FrontEnd Development
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Полезные ссылки иHTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, React, Vue, Node.js, Mobile и многое другое.

Администратор: @andrey2019
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A Practical Guide to Not Blocking the Event Loop

Engines typically run JavaScript in a single thread with an event loop. However, the nature of mixing synchronous and asynchronous tasks, along with the increasing popularity of workers for running code on separate threads, makes the landscape harder to navigate than it used to be. -

How to Get Full Type Support with Plain JavaScript

It’s possible to reap the benefits of TypeScript, yet still write plain JavaScript, as TypeScript’s analyzer understands types written in the JSDoc format. -

How to Draw Any Regular Shape with Just One JavaScript Function

Mozilla/MDN has a (relatively) new blog — here they share how to use JavaScript to draw any regular shape to a HTML canvas with a single function, and how to modify it to draw multiple shapes. -

10 Hidden JavaScript Concepts: Every Developer Should Know

JavaScript has been around for many years, yet, there are still hidden concepts that many developers may not be aware of. In this article, we will be discussing 10 hidden JavaScript concepts that every developer should know. -

What's Next for JavaScript: New Features to Look Forward to

A reassuring and high level look at just what goes into making JavaScript better over time, along with some of the new things about to appear or still making their way through the arduous TC39 process. -

In Defence of DOMContentLoaded

A solid explainer on measuring browser events and the use cases for DOMContentLoaded (and related events) in particular. "The DOMContentLoaded event fires once all of your deferred JavaScript has finished running." -

JavaScript's New Array Grouping Methods

A look at Object.groupBy and Map.groupBy. The proposal including these methods is currently at stage 3 at TC39, but initial support is creeping into dev builds of browsers. -

React Server Components From Scratch

Alright, let’s build React Server Components totally from scratch. Right from nothing, through building a simple Node-based server and working out from there. Ben is very engaging and does a great job of explaining things. -

Comparing JavaScript Frameworks: Templates

A thorough comparison of the template languages used by React, Vue, Angular and Svelte. Interesting analysis and this looks set to turn into a great series. -

Optimizing JavaScript for Fun and for Profit

A tour of several things to avoid to keep your code running fast and smooth, complete with examples. While the performance ground upon which we walk is often shifting, many of these things are good, common sense practices. -

A Look at ECMAScript's Iterator Helper Methods

The proposal is several years old, but now at stage 3 in TC39, Iterator Helpers are being implemented and ship with V8 12.2/Chrome 122. The helpers are functions like .map, .filter, .take and .forEach and are made available to any object with Iterator.prototype in its prototype chain. -

A Proposal to Add Signals to JavaScript

A (very) early stage proposal for bringing a new feature to ECMAScript/JavaScript: signals! The proposal brings aboard ideas from a swathe of popular frameworks and aims to align everyone and get us on the same page when it comes to working with state and making updates based upon changes to state. -
