Telegram Designers
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Feature suggestions for Telegram from designers all over the world. If you want to contribute, send your UI mockups to @design_bot
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🏆 Design Competition 2024

Prize fund: Up to $30,000
Deadline: 23:59 Dubai time @ April 27th, 2024
Who can participate: Everyone

Telegram announces a competition for UI designers. The top prize is $5,000, and the winner may get a chance to join the Telegram Design team.

The Task is to create 3 short demo videos for 3 different features in the same manner as the demonstrations from the Telegram Blog.

Each video should offer a brief overview of a feature that currently does not exist in official Telegram apps.

You are welcome to use any ideas (e.g., in-app payments or a feed for channels). Be creative, but don't get carried away by things like a major app redesign.

It is mandatory to cover both iOS and Android – at least 1 video out of 3 must be made for a different platform. Entries featuring all videos for both platforms are likely to get higher chances in the final scoring, provided that they fulfill the evaluation criteria.

Evaluation Criteria:
While evaluating submissions, the judges may apply the following criteria to determine the winners:

Clarity – the general audience must have a clear understanding of how the feature you are displaying works.

Consistency – the video should be looped, with smooth transitions between screens and all elements should be consistent and balanced.

Completeness – you must present a finalized flow for your feature. Your video should show an entry point from existing Telegram interfaces, a brief overview of the feature's main components and a transition back to the entry point.

We will publish instructions how to submit your work closer to the deadline.
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Telegram Designers
🏆 Design Competition 2024 Prize fund: Up to $30,000 Deadline: 23:59 Dubai time @ April 27th, 2024 Who can participate: Everyone Telegram announces a competition for UI designers. The top prize is $5,000, and the winner may get a chance to join the Telegram…
ContestBot is now ready to accept submissions for the Design Competition.

Start the bot, choose “Design Competition 2024”, answer the bot’s questions, then send:
- A link to either private or public channel that serves as a catalog where all your videos are uploaded. Provide a table of contents, pin it.
- An archive containing all your videos in their original resolution. Optionally, you may also include source files for your project (e.g., .aep files).

Note: Your channel may stay private until the deadline. Make sure you assign it a username after the deadline.
Telegram Designers
ContestBot is now ready to accept submissions for the Design Competition. Start the bot, choose “Design Competition 2024”, answer the bot’s questions, then send: - A link to either private or public channel that serves as a catalog where all your videos are…
⚠️ We’ve noticed that many participants uploaded their videos as files to their contest channels.

This is not the right way – the channel should host your demos sent as VIDEOS. ✔️

Make sure to address this before the deadline. (For reference, see @TelegramTips.)
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Design Competition 2024: Submissions

We received 185 submissions for the Design Competition.

Everyone is welcome to view the submissions while the Telegram judges conduct their own checks.