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Klaus Schwab Explains the Timetable for Microchipping Everyone by 2026
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Desde 2014 el hijo de Biden está involucrado en los diversos negocios sucios de Burisma, la empresa de gas más importante de Ucrania, de cuyo consejo de adinistración forma parte, según informes oficiales del FBI
Forwarded from Noticias Rafapal
Atención: esta noticia es MUY IMPORTANTE porque puede explicar el verdadero sentido de la intervención rusa en Ucrania.
Confirmando los muchos rumores que han circulado estos días por canales de Telegram como el de Simon Parkes, la web de inteligencia militar Real Raw News ha publicado hace escasos minutos que Putin ha llamado a Donald Trump en varias ocasiones desde que comenzó la invasión, para informarle detalladamente del curso de las operaciones.
Ayer jueves le dijo -siempre de acuerdo a Real Raw News- que sus tropas habían destruido ya 13 laboratorios de armas biológicas a lo largo de Ucrania, algunos de ellos subterráneos, razón por la cual tuvieron que efectuar varias explosiones para darlos por destruidos. Putin dispone de información que apunta a que el Instituto de la Salud USA, el Instituto de la Salud francés y el Centro de Investigación de enfermedades infecciosas alemán han aportado miles de millones de los contribuyentes de esos países a Ucrania, para elaborar armas biológicas, y que el propio presidente Zelensky se ha llevado una parte en concepto de sobornos. Putin ha prometido mostrar las pruebas de lo que dice a su debido momento. (Mis seguidores en Telegram recordarán que el miércoles un diputado ucraniano acusó al presidente Zelensky de tener una cuenta millonaria en el paraíso fiscal de Costa Rica, lo que encaja perfectamente).
Putin le dijo a Trump que le lleva avisando a Zelensky desde febrero del 2020 de que si no desmantelaba esos laboratorios, lo haría él mismo, así que sólo él tiene la culpa de lo que está pasando.
Seguramente algunos habéis leído que ayer el ejército Ruso tomó una pequeña isla perteneciente a Ucrania en el Mar Negro, llamada La isla de la Serpiente (Snake Island). Pues bien, según las informaciones de Putin que recoge Real Raw News, en esa isla el Mossad israelí estaba desarrollando una devastadora arma biológica que se extendería por el aire (por chemtrails, se entiende), que mataría al 100% de los afectados. Siempre según esta crónica, la versión que viene circulando de que los habitantes de la isla mandaron a la mierda a los marineros rusos que fueron a tomar la isla es verídica. Tras comprobar que no querían entregar la isla/laboratorio que guardaban, el buque Slava comenzó un bombardeo de la isla que aniquiló a todos los guardianes.
De la crónica se desprende que la marina rusa utilizó armas térmicas, pues Putin le contó a Trump que verificaron que las armas biológicas habían quedado completamente destruidas.
Por último, Putin asegura que sólo están disparando contra objetivos militares y, de hecho, ningún edificio de viviendas ha sido afectado en Kiev y ni siquiera se ha ido la luz.
Así pues ya todos tenemos claro lo que está haciendo el señor Putin en Ucrania: SALVAR A LA HUMANIDAD. Literalmente.
Tell me you’re a complete fuggin’ clown without actually telling me that you’re a complete fuggin’ clown. 🤡🤡🤡

I mean really. This dude is rockin the flak jacket and full on combat helmet while Ted & Jane the tourists are back there just stone cold chillin’ taking photos.

Holy shit. This is just. I can’t…🤣🤣🤣

(h/t: @faithoflight)
Forwarded from Katia Smith 💚: Navigating Through The Storm Together🌪 CHANNEL (Katia Smith)
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🇨🇦OTTAWA: According to this man the "policemen" are actually from G4S ( G4S is a British multinational private security company headquartered in London, England. He says they were flown into Canada on UN airplanes. (Not confirmed). Very interesting interview/conversation 🙏
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George Watts Jr.

24 Years old, USA
First Dose: August 2021
Second Dose: September 2021
Died: October 27, 2021

George a healthy 24-year-old student died on Oct. 27, 2021, six weeks after receiving a Pfizer covid injection. He had no underlying medical conditions according to his father. was vaccinated in August and in mid-September.

George collapsed in his room on the morning of Oct. 27 and was pronounced dead that day. An autopsy report from the Coroner’s Office shows that George died from myocarditis related to the Pfizer injection.

According to the deputy coroner for Bradford County, Timothy Cahill: “The cause of death is the COVID-19 vaccine-related myocarditis. We are currently working on other cases that are related to vaccine and booster-related issues within our county.”

Rest In Peace George ❤️



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Forwarded from LauraAboli (Laura Aboli)
Media is too big
Dr Zelenko:

“In Israel, One of the Most Vaccinated Nations in the World, Funeral Directors are Reporting More Than a Tenfold Increase In Deaths.
Why are Israelis dying from Omicron? Could it be that there's something wrong with their immune system?"
Jack Jeffrey Evesham rugby Union player dies two weeks ago at 27 to
Just announced it on the big screen along with several others before the England v Wales match starting now
Forwarded from dafb3ta
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🇨🇳 Hong Kong: Vaccine Passport LeaveHomeSafe App Is Now Needed to Access Venues Including Supermarkets, Malls, And Restaurants.

Those Who Fail to Comply Risk A Hk$5,000 Fine.
Forwarded from Geopolitics & Empire
Washington professes to have a killer weapon that avoids such a risk of blowback and will therefore cause Putin to hesitate: it threatens to cut off Russian access to the global market for semiconductor chips.

This would be the modern equivalent of a 20th century oil embargo, since chips are the critical fuel of the electronic economy.

It would gradually asphyxiate Russia’s advanced industries, and would in theory reduce Putin’s regime to a stunted technological dwarf.

But this too is a dangerous game. Putin has the means to cut off critical minerals and gases needed to sustain the West’s supply chain for semiconductor chips, upping the ante in the middle of a worldwide chip crunch.

Furthermore, he could hobble the aerospace and armaments industry in the US and Europe by restricting supply of titanium, palladium, and other metals.

If he controlled Ukraine, his control over key strategic minerals would be even more dominant, giving him leverage akin to Opec’s energy stranglehold in 1973.

The Kremlin could unleash an inflation shock every bit as violent as the first oil crisis, with a recession to match.

The White House has been slow to wake up to Russia’s counter-strike capability.

In effect, Russia has been doing what China did earlier with rare earth metals: establishing a lockhold by selling below cost and knocking out the Western supply chain. The report said Russia is increasingly able to use this dominance “as a tool of geopolitical leverage”.
Forwarded from (MkR)
US Embassy just removed all their Ukraine Bioweapon lab documents from the website

just in the last day they removed all the PDF files from the embassy website here

JOIN for uncensored news &
The good news is they are still archived

These labs are co-run by Fauci's EcoHealth Alliance and rumor is Russia's entire military operation right now is unofficially to either secure and/or destroy these labs and gather evidence.

IRL calls, hold the line frens!