзанаги 🇺🇦 🇰🇿 (Twitter)

@PTymo2743 @Q0MT6pFmbVqynsM: Ні, 15-та ОМСБр на той час брала участь в боях в Луганській області, це бела їх зона відповідальності.
Идзанаги 🇺🇦 🇰🇿 (Twitter)

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