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tom (Twitter)

a la Goliath
Rob Lee (Twitter)

.@naalsio26 has been doing a great job tracking equipment losses and other developments in this war.
Tonight, I'll be speaking to @HelloMrBond about my work documenting equipment losses for the war in Ukraine.

9:00 PM EST / 01:00 UTC
Necro Mancer (Twitter)

RT @slovyanskasil: Так зване форсування Бахмутки. Найближчим часом таких відео стане в рази більше, нові підводні війська вже зосередились на підступах до річки. Десь в штабах вагнера народився новий ватутін. До речі, пам’ятник цьому ідіоту до недавнього стояв в самому серці Києва.
Dan (Twitter)

243. Sth Bakhmut catch up: Sobachivka.
As in twt 242, east side of Sobachivka where a🇺🇦BMP-2 fires. Its direction of fire east suggests Wagner are in Sadova St 1 block away + are already on the west bank of Chirkov Brook. More from the brook in twt 244-6).
@NOELreports Ukrainian BMP firing in southern Bakhmut, Donetsk oblast. 48.57380, 38.00110

Rob Lee (Twitter)

Photos from a ceremony for Senior Sergeant Vadim Krot of the GRU’s 10th Spetsnaz Brigade who was killed on September 4 in Sukhyi Stavok, Kherson Oblast. He fought at Savur-Mohyla and the Donetsk Airport in 2014-2015 and received the “For Courage” medal.
Rob Lee (Twitter)

The commander of Russian forces in Syria, Colonel General Serdyukov, with SSO Senezh PSD.
Rob Lee (Twitter)

A Maxim machine gun used by Ukraine's 28th Mechanized Brigade. @sommervilletv
Special Kherson Cat 🐈🇺🇦 (Twitter)

RT @TadeuszGiczan: 'Russian spies' detained yesterday in Poland turned out to be citizens of Belarus. Belarusian state media are so eager to prove their innocence that they have published all their personal details (how did they know who exactly was detained?) and even interviews with relatives. 1/