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LEND unlock on EverStart 🟣

Today (01.04.23) the LEND unlock (25%) will be held on EverStart.

LEND is the governance token of the leading protocol.

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QUBE unlock on EverStart 🔥

Today (02.04.23) the last QUBE unlock (8.34%) will be held on EverStart.

QUBE is an utility token designed to power the FlatQube protocol.

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Everscale Community Weekly Digest 🚀

🛑The article about 5 crypto trends in 2023 by Alexander Filatov published in the Everscale blog

🛑Cointelegraph YouTube channel released the interview with Venom Foundation Chairman

🛑Portfolio tracker Mooli added support of Everscale network tokens

🛑The EVER DAO proposal from the ITGOLD/Grandbazar was not accepted

🛑Broxus Community Giveaway prizes had been distributed between the winners

🛑GOSH announced a new Version 3.0 of smart contracts

🛑Broxus team published instructions for saving contacts in EVER Wallet

🛑Pokerton is now accept deposits in the Everscale network tokens

🛑Report on the expenses of the Crystal Hands program was published

🛑EverStart platform: the LEND token unlock; the last QUBE token unlock

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Everscale highlights for March 2023 🥇

The start of spring for the Everscale community was marked by a number of exciting events, important partnerships, and new achievements. Everscale's YouTube channel published a video compiling the highlights of the month, as follows:

🛑Voting win and listing on Bybit: Everscale got more than 41M votes

🛑Closing a new strategic partnership with Venom Ventures for $5 million

🛑Development and testing of SMFT consensus and REMP, which will give a new boost to the platform and new technology partnerships

🛑The Tokstock NFT Marketplace was launched, where the most expensive NFT in Everscale history was subsequently sold — a Broxie Collection card worth 300 000 EVER

🛑An interview with one of the creators of Broxie NFT, from which you can learn more about the process of creating the collection and the ideas behind it, was published

🛑Connecting Everscale and Ongroo to create the South Korean NFT marketplace: together with Korean artists, Ongroo will develop the exterior design of the marketplace, while the Everscale development team will handle the technological aspects

🛑The introduction of Everscale font on everscale.network: users can download and use the font for any product in the ecosystem

🛑Possibility to get back a part of commission for Octus Bridge transfers

🛑A contest held on the CREW³ platform for the Everscale community with a prize of $20,000

🔗 The video link: youtu.be/EWdEj-P6Sc8

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The Broxus Times 5th issue: a short version 📰

🛑Locklift has added a new Locklift-Deploy plugin with which you can write fixtures to deploy environments for testing and implify your deployment management in general

🛑The first iteration of Rust Cup payouts are coming to an end, with over 80% of locked stakes

🛑The recent Broxus giveaway has finished, as a result, the number of Broxus socials subscribers has increased by over 30%

🛑The Octus Bridge team has finished smart-contracts development for the Everscale-Bitcoin bridge

🛑Updated designs for EVER Wallet: search by address, UI kit, seeds and accounts management

🛑Epoch 12 has ended on FlatQube DAO. Total votes, veQUBE: 87,979. Total rewards, QUBE: 42,350

🛑MarsDAO and Everscale partner staking shows 6,485,786 of TVL, 684 active users, 16.92% APR and daily income of 0,05%

🛑Small U.S. banks experienced their largest deposit outflow since 2007, to the tune of $133 bln. This money has been flowing into the largest banks and hedge funds.

🔗 Enjoy the full version

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First series of PileBlocks games with NFTs 🟦

PileBlocks game have started BETA testing and airdropped 98 NFTs in the form of fully-functional real cards to participate in the game.

The PileBlocks series of games starts on April 5 and consists of 16 games: 4 games a day for 4 days in a row.

The game starts daily at 15:00 UTC

💸 All NFT card holders (excluding referrals) will receive the 100 PILE newbie bonus

🏆Prize for the winner: 5 NFT colored cards (possibly with increased rarity) + 1000 PILE

Don't miss it!

More about game series | PileBlocks Video Guide | Telegram Chat
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Stablecoins 💲

Stablecoin is a cryptocurrency with a stable price, ensured by a link to the price of another, more stable asset.

Stablecoins were created to solve the volatility problem associated with conventional cryptocurrencies, which can fluctuate significantly in price over a short period of time.

There are several types of stablecoins:

🟣Fiat (USDT, USDC, EURS) — link their price to a fiat currency that actually exists in the world economy, such as the US dollar. The ratio in this case will be 1:1.

🟣Crypto-secured (DAI) — secured by cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. They operate on the basis of a pledge mechanism, which allows their price to be stable.

🟣Hybrid (USDS) — use a combination of fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies to provide price stability. For example, such stablecoins can be backed 50% by US dollars and 50% by Bitcoins.

🟣Commodities (PAXG, XAUT) — backed by gold, silver, gas, oil and other traditional assets. Can change their value, as the prices of the mentioned commodities can also change. A company that issues such stablecoins must buy, for example, 1 gram of gold on the stock market for each issued token.

🟣Unsecured (BST, CUSD, ESD, FRAX) — may not be backed by fiat, cryptocurrencies or commodities. The issuer of such stablecoin constantly monitors that its price is generally kept around one U.S. dollar. If the token's price exceeds that level, the stablecoin issuer issues additional coins and then the bot sells them on the market, causing the price to drop. If a Stablecoin sags in price, the issuer begins to redeem that cryptocurrency from the market, leveling off its value.

The advantages of stablecoins include reliability, stability and predictability, making them more attractive to those looking for safe ways to store their savings. Stablecoins can also be used to transfer funds quickly and cheaply around the world, making them attractive for international transactions.

The disadvantages of stablecoins are the high degree of centralization, the increased attention of government agencies to this kind of asset, and the risk of being exposed to market fluctuations.

✔️ Overall, stablecoins are an important tool for those who want to take advantage of cryptocurrencies but do not want to face their volatility. However, it is important to remember that they are not a risk-free asset and users should always be careful and aware before using them.

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EverX AMA session Review 🗞

About the uniqueness of Everscale
🛑The Everscale concept is a decentralized scalable backend. USP: Solving the blockchain thrilleme with SMFT
🛑SMFT is a key innovation: processing without reducing the number of validators checking the block
🛑With REMP it is planned to transfer DApp to a decentralized backend, saving high level User Experience

Possible use cases
🛑Tokenization of objects, including real estate (possibly coming soon on Everscale)

The more complex the projects are, the more popular the unique Everscale architecture will become.

DeBot technology development
🛑DeBots as frontend technology is implemented, but is now not so popular
🛑DeBots, as middleware technology, as an interface for working with a series of smart contracts, are actively used (for example, in Flex and the Surf extension)

Uniqueness of True NFT
The ability to use smart contracts to order and receive data from the disk. Fully works together with the drivechain. As soon as the drivechain is fully implemented, True NFT will be updated.

Why there is there no progress in FIDE and KAMAZ partnerships?
🛑Structuring at the peak of expectations (before the NFT market collapsed in November 2022). Inability to meet the expectations of FIDE
🛑MVP for KAMAZ was created but not developed. The company's priorities had changed. Potentially promising niche. Needs to have partners and integration with them

About zkSNARKs technology
🛑The DeVote case with millions of voters has a great potential
🛑There are not enough resources to bring the technology to the mainnet yet. Perhaps some other teams will pick up the development

About the Chinese BSN blockchain
The Chinese side insists on limiting the movement of gas between accounts, which makes it pointless to use the Everscale architecture.

What is EverX working on now?
🛑Node (main load)
🛑Compiler (Flex is written in C++ compiler)
🛑EverCloud (SDK works with it — convenience for developers to join the ecosystem)
🛑Other products (Surf, Flex, GOSH): EverX as a technology and financial partner

EverX tasks for 2023
🛑To finish the Roadmap
🛑To synchronize the Roadmap with Venom needs
🛑To finalize key development components
🛑To support other products

What can help Everscale (Alex Filatov opinion)
🛑To work more in conditions of market realities, to focus on work with investors without losing ideology
🛑The theme of partnership between Everscale, Venom, TON and GOSH is one of the main integration themes of 2023. These projects complement each other, all of them have strengths. If we start collaborating, it will make everyone stronger. Potentially, this is the strongest factor influencing the Everscale capitalization.

▶️ Enjoy the full AMA session on YouTube (1 h 11 min)

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EverX March Digest Review 🔰

Flex DEX
In March, the Flex team focused on the following tasks:
🔗Completed and released the first version of the Flex Web UI for public beta testing: available here
🛑Continued testing the new DEX contracts in Devnet in preparation for the DEX upgrade in Mainnet
🛑Began developing a new contract specifically for Market Makers, which will allow for optimized work with liquidity in the order book

🐦 Flex DEX Chat

Node team
🛑EverX Node has released performance improvements for operating with large shard states in local databases
🛑The testing of REMP protocol is ongoing. In the Devnet, the REMP feature was switched on in mid-March

🛑Venom testnet was supported in Evercloud (but not in the dashboard yet, only in docs)
🛑REMP was enabled in Devnet, rempReceipts subscription is available.
🔗 Read these guides how to use REMP receipts in your DApps: Guide 1, Guide 2

FT API updates
🛑Ability to filter tokens by token creator added
🛑Holder tokens now can be filtered by an array of token addresses
🛑New accounts collection search abilities
🛑Password reset functionality and getting started panel added

🐦Everscale SDK Chat

🛑A new release of the Everscale Solidity Compiler, dubbed “0.67”. The compiler is a cornerstone of the smart-contract development for the Everscale blockchain ecosystem
🔗A couple of changes are required to compile the source code with the new version. Details are here
🔗For an exhaustive list of the changes and improvements, look here from 0.6.3 to 0.8.17
🔗If you are interested in a pre-compiled binary, or in a complete developer tools package, check out the GitGub

👁‍🗨 To read the full digest (3 min)

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📄 Venom Whitepaper

Venom Blockchain project has released its Whitepaper, detailing the company's technological solutions and development plans.

The Whitepaper, which was presented to the public on March 17, is a detailed guide on how Venom Blockchain works.

📌 The Venom Whitepaper highlights:

Virtual Machine
Dynamic Sharding
Security, scalability
Consensus protocol
Governing Principles, Roadmap
The Venom Ecosystem
Targeted marketplace and CBDC stablecoin

By addressing existing limitations in the crypto industry, such as scalability, security and cross-chain compatibility, Venom creates the conditions for a more reliable, user-friendly and efficient financial ecosystem.

🗂 Follow our posts: for your convenience, we will gradually take apart each section of the Venom Whitepaper and describe its most interesting points in clear language.

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A new Locklift-Deploy plugin 🔧

A new Locklift-Deploy plugin has been added to the Locklift developer tool, which helps to deploy testing environments and generally simplifies the deployment management on TVM.

For example, it allows easily write complex deployment procedures by storing deployment artifacts between calls to different scripts.

🐙 Go to the GitHub repository

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Store a seed phrase in a safe place 🔒

Seed-phrase (mnemonic phrase) is a set of random words (usually 12, 18 or 24) that are used to restore access to funds in case you lose the password to the wallet or device where they are stored.

🛡 Seed-phrase is a critical element of cryptocurrency ownership security, as it is only possible to restore access to a private key with this phrase.

DO NOT pass the seed phrase to others, do not enter it anywhere other than your wallet, scammers can introduce themselves as community administrators and offer to solve your problem using the seed phrase.

DO NOT store the seed phrase on your mobile phone, social media, etc. If you lose the seed phrase, in case you change your device and/or lose your wallet password, you will lose access to your funds. Therefore, it is extremely important to store the seed phrase in a safe and secure place. Here are a couple of ways to store it:

Memorize: you can try to memorize the seed phrase, which will avoid storing it physically or writing it down on media. This will eliminate the risk of possible damage/tampering with the media and compromising the phrase.

Writing to a paper wallet: you can write the seed phrase on paper and store it in a safe place, such as a safe deposit box or bank vault. It's important to make sure the paper is not at risk of damage from water, fire, or other physical effects.

🔗 Сheck out our article on EverKit to get more information on ways to store the seed phrase.

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Everscale yields 📊

WEVER/USDT 5.86% — 17.58% APR
WEVER/BRIDGE 4.41% — 13.25% APR
QUBE/WEVER 32.3% — 96.9% APR
WBTC/WEVER 22.77% — 68.32% APR
WBTC/BRIDGE 50.74% — 152.22% APR
WEVER/DAI 11.24% — 33.72% APR
QUBE/BRIDGE 9.77% — 29.33% APR
WETH/WEVER 22.55% — 67.66% APR
USDT/USDC 12.21% — 36.64% APR
WEVER/USDC 23.23% — 69.71% APR

• Up tо 13.71% APY

Boosted Staking
• Up to 26% APR
• Remaining capacity: 24 269 170 EVER

GOSH Staking
• 8% — 24% APR
• Remaining capacity: 5 885 128 EVER

🔗 Everscale farming guide
🔗 Everscale staking guide

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The Broxus Times 6th issue: a short version 📰

🛑The Everpoint conference celebrating 3-year Everscale anniversary will take place in Dubai on May 7, 2023.

🛑An interview with Sergey Shashev about the future plans of the ecosystem following Venom's investment has been published in Korean media outlet Blockchain Today.

🛑The StEVER dashboard has entered the prerelease stage. The StEVER TVL now is about 125 081 669 EVER with 292 stakeholders and 5.79% APY.

🛑Thanks to the partnership with the Tokstock NFT marketplace, Broxie holders will soon be able to enjoy 0% commissions on financial operations.

🛑The FlatQube team has finished contracts and backend for limit orders: soon it will be possible to place orders not only according to market but also according to price.

🛑On-chain affiliate system is upcoming: soon you will be able to share a link with your friend and you both get rewarded when he makes a swap.

🛑Gold grew against the backdrop of depreciating bonds, which means investors are fleeing to safe assets. Unrealized losses in the US banking sector have already surpassed $1.7tn as outflows from banks continue. The overall bond index lost more than 13% in 2022, making it the worst year on record in 250 years.

🔗 Dive in the full version

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