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NOW - EU to ban certain Russian banks from #SWIFT, paralyze assets of the Russian central bank, and further freeze assets of oligarchs.

Brazil: ships sit waiting for delayed soybean harvest. They export 44% of global soybean supply — and the beans just aren’t there.

It’s not just Ukraine/Russia that are off the table. We are truly passing the point of no return for global food supply.

#Brazil #soybeans
EU is 3rd biggest consumer of corn, and imports majority (70%!) from Ukraine annually.

Honest question, as ports are being closed to Russia: where are they going to get their food this year? Given Brazil’s weather struggles, and Bayer declaring force majeur in US, it’s just not possible.

This isn’t just “sanctions” — we are watching a mass suicide ritual. Sorry to be blunt. I just don’t understand how people don’t see this, but I guess they are busy pouring out bottles of vodka.

Suddenly the deagle population predictions of massive losses across western countries, while Russia/China stay flat, make absolute sense…

#eu #ukraine #corn
Google just dropped RT & Sputnik from YouTube. This presages the censorship of ALL voices who do not echo the narrative of the west.

This is why FOR YEARS they’ve been calling anyone who strays from their propaganda “Russian bots.”

We are at the tail end of any free exchange in the digital space. If you intend to communicate — be prepared to take it OFFLINE.

[ Side
Note : it’s been an absolute honor communicating with all of you! If/when comms go — best of luck, save those beautiful seeds, and Godspeed! ]
Maersk, biggest shipping company in the world, SUSPENDS all container shipments to Russia.

This is complete dismantling of the global supply chain. It’s even more insane than flattening the curve.

It’s not virtue signaling - it’s not sanctions. Its not a war between nations… It’s a war on ALL the people of the world.

My #1 favorite soil amendment: Lactobacillus ! LAB can also be used as a pro-biotic supplement, to naturally clear drain pipes, to control odor with deep bedding of your birds / livestock, and about 8 gazillion other uses. It’s an army of friendlies waiting for you to use them! Check it out:

Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) “Recipe”:

- 1L Rice Wash (just let rice sit in water for a bit, up to a day, then strain it out — the water now is full of carbs for the bacilli to eat!)

- 10L of milk (or scale both back) — Raw milk is great! Store milk works just fine. We just want the bacteria!

Mix the two together, leave room at top for some bubbling, cover with mesh or muslin or even a paper towel. Give it 3-6+ days depending on temperature, no direct sunlight. When it smells sweet and has separated out, it’s ready! Then just strain out the liquid from the curds (which can also be used to make cheese), and you have your LAB aka EM1!

It only takes a teaspoon or two per gallon of water (~ 1:20 if you require quantitative, but who’s counting) to be a potent addition when watering, or with your compost tea.

( here is a video by Chris Trump demo’ing the method )
Quite the legacy there, Vikki …
Analysts / "experts" are now echoing what I'd said last week about the effects of this conflict on world grain supplies

"If the conflict is prolonged -- three months, four months from now -- I feel the consequences could be really serious, wheat will need to be rationed," said Andree Defois, president of consultant Strategie Grains.

Kyiv-based researcher UkrAgroConsult warned, "the chain of product creation, from cultivation to port shipments, is paralyzed."

This is, at its heart, an attack on the food supply.

#wheat #FoodShortage
Wheat prices EXPLODE, limit up. See above post for why.

I have long said “Watch wheat.” It is THE key strategic grain. Last time wheat prices soared this high, presaged the Arab Spring….


Wheat prices soar to highest since 2008, trade ‘limit up’ on potential Russia supply hit

The price of wheat on Tuesday rose to its highest levels in more than a decade, with traders concerned about global supply disruption as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine advanced.

Wheat futures rose 5.35% to 984 cents per bushel as of 11:30 a.m. ET, at the highs of Tuesday’s session. That marks the highest price since April 4, 2008, when wheat traded as high as 985.5 cents per bushel.

BREAKING: Multiple users reporting Merrill Lynch is not allowing them to trade WEAT or some other commodity ETFs.
UK ‘bribes’ farmers to STOP FARMING
A government scheme to pay farmers up to £100,000 to help them retire is set to open for applications in April.

Long-awaited details have been published on Defra's Lump Sum Exit Scheme, part of a drive to encourage older farmers to leave the industry and pass on their land to a new generation.

To be eligible, farmers will need to surrender their BPS entitlements and dispose of almost all their agricultural land by sale or gift.

#uk #WarOnFarms
Shippers Cut Off Russia - Wheat Price Explodes - Cyberattacks on Shipping

As Major shipping companies are cutting service to Russia and UK bans shipments from Russia, the disruption to global food supply is now a lasting one. What effect will cutting out the breadbasket of the world have, and--more importantly--who benefits from doing so? Christian breaks it down in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.

via @iceagefarmer


#iafvideo #russia #ukraine #wheat #shipping #SupplyChain
“How without Russian gas?”

Already EU nations are hearing that they must quickly fail forward into renewables as the gas is shutdown from Russia:

As I mention in my update earlier, this conflict serves so many aspects of the zero carbon agenda (even as the war machine belches insane pollution) …
While eyes are on the war, WHO has contracted Deutsche Telekom to build a global electronic verification of coronavirus (or any) vaccination certificates.

The QR code-based software solution will be used for other vaccinations as well, such as polio or yellow fever, [or whatever we come up with in the future! whee!] T-Systems said in a statement on Wednesday, adding that the WHO would support its 194 member states in building national and regional verification technology.
Wow: Benchmark Malaysian #PalmOil futures rose past 7,000 ringgit/tonne on Wed. The 6,000-mark was first reached just a week ago, the 1st 5,000 in October.

Palm oil is the most widely used vegetable oil. Prices have spiked w/ most sunflower oil trade (15% of vegoil total) offline.

Moldova bans export of grains to ensure domestic supply.

The global food crisis is escalating quickly. This is the nation state equivalent of “grab what you can now” — of course China has been doing that for years now.

#FoodShortages #Moldova #wheat #corn
EU Agriculture Ministers hold Crisis Meeting to manage impact of Ukraine on food production:

The war in Ukraine could disrupt food production in Europe - not just raw material or fertilizer prices. France wants to activate the EU crisis mechanism. [ I have looked into this plan and can find that it exists, but not what its implementation would entail - @iceagefarmer ]

"The invasion carries the risk of disrupting global markets for agricultural products," said the official announcement of the video conference of EU agriculture ministers this afternoon. Energy and the production of goods such as fertilizers are also affected. World market prices for wheat have already risen sharply since the beginning of the war. 

The food crisis is escalating quickly. for more: @iceagefarmer

original link (de):
Another fire at a fertilizer plant, Yakima, WA, USA destroys 1.75 million pounds of mixed components for fertilizers - how many fertilizer facitilies have burned down just this year now? (As fertilizer shipments from Russia stop?)

Fire rages at fertilizer facility, forces evacuations in Sunnyside

Although a chemical fire in Sunnyside quickly consumed an industrial building and emitted sulfur-laden smoke throughout the afternoon and evening, Monday’s blaze was caught early enough to avoid injuries and could have been much worse, officials said.

A smoldering pile of sulfur quickly became a raging chemical fire just after 1 p.m. Monday at Nutrien Ag Solutions, 1101 Midvale Road, Sunnyside Fire Chief Ken Anderson said.

The fire destroyed one storage building on the southeast corner of the fertilizer storage facility in the Port of Sunnyside and damaged others, but adjacent Nutrien buildings and storage tanks containing hazardous chemicals were spared, Anderson said Monday evening.

The storage building contained 1.75 million pounds of mixed components for fertilizers, but there were more dangerous chemicals in adjacent buildings and tanks, and firefighters prevented the blaze from spreading to them, Anderson added.

“It was caught early on — it could have been much worse,” he added.

#Fertilizer #Fire
FOOD CRISIS: EU expects shortages, S. Korea feed producers to declare Force Majeur

The food crisis is here. The EU's agricultural ministers held an emergency meeting, and are set to activate a "EU Food Crisis Contingency Mechanism" in anticipation of the shortages resulting from the blocked 40% of global wheat exports that are no longer flowing from Ukraine/Russia. S. Korea's animal feed producers are preparing to declare force majeur, unable to produce feed wiithout the 300,000 metric tons they'd expected from Ukraine now stuck in the Black Sea. Nations are banning exports to cling to what food stocks they DO have. Things are escalating quickly in the food crisis. Stay tuned to the Ice Age Farmer channel and START GROWING FOOD NOW.

Join: @iceagefarmer


#eu #FoodShortages #wheat #russia #ukraine #iafvideo