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Fauci movie tanks on Rotten Tomatoes audience scores.

The documentary about Dr Anthony Fauci’s life was given a 91% positive rating by 33 critics on Rotten Tomatoes, but before Monday there was no audience rating - and only one (negative) review posted - despite the film being out for a month. Have they 'hidden' the bad press?

When an audience score did finally appear, it hit just 2% approval from over 250 ratings, leading many users to accuse the site of intentionally hiding the negative reviews.

On IMDB, “Fauci” received a 1.5/10 rating from 6,000 reviews.

Side Note: Fauci IS a Fraud.

OCTOBER 13, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Big rally in Michigan yesterday, unbelievable spirit and knowledge of what went on with respect to voting and vote counting in the 2020 Presidential Election. Detroit, considered for many years to be one of the most corrupt places in the United States for elections (and many other things!), had large-scale irregularities so much so that two officials, at great risk to themselves and their families, refused to certify the results, and were sadly threatened. Wasn’t it a fact that aside from other things, there were far more votes than voters? Even the RINOs on the Senate Committee found 289,866 absentee ballots that were sent to people who never requested them, “something that would be illegal.” Why did they viciously kick out the Republican poll watchers? Seventy percent of Detroit’s mail-in ballot counting boards didn’t match, it was a total mess. Why won’t they give respected professionals and representatives at yesterday’s rally the right to do a Forensic Audit of Wayne County (Detroit) and Macomb County? That includes the RINOs in the State Senate and House who for, whatever reason, do nothing but obstruct instead of seeking the truth. Hopefully, each one of these cowardly RINOs, whose names will be identified and forthcoming, will be primaried, with my Complete and Total Endorsement, in the upcoming election. Congratulations on the great rally yesterday!


United Airlines pilot files vaccine mandate LAWSUIT📎 against company

David Sambrano, a veteran pilot at United Airlines, is pursuing an injunction to block the company from terminating employees’ contracts or enforcing unpaid leave for not complying with the vaccine mandate on medical or religious grounds.

Sambrano - who has recovered from Covid - argues United’s refusal to offer provisions such as recovery from Covid or negative testing is illegal, and has been denied a religious exemption despite vaccine development using fetal tissue.

United was one of the first airlines to require all employees to be vaccinated, announcing a few weeks ago that 600 employees were set to be fired for not complying.

### | @GeorgeChat
160K illegal immigrants released into the US since March (Fox News report📎)

Leaked documents obtained by Fox News show the staggering scale of immigrants allowed into the US by the Biden administration in the last 7 months, apparently with little oversight, supervision or risk of deportation.

The papers show that since August 6 alone, over 70k illegal immigrants have been released Stateside, 31,977 on parole with temporary legal status and eligible for work permits.

Former Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott, who served under Joe Biden, insisted he didn’t approve “more than 5 or 10 paroles in a year” while pointing out federal law stipulates only “significant humanitarian reasons or public benefit” should grant parole.

Forget the post-jab lollipop, KFC is dishing up free chicken📎 to New Zealanders vaccinated against Covid-19.

Over the next fortnight, the fast food chain will reward vaccinated customers in two regions each day with a free popcorn chicken snack box.

To claim the “lolli-popcorn chicken” proof of vaccination must be presented in-store or at the drive-through.

### | @GeorgeChat
Robot dog SNIPERS unleashed by private defense contractor

Ghost Robotics have partnered up with advanced weapons manufacturers SWORD International to give a terrifying glimpse into the dystopian future of warfare by releasing images of a weaponised special-ops robotic canine, the “latest lethality sniper payload”.

The deadly tech is designed to kill with precision📎 in a wide range of conditions of day or night, but there is worryingly little clarity over the level of autonomy the killer quadruped will have.

The firearm itself is designed to fire 6.5mm Creedmoor cartridges with long-range targets in mind.

#BlackMirror #TerminatorDog

OCTOBER 13, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Here we go again. After a very long wait, a judge in Georgia refuses to let us look at the ballots, which I have little doubt are terrible. This whole situation is a disgrace to our Country. Why can’t the public see the ballots? Our Country is going to hell and we are not allowed transparency even in our Elections. The people of Georgia deserve to know the truth. So unfair to them and our Country. The fight continues, we will never give up. Our Elections are so corrupt and nobody wants to do anything about it!

### | @GeorgeChat
Bumbling Beijing Basement Biden, thanks “supply sane disruption task force”... says sorry for butchering the name

Who moved the prompter back? The president was at his audible best during a speech while joined by the “executirrrr je-jeck-der-der” and “Marinara,” somebody or other to discuss the US ports' backlogs.

Naturally, no one got a question in as Biden's patented shuffle away moved quicker than the containers at Long Beach.

We're waiting for the Official White House transcript to be released, to see if they 'edit' the mumblings of the bumbler in 'chief'. (As they have done so in the past)

In attendance was:
Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg
Brian Deese, Director, National Economic Council
John Porcari, Port Envoy to the Biden-Harris Administration Supply Chain Disruptions Task Force
Willie Adams, President, International Longshore and Warehouse Union

### | @GeorgeChat
OCTOBER 13, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Why isn't the January 6th Unselect Committee of partisan hacks studying the massive Presidential Election Fraud, which took place on November 3rd and was the reason that hundreds of thousands of people went to Washington to protest on January 6th? Look at the numbers now being reported on the fraud, which we now call the "Really Big Lie." You cannot study January 6th without studying the reason it happened, November 3rd. But the Democrats don't want to do that because they know what took place on Election Day in the Swing States, and beyond. If we had an honest media this Election would have been overturned many months ago, but our media is almost as corrupt as our political system!

### | @GeorgeChat
GEORGENEWS pinned a video
OCTOBER 13, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Mark Meadows, our great Chief of Staff during some very exciting White House years, has written a new book entitled The Chief's Chief. It is available for pre-order now, and doing really well. If you want to learn about politics, truth, our great administration, and exciting achievements that took place in government, pre-order your copy now. Remember, there has never been an administration like ours. We did things that no other administration even thought they could do. The Chief's Chief would make an incredible Christmas present, and with United States supply lines totally dead, and with thousands of ships having no way of unloading because of incompetent leadership, you will have no other thing you can buy anyway. Seriously, it's a fantastic book, and Mark Meadows and his wonderful wife Debbie are great people. Order here.


*UPDATED* 7:53PM ET📎 ⬅️

Here is the 'Official WH Transcript as transcribed by the WH Press Office: (Remarks on Supply Chain Bottlenecks, East Room)

"And today, we have an important announcement that will get things you buy to you, to the shelves faster. I'm joined by the executive directors of the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, Gene Seroka and Mari- -- Mario Cordono [Cordero]. I miss- -- I apologize, Mario. That the -- and the president of the International Longshoremen's Union, Willie Adams". ~ Biden

"And I especially want to thank Joe [John] Porcari. And I think Joe [John] has done one heck of job -- my special envoy, specifically on ports, who has been working this issue with all of the stakeholders for the past several weeks". ~ Biden

This is what Psaki's Press Office does, ALL THE TIME!

They ban questions from the Press, pre-screen and pre-select who gets to ask a 'meaningless' question when called on; to actually changing the SPOKEN WORDS of a (P)resident and recording it as such in Official records!

One thing is certain for this joke of an 'admin'.

BRING BACK BETTER... font on the damn teleprompter for this clown!

### | @GeorgeChat
Facebook Expands Harassment Policy to Protect Journalists & Activists as “Involuntary” Public Figures (Report📎)

FB will add more protections on the harassment of journalists and "human rights defenders," who it says are in the public eye due to their work rather than their public personas.

The social media company, which allows more critical commentary of public figures than of private individuals, announced the changes Wednesday - following recent wide-ranging scrutiny for harms linked to its platforms.

“We do not allow bullying and harassment on our platform, but when it does happen, we act,” Antigone Davis, FB’s head of global safety, wrote in a blog post.

### | @GeorgeChat
OCTOBER 14, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Today, the highly respected Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, is having an event on the big findings from the Arizona Audit. He has invited the RINOs on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors to participate. If they have nothing to hide, and if this was the "most secure election" in history, they would show up and answer the many questions raised by the audit, like how there were over 17,000 duplicate mail-in ballots and why they poured in after Election Day, how there were over 6,000 more ballots than there were envelopes, or why some were stamped "verified and approved," even though they had no signature, which is against the law.

Maricopa County has refused to answer these questions (and so much more!), and instead "shoots the messenger." Tune in to Dr. Shiva's open forum from 12-4PM EDT. We must fix our elections to save our Country!

These massive irregularities and corruption are now in the hands of the Attorney General Mark Brnovich of Arizona. Everybody knows what the right answer is, both in Arizona and other places!

### | @GeorgeChat
GEORGENEWS pinned «SAVE AMERICA PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP OCTOBER 14, 2021 BEDMINSTER, NJ Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America Today, the highly respected Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, is having an event on the big findings from the…»