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Free PUBG Mobile Tournament 🎮

Those who want to play are welcome to the big PUBG Mobile tournament on the EVERPLAY platform.

Players search the map for weapons, ammunition and other items that increase the chances of survival. Remember that the goal of the game is to become the last survivor. Therefore, there is no need to kill everyone in a row. Prioritize survival and join the fight only if it helps you win the match.

Start: September 3, 17:00 UTC

💰 Prize pool: $20

Please, don't forget to confirm your participation no later than 1 hour before the tournament starts.

🔗 Register now

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Pool of unknown tokens has got 20% of votes on FlatQube ⚡️

According to the voting results in Epoch 23 for the farming yields distribution, a pair of new unknown tokens, GVMMNY/INDMNY, has gathered 20% of votes, only surpassed by the leader of the voting, the QUBE/WEVER pair.

FlatQube users are concerned that this "fool pool" will now receive a 12,849 QUBE reward (~$5,000) "for zero utility" and "at the expense of other participants". Users have already deciphered the possible token names as "Give me money" and "I need money".

The situation appears to be ambiguous. On one hand, the action of the pool creator can be seen as detrimental to the exchange and its users, but on the other hand, FlatQube is a DEX where the rules are the same for everyone. Imposing any restrictions on the pool now could tarnish the reputation of the DEX itself.

In community chats, among the reasons for the incident, the low voting activity is mentioned, as well as the imperfection of the yields distribution system, which is managed in a decentralized manner. Some holders ask to put the decision on yields distribution to the GVMMNY/INDMNY pool to the EVER DAO.

Stay tuned for more updates.

💬 Share your opinion in the comments below

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EVERPLAY х GemHUB partnership 🎮

EVERPLAY is a gaming platform where gamers and streamers earn crypto and NFTs as rewards by playing their favorite games. You can play Brawl Stars, PUBG Mobile, MLBB, COD Mobile and other famous games.

GemHUB is a Korean blockchain-based gaming platform featuring games such as Jelly Snake, PushPush Cat, Find Bird, Number Shoot, as well as leaderboards and special missions. The public beta version has already been launched.

The teams will jointly develop a Web3 platform for GemPION gamers, where players will be able to compete with GemHUB users.

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Broxus commented the GVMMNY/INDMNY pool case 👛

A representative of the Broxus team commented on the situation with the liquidity pool 🗣

"The pool became a candidate and participated in the voting, and then received a farming reward in full compliance with all FlatQube rules (the required amount of QUBE was paid to enter the voting list, and the system automatically allowed the pool to participate in the voting, after which the pool received fair veQUBE). We will not exclude it from farming, especially manually".

"Conclusions will be drawn (and possibly changes will be made) within the next two weeks based on this situation — while the current epoch is ongoing".

The atmosphere in the chats remains tense.

Some users think that if the current structure of farming yield distribution doesn’t bring benefits to QUBE holders, it should be changed. On the other hand, users themselves decide whether to lock liquidity or not. As well as buying the token always means risks, which everyone takes on themselves.

As a protest message, user Tortuga proposed to vote for his new liquidity pool and promised to share some tokens.

We will continue to follow the situation.

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A strange candidate has appeared again on FlatQube DAO 🧐

Tomorrow (06.09.23), voting for the 24th epoch will begin at FlatQube DAO. The list of candidates once again includes an interesting pool — CSFT/FTSC. Perhaps the community decided to have some fun after the 23rd epoch, but we are already waiting to see how it turns out.

P.S. The pool has a note saying "The farming pool reward balance is too low. We don’t recommend investing in this pool now."

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Weekly Digest of TVM events 🎙

New article about self-sovereign identity on Everscale
August CBDC digest by Broxus
Surf team updates

▶️VENOM News
Valicit — a new product on the testnet
Announcement a new project on the testnet
Venom crosschain token exchange

▶️TON News
New TON-based NFT-marketplace

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In the Venom testnet, 62 million accounts have already been created 🐍

Over the past month, several projects have been successfully deployed on the network: VenomBurn, Valicit Marketplace and Segmint.

⚙️ The testnet is being served by 35 active validators, and the total supply of test tokens VENOM currently stands at 7.3 billion.

Since the network's launch, the following has been created/sent:

Accounts: 62.3 million
Messages: 551 million
Transactions: 492 million

🔎 You can track the current state of the testnet in the explorer. We are waiting for the developers to announce the mainnet launch!

#venom #testnet #summary #post
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Launch of the new TON grants program 💎

TON Foundation announced Telegram Web3 Grants program to boost the growth of the TON Ecosystem on Telegram Messenger.

Grants Categories

🚩 Initial Deployment

For the initial deployments or proof of concept applications on the Telegram Web Apps platform. This also includes Web3 infrastructure based on the TON blockchain, like @wallet, Wallet Pay, and TON Connect.

Grant amount up to $10,000 in TON

🚩 Live TON-based Projects

This category is for live projects with an existing user base on the TON blockchain but hasn't integrated with Telegram yet.

Grant amount up to $10,000 in TON

🚩 Live Non-TON-based Projects

For the projects on another blockchain with community, to move to the TON blockchain or Telegram.

Grant amount between $20,000 and $50,000 in TON

🚩 Projects Seeking Venture Funding

TON Foundation will connect the applicant with VC funds or guide for evaluation through TONcoin.Fund.

Since 2022, over 450 submissions to the TON Grants program were sent and distributed more than $1,2 million to 100+ applicant projects.

🔗 Find out more in TON blog

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"Just DAO it" — an official reaction from Broxus 🐭

DAO means decentralized autonomous organization. It’s a place where user's vote determines farming rewards on the FlatQube DEX.

In the last Epoch, the GVMMNY/INDMNY pool appeared as a voting candidate and received part of the rewards but previously he:
paid 1k QUBE for the pool listing
locked 33k QUBE for 4 years in order to vote

So the pool creator didn't bypass the system, but simply seized the moment of the low activity in the DAO. What todo do: vote more actively for your favorite pools!

"We will upgrade the system, and later we’ll be announcing some improvements to the pool listing mechanism and proposals release" — pointed out the developer.

🔗 Read the original post by Broxus

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Launch of EVERPLAY on Venom Testnet 🎮

The newest project launched on Venom Testnet is EVERPLAY — a gaming platform where gamers and streamers can earn cryptocurrency and NFT rewards by playing their favorite games.

As part of the launch, you will be able to complete EVERPLAY test tasks on the testnet and participate in the Venom tournament series on the platform.

Click here to earn a collectible Venom Testnet NFT 🔥

#venom #everplay #ever #testnet #news
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TON Foundation: registration in Switzerland and the first event💎

TON Foundation is now registered in Switzerland, as a non-profit organization.

Switzerland is known for its rich history of technological innovations across multiple industries, including its clear and precise legal framework surrounding blockchain and cryptocurrency.

"This marks the next chapter for the TON history. At the service of our community, TON Foundation will pursue strong governance and transparency under the guidance of Swiss regulations” — said Steve Yun, President of TON Foundation.

The Gateway, the first ever offline TON event is scheduled to be held in Dubai on November 10-11. Tickets should go on sale in September. Apply to be informed about the start of sales among the first.

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Free tickets to premium tournaments 🎮

In honor of the launch in the Venom testnet, the EVERPLAY gaming platform hands up 10,000 tickets to the premium tournaments!

Everyone who joins the EVERPLAY Discord server (Announcements) will get a chance to access premium tournaments for free.

Stay tuned until September 11th!

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TVM yields 📊

▶️EVERSCALE Farming (TOP-3)
WEVER/USDT: up tо 16.56% APR
QUBE/WEVER: up tо 72.51% APR
WBTC/WEVER: up tо 35.7% APR

Default: up tо 7.23% APY
Boosted: up to 21% APR

▶️TON Staking
Default: up to 4.79% APY

▶️GOSH Staking
Default: up to 24% APR

📚 Useful Guides:
Everscale Staking
Everscale Farming

#farming #yield #staking #post
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New proposal on EVER DAO 🗳

A proposal to allocate a 312,121,362 EVER (8,000,000 USDT) loan to EverX and DeFi Alliance. The teams plan to repay the loan by February 28, 2025.

EverX and DeFi Alliance state that this measure is necessary to maintain market stability and ensure financial sustainability.

🔗 The full proposal text

The vote will begin on September 11 at 12:54 (UTC).

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