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FACEOOK SURVEILLANCE: AI team researching systems that see, hear & remember everything you do

FB’s augmented reality glasses constantly analyze peoples’ lives, using first-person video and record all movements to develop “episodic memory [and] audio-visual diarization.”📎

According to researchers, Ego4D will be able to answer questions like, “where did I leave my keys?” Or remember who said what and when.

Facebook says the glasses are just a research project, but some privacy experts worry about commercial development and how the AI lenses may be used to covertly eavesdrop and record private citizens.

Sounds very 'DARPA'ish📎' doesn't it?

OCTOBER 16, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Working hard to get very popular and capable Former Congressman Sean Duffy of Wisconsin to run for Governor. He would be fantastic! A champion athlete, Sean loves the people of Wisconsin, and would be virtually unbeatable. His wife, Rachel, is likewise an incredible person. They are both doing very well, so this would be a big sacrifice, but hopefully it will be a sacrifice that will be made for the Great State of Wisconsin and its wonderful, hardworking people. Run Sean, Run! (A little spin-off on the great Herschel Walker.)

The FDA added tinnitus as a potential side effect📎 to one COVID vaccine. But what about the others?

More than 10,000 Americans have reported tinnitus as a possible side effect of the COVID-19 vaccine, and some are now questioning why the FDA and CDC are not taking a deeper look into their claims about hearing problems.

Archbishop Vigano: ‘Vaccine victims are sacrificed on the altar of Moloch’

While the vast majority of Christianity is neatly and meekly, and often even enthusiastically, cooperating with the creation of the New World Order, better known today as the Great Reset, Build Back Better and Agenda 2030, there are a handful of people left in every denomination who see what is going on and dare to speak out against it.

In the Catholic Church, Archbishop Viganò is the most outspoken opponent. Viganò is now taking an unusually hard line against church leaders, especially Pope Francis, who he says is preaching a heretical anti-gospel, and has turned the church into “a servant of the New World Order".📎 (video)

GEORGENEWS pinned a photo
“Let’s Go Brandon!” anti-Biden meme song tops iTunes hip-hop chart

Crowds have adopted a clean version of the “F*ck Joe Biden!”📎 chants that spread across mass sporting events, and a rapper has turned the less-than-subtle inference into a chart-topping meme song📎.

Wearing a Make Music Great Again red cap, Loza Alexander raps that “nobody want this commie ‘cause we’re not in China” and that the govt are “treatin’ us like we in Squid Game”.

“Let’s Go Brandon!” began when a Nascar reporter claimed fans weren’t chanting FJB, and were in fact supporting winner Brandon Brown.

ICYMI: 16k Covid migrants released into the US by ICE “to avoid increasing detained population” (report)📎

According to an alleged Immigration and Customs Enforcement whistleblower, over 16 THOUSAND migrants who tested positive for Covis while under ICE detention were then released into the US unvaccinated.

The source claims the migrants in question were released into various cities across the country between January and October, many to self-quarantine in hotels, because the backlog of Border Patrol referrals was so great.

The numbers do not include the swathes of migrants released stateside without being tested.

Note: nearly 2 million apprehensions📎 were made by Customs and Border Protection nationwide in FY 2021.

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“Freedom, Not Force”: Southwest Airlines Workers Protest Covid-19 Vax Mandate📎 at Dallas HQ

Current and former Southwest Airlines workers gathered to celebrate “medical freedom” while demonstrating against the company’s recent vaccine mandate Monday.

Multiple signs reading “Terminate the mandate,” “Freedom, not force,” “No jabs for jobs” and “Let’s go Brandon” can be seen as hundreds protested outside SA’s headquarters.

SA set a deadline of the first week of October for workers to be jabbed for Covid under a federal vaccination mandate for companies holding contracts with US govt. | @GEORGENEWS
Nearly 40% of Californian State Workers Remain UNVACCINATED Against Covid (📎)

The COVID-19 vaccination rate is lower among California’s 238,000 state workers than among CA's general population, according to data from the state Human Resources Department.

Fewer than two-thirds of state workers — about 62% — were vaccinated as of Oct. 7, according to preliminary figures provided by department spox Camille Travis – despite Gov. Gavin Newsom’s July mandate orders.

The Newsom admin's shot-or-test rules for state workers are less stringent than those the governor imposed on health care workers, who must get vaccinated unless claiming a religious or medical exemption.

OCTOBER 18, 2021

Statement Regarding Today’s Deposition of President Donald J. Trump

“The Klu Klux Klan dressed protester case should have never been brought as the plaintiffs have no one to blame but themselves. Rather than protest peacefully, the plaintiffs intentionally sought to rile up a crowd by blocking the entrance to Trump Tower on 5th Avenue, in the middle of the day, wearing Klu Klux Klan robes and hoods. When security tried to deescalate the situation, they were unfortunately met with taunts and violence from the plaintiffs themselves. Seeing this for what it is, prior to my deposition today, the Court dismissed almost all of the plaintiffs’ claims—except for a baseless claim for injuries they never suffered, and the temporary loss of a worthless cardboard sign which was soon thereafter returned to them. After years of litigation, I was pleased to have had the opportunity to tell my side of this ridiculous story—Just one more example of baseless harassment of your favorite President.” — Donald J. Trump

OCTOBER 18, 2021

MEMO: Lawsuit Filed to Defend Executive Privilege, U.S. Constitution

Today, President Donald J. Trump filed a lawsuit in defense of the Constitution, the Office of the President, and the future of our nation, all of which the sham Unselect Committee is trying to destroy. The fact is America is under assault by Pelosi's Communist-style attempt to silence and destroy America First patriots through this hyper-partisan and illegitimate investigation.

The January 6th Committee is a partisan sham to distract Americans from the Democrats' policies that are killing and robbing Americans. For example:

o The Border crisis is flooding our communities with drugs and gangs, while costing taxpayers billions.

o The Democrats' mismanagement of COVID exposed America's elderly to a deadly disease and then in many cases, forced them to die alone.

o By defunding the police and embracing criminals, Democrats have made our cities less safe.

o The unconstitutional mandates are destroying the economy.

The media is complicit in advancing the Committee's unconstitutionally flawed request.

This committee exposed itself as a sham by requesting documents which serve no legitimate legislative purpose—what does President Trump's campaign polling data from Florida have to do with an investigation into January 6th?

The Legal Argument—Three Pillars

No Legitimate Legislative Purpose:
The legislative committees' request fails to meet the basic requirement of fulfilling a legislative purpose. The request is not just overly broad, it requests documents including campaign polling data—what does Congress hope to learn from this?
Newsflash: Polling shows Biden's approval cratering and 2022 slipping out of Democrats' grasp—no wonder the Democrats and the media want to distract America from: The surrender in Afghanistan, skyrocketing inflation, a border crisis, crippling COVID mandates, and a stalled legislative agenda.

Former Presidents have inherent Constitutional Rights of Privilege: An incumbent administration does not have the constitutional authority to unilaterally waive the executive privilege of a previous administration—especially one so recent. If it did, then executive privilege doesn't exist, including for Joe Biden.

Newsflash: No one is following this argument more closely than: (1) Hunter Biden and his art dealer, (2) The Woke Generals and Intel leaders who advised the Surrender in Afghanistan and the bombing of innocent civilians and children (3) Big Tech who has been actively engaged with the Biden administration to subvert Democracy through dark money organizations

Time for Review: The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has not even had the time to compile and organize the documents being requested by Congress—which is the largest request in American History. President Trump and Joe Biden should be afforded the time to diligently review any protected and privileged documents before it is released to the public.

Newsflash: The Committee is motivated by one thing: delivering political wins for the Democrats. That's why they've set a rapid timetable that steamrolls the Constitution, legal precedent, and established process. The Committee isn't seeking the truth, it's seeking Communist-style political persecution of President Trump and the America First patriots who served their country honorably.

Taylor Budowich
Director of Communications
President Donald J. Trump and Save America PAC

GEORGENEWS pinned «SAVE AMERICA PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP OCTOBER 18, 2021 BEDMINSTER, NJ MEMO: Lawsuit Filed to Defend Executive Privilege, U.S. Constitution Today, President Donald J. Trump filed a lawsuit in defense of the Constitution, the Office of the President, and…»
Canada threatens to sack federal workers who use “Let’s go Brandon” in correspondence (The Daily Wire📎)

“The use of the wording ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ and any variation thereof under any circumstance is banned by the Canadian Public Service,” according to an alleged memo from a govt agency.

The memo reportedly continues, “Violation of this policy will be grounds for immediate dismissal without recourse or labor union participation.”

ICYMI: "Let's Go Brandon"📎 tops Hip Hop Charts 🎶🎵

OCTOBER 18, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Wacky Senator Bill Cassidy from Louisiana is a RINO Republican who begged for my endorsement in 2020 and used it all over the place to win re-election, much like Little Ben Sasse, and then voted to impeach your favorite President.

I have done so much for the State of Louisiana, including making it possible to build major energy facilities that would never have happened without me filling up the strategic petroleum reserve at record low prices, and making sure they received huge amounts of hospital supplies and ventilators to aid the people of Louisiana in fighting the China Virus. Even the Democrat governor thanked me for all I did.

Now, Wacky Bill Cassidy can't walk down the street in Louisiana, a State I won by almost 20 points. He could not even be elected dog catcher today, the great people curse him.

Wacky Bill is a totally ineffective Senator, but Louisiana does have a great Senator in John Kennedy.

OCTOBER 19, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Wonderful to see Colin Powell, who made big mistakes on Iraq and famously, so-called weapons of mass destruction, be treated in death so beautifully by the Fake News Media. Hope that happens to me someday. He was a classic RINO, if even that, always being the first to attack other Republicans. He made plenty of mistakes, but anyway, may he rest in peace!

OCTOBER 19, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

The fake, highly partisan Unselect Committee continues to rock and roll. They were unable to make a deal with Kevin McCarthy to put real Republicans on the Committee, so they got stuck with low-polling warmonger Liz Cheney and Cryin’ Adam Kinzinger who have no idea what our Party stands for. Cheney is polling in the low 20’s in Wyoming, the State she doesn’t represent. This is just a continuation of the Witch Hunt which started with the now fully debunked and discredited Russia, Russia, Russia Scam, quickly reverting to a perfect phone call with Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, and now this. The Unselect Committee is composed of absolute political hacks who want to destroy the Republican Party and are decimating America itself. I am the only thing in their way. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

#GeorgeTB A Year Ago Today, 10/19/2020

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