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DoJ reinstates “Russiagate” FBI agent McCabe's FULL pension

Frmr FBI agent Andrew McCabe will now receive his full pension📎 and have records of his dismissal expunged from the Bureau's records – despite being fired by Donald Trump's administration for lying FOUR TIMES to the Department of Justice and FBI.

McCabe called the settlement with the DoJ "vindication" for the "decades-long public vendetta" he had faced, despite admitting he was "confused and distracted" while being interviewed by investigators.

After a settlement was reached with the DoJ, McCabe will also receive $200k in missed pension payments.

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“You are the one being divisive about this!” Florida Gov. DeSantis SHOOTS DOWN Biden's mandatory vaccination comment (Watch)📎

“You are trying to take peoples’ jobs away over this issue,” Ron DeSantis said during a Friday press conference.

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”Everyone knows I like kids better than people” - Basement Bumbling Beijing Biden, 10/15/2021📎

kids aren't people now...?

### | @GeorgeChat

SOROS STORM: Slovenian PM causes EU outrage by branding MEPs “Soros puppets”📎

Janez Jansa tweeted an image showing George Soros in the center surrounded by present and former MEPs titled, “13 of the 226 known Soros puppets in the EU parliament.”

Jansa has been accused of spreading anti-semitism, with German Green MEP Daniel Freund claiming he, “peddles Orban-style anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.”

The tweet has since been deleted.

OCTOBER 15, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

A new analysis of mail-in ballots in Pima County, Arizona means the election was Rigged and Stolen from the Republican Party in 2020, and in particular, its Presidential Candidate.

This analysis, derived from publicly available election data, shows staggering anomalies and fictitious votes in Pima County’s mail-in returns, making it clear they stuffed the ballot box (in some precincts with more ballots than were ever sent!).

Your favorite Republican candidate was steadily outperforming the Republican share of mail-in ballots by 3%, while Joe Biden was underperforming Democrats by 3%. But when mail-in ballots started pouring in way higher than normal (at over 87%), this trend flipped. In other words, when it was clear Trump was going to win, that’s when they swung into action. As more mail-in ballots poured in and increased by 1%, Trump’s performance decreased by 1%, while Biden’s increased.

As more and more mail-in ballots were stuffed into the system, Biden’s numbers shot way up. But they overplayed their hand, and got caught. Two precincts in Pima had over 100 percent turnout for mail-in ballots -- which is impossible -- and 40 precincts had over 97% returned. The national mail-in ballot return rate was 71%, but in Pima County the mail-in ballot return rate was 15% higher, and 19% higher than all the counties combined in the entire state of Arizona. One precinct with 99.5% mail-in turnout had 9,812 ballots counted. Another precinct with 100.6% turnout had 2,182 ballots returned, but only 2,170 mail-ins were ever sent. These two total 11,994 ballots, alone more than the margin needed to win.

Turnout rates of 99% and 100% is what you get in a Third World Country, and that’s what we’re becoming (look at crime, the Border, Afghanistan, food prices, energy prices, and the empty store shelves, etc.), unless this is fixed immediately!

The precincts above 92% mail-in return rate represented 264,000 votes. If just 2% are fraudulent, meaning Trump votes went to Biden, that would be enough to change the so-called margin in Arizona of 10,457 votes.

The Department of Justice has had this information since the November 2020 Election, and has done nothing about it. The Pima County GOP should start a canvass of Republican voters, in order to identify and remove the obvious fictitious voters from the system.

In addition, the Arizona Audit found tens of thousands of illegal votes, including 6,545 mail-in ballots with no envelopes, 2,580 bad signatures on mail-in ballot envelopes, and 1,919 mail-in ballot envelopes with no signature, which is also determinative and more than the margin.

Either a new Election should immediately take place or the past Election should be decertified and the Republican candidate declared the winner.


Part 1 of 2
OCTOBER 15, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America


Part 2 of 2

#EmptyShelvesJoe📎 sweeps Twitter as furious Americans point the finger at Bumbling Basement Beijing Biden for supply crisis.

As the supply chain crisis threatens Christmas📎 trade and supermarket supplies with dozens of container ships blocked up off the California coast, consumers knew who to blame.

One tweeted: "I’m pretty sure Joe Biden and the Democrats in DC are eating just fine and are having no issues getting what they need. The rest of us lowly Americans who actually go to the grocery stores, not so much. #EmptyShelvesJoe.”

Experts reportedly expect the price of in-demand children's gifts to shoot up by 10% with the added burden of fewer available delivery drivers, but at least Biden had "good news" - the Port of Los Angeles will work 24/7 to try and ease the backlog.

Two conservatives resign from Biden's Supreme Court commission - The Hill📎

Law professors Caleb Nelson and Jack Goldsmith have quit the bipartisan panel President Biden assembled to propose ways to reform the Supreme Court.

The commission, which has been working since April, originally had 36 members.

“I have resigned from the Commission,” Nelson said in an emailed statement Friday. “I was honored to be part of it, but I don’t have further comment.”

Goldsmith didn’t respond to requests for comment on his membership.

The commission on Thursday released a draft📎 of its findings in which it wrote favorably of creating term limits for judges, an idea that has had bipartisan support, and cautioned against court adding justices, an idea gaining traction among Democrats.

OCTOBER 15, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Isn’t it terrible that all of Andrew McCabe’s benefits, pensions, salary, etc., were just fully reinstated by the Justice Department? This is yet another mockery to our Country. Among other things, McCabe’s wife received hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from Hillary Clinton and the Democrats while Crooked Hillary was under investigation, which was quickly dropped, of course. What a bad chapter this has been for the once storied FBI—I hate to see it happening, so many GREAT people work there. Next thing you know the two lovers, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, will be getting awards for what they did, and Hunter Biden will be given a clean bill of health on everything done by him, with everyone to receive as payment a beautiful Hunter Biden inspired painting selling at your local art gallery for $500,000. While I have never painted before, Hunter has inspired me to immediately begin painting because I’ve always felt I have a talent at that, and could surely get at least $2 million dollars per canvas—and probably a lot more. I will begin immediately. Our Country is crooked as hell!

FACEOOK SURVEILLANCE: AI team researching systems that see, hear & remember everything you do

FB’s augmented reality glasses constantly analyze peoples’ lives, using first-person video and record all movements to develop “episodic memory [and] audio-visual diarization.”📎

According to researchers, Ego4D will be able to answer questions like, “where did I leave my keys?” Or remember who said what and when.

Facebook says the glasses are just a research project, but some privacy experts worry about commercial development and how the AI lenses may be used to covertly eavesdrop and record private citizens.

Sounds very 'DARPA'ish📎' doesn't it?

OCTOBER 16, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Working hard to get very popular and capable Former Congressman Sean Duffy of Wisconsin to run for Governor. He would be fantastic! A champion athlete, Sean loves the people of Wisconsin, and would be virtually unbeatable. His wife, Rachel, is likewise an incredible person. They are both doing very well, so this would be a big sacrifice, but hopefully it will be a sacrifice that will be made for the Great State of Wisconsin and its wonderful, hardworking people. Run Sean, Run! (A little spin-off on the great Herschel Walker.)

The FDA added tinnitus as a potential side effect📎 to one COVID vaccine. But what about the others?

More than 10,000 Americans have reported tinnitus as a possible side effect of the COVID-19 vaccine, and some are now questioning why the FDA and CDC are not taking a deeper look into their claims about hearing problems.

Archbishop Vigano: ‘Vaccine victims are sacrificed on the altar of Moloch’

While the vast majority of Christianity is neatly and meekly, and often even enthusiastically, cooperating with the creation of the New World Order, better known today as the Great Reset, Build Back Better and Agenda 2030, there are a handful of people left in every denomination who see what is going on and dare to speak out against it.

In the Catholic Church, Archbishop Viganò is the most outspoken opponent. Viganò is now taking an unusually hard line against church leaders, especially Pope Francis, who he says is preaching a heretical anti-gospel, and has turned the church into “a servant of the New World Order".📎 (video)

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