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Forwarded from Mrtdogg (@Mrtdogg)
New Zealand Government goes after whistleblower, who leaked MASSIVE Covid vaccine death database.

Pictured top is a defiant Ministry of Health whistleblower Barry Young, entering to an applause in a full courtroom of supporters. HE is arrested instead of the corrupt members of the New Zealand Ministry of Health and the Health Minister.

Video shows Andrew Bridgen MP discussing the NZ data leak in UK Parliament, with others claiming it has been “debunked,” (1:50) less than 24 hours after the news surfaced.

Nothing has been “debunked", lady. No media coverage actually talks about the specifics of the database - only naming & shaming Young.

UPDATE: Opposition Party Leader and journalist Liz Gunn goes into hiding. Because, democracy.
Forwarded from Professor Patriot (Patricia Whited)
Because of a new court ruling that just came down last week, the state of New York has just gotten one step closer to attaining the ultimate pandemic power—being able to designate certain classes of individuals as a health threat, forcibly relocating those individuals to specially designated “housing facilities” and keeping them there for as long as the government wants. They’d also have the power to control what that person does or does not do.
However, if these new government powers sound like the very definition of a “quarantine camp,” according to the AP fact-checkers, you would be wrong.
Episode Resources:
🔵 Assembly Bill 416:
🔵 Section 2.13:

🔵 AP Fact Check:
Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
Media is too big
Marsha Blackburn just confronted Christopher Wray on the FBI's failure to provide more information on Jeffrey Epstein's client list! 🚨
"I want to know what awareness you have of the FBI's failure to investigate these claims. What specifically has the FBI done to investigate the claims that Epstein and others participated in child trafficking? We need a complete investigation as to why the FBI did not take this up. Getting to the bottom of what is appearing to be an enormous sex trafficking ring and listening to these survivors. I tried to get the subpoena on the flight logs. People need to know who was on those planes and how often they were on those planes. Should those logs be made public? They've been heavily redacted. We never got to the bottom of this. They swept in under the rug and that is wrong and you need to right that wrong."
We need the client list unredacted!
Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
Media is too big
Are we finally going to see the Epstein flight logs unredacted?
All it takes is a signature for the world to see the Jeffrey Epstein flight log. 🚨
"There's no reason why we can't get the flight logs... All it takes is a signature. The signature of a Senator. It can be whenever. This notion that they ran out of time is just nonsensical.
They're not going to be able to use that excuse forever. There is going to be time. All they need is the John Hancock to get the subpoena. So they can't continue to come up with these BS excuses because they are going to look as complicit as possible and we're going to blow them up.
He's dead.. He's a convicted pedophile. What possible reason could there be to hide this information? How could this information not be in the public interest? It's almost a joke. It's not like Dick Durbin's constituents are demanding he block the logs...
This is one of those things the American people have the right to know."
Are we getting closer to finally exposing the people Epstein trafficked children to?
Can't help but be intrigued by the recent Epstein development...
Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
Media is too big
A quick check on the internet lead me to some alarming situations involving Taylor Swift including but not limited to:
Her fans are getting "amnesia" at her shows and forgetting what even happened in a very strange phenomenon, she was performing what appeared to be witchcraft rituals on stage in front of all of large crowds, she posted to Instagram on the handle taylor13 (13 is a popular cabal number) that she was a witch in combination with her music video showing a witchcraft ceremony, and "democrats are hoping Taylor Swift can save Biden" for the 2024 election. Oh, and she's dating Pfizer's soyboy football player.
I'm sure it's all nothing.
Forwarded from PATRIOT 17 (Laire Lightner)
Christmas tree for the unvaccinated…

NO needless, just Balls

Kekekek 🐸

Forwarded from Police frequency
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Wow, a really honest and powerful pitch from Zelensky on why America should send Ukraine more aid 🤣🤣🤣

🔗 Donald Trump Jr

Forwarded from PATRIOT 17 (Laire Lightner)
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According to a recent study published in the journal Vaccines, almost a third of individuals who received the COVID-19 “vaccine” suffered from neurological complications.

1. Astra-Zenica - Headaches, tremors, muscle spasms, insomnia, tinnitus

2. Moderna - Sleepiness, vertigo, double-vision, numbness or itching, taste and smell alterations, hoarseness

3. Pfizer - Increased risk of cognitive fog, increased risk of developing neurological complications for females

Other studies have found brain blood clots and Bell's palsy as side effects to these shots.

This is a disturbing list for a treatment that has been touted as SAFE and EFFECTIVE!
Forwarded from Charlie Kirk
Democrats have made Republicans an offer: Give us $61 billion for Ukraine, and we'll slash illegal immigration to "only" 1 million per year.

What that means, of course, is that the 3 million+ coming annually right now isn't an accident or an act of God. It's a deliberate act of treason in order to extract political concessions.
Forwarded from The General
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BREAKING: A new study claims that 17 million people died globally because of Covid vaccinations.


The War in Gaza: It's Not About Hamas. It's About Demographics By Mike Whitney

"We’ve been told repeatedly that the goal of Israel’s operation in Gaza is to “defeat Hamas”. But is that true? We don’t think it is. We don’t think that any reasonable person would attempt to eradicate a militant organization by laying to waste vast swaths of the country while killing tens of thousands of innocent people. That is not how one garners support for one’s cause nor is it an effective strategy for defeating the enemy. Instead, it is a policy that is guaranteed to horrify allies and critics alike greatly undermining the operation’s chances of success. And that’s why we don’t believe that Israel’s attack on Gaza has anything to do with Hamas. We think it’s a smokescreen that’s being used to divert attention from the real objectives of the campaign.

And, what might those “real objectives” be?

The real objectives relate to an issue that is never discussed in the media, but is the primary factor driving events. Demographics.

As we all know, Israel’s long-term plan is to incorporate Gaza and the West Bank into Greater Israel. They want to control all the land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. The problem is, however, that if they annex the occupied territories without disposing of the people, then the Palestinian population will equal or exceed that of the Jews which would lead to the demise of the Jewish state. That is the basic problem in a nutshell. Check out this article that helps to explain what’s going on:

Demography is a matter of national security in Israel and a key indicator for Israeli-Palestinian relations and their outlook: demographic trends in Israel are rapidly shifting and this will impact prospects for violence and conflict resolution.

As of late 2022, over seven million Israelis lived in Israel and the West Bank, and seven million Palestinians lived in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Israel and East Jerusalem, a somehow integrated region referred to as “Greater Israel” by Jewish right-wing activists …

A demographic bomb is already ticking. Israeli Jews experience an existential fear to be outgrown by the Palestinian population, and this is further instrumentalized by right-wing nationalist political entrepreneurs. Demography lies at the core of the territorial dispute between Jews and Arabs, as the two nations are waging a major war on numbers, aimed at weaponizing fertility rates to turn them into a predictive assumption of victory.

As the current Israeli right-wing government is laying the ground for the de facto annexation of the West Bank’s Area C, demography has been one of the tools employed to reassure the Jewish public opinion that Judea and Samaria could still be integrated into Israel, while keeping a Jewish demographic majority. However, demography remains a struggle for survival and an uphill battle for Israel. This is especially true if Israel were to progress with the Palestinian Area C annexation. Israel: A Demographic Ticking Bomb in Today’s One-State Reality”, Aspenia"
