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My article “The Great Inversion” is published. Hope you enjoy!
New Substack article is out!

The Inversion Chronicles is a compilation of distinctive events and news reports that relate to The Great Inversion. This article focuses primarily on the Q movement as it continues to bleed into reality by being publicly acknowledged by Donald Trump and others. The parallels between Q drops and reality are becoming more prevalent.

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New Substack update article is out now!

This is a Twitter edition of The Inversion Chronicles and focuses on Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter and how it relates to The Great Inversion.

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Everybody is a researcher these days, but do you know why you’re researching?

My new Substack article ‘Define Your Why’ helps identify your purpose for gathering information and offers tips, tools, and suggestions on how to refine your research.

Read here:
Government agencies have carried out countless behavioral and mind control operations, this new article focuses on MK-ULTRA, the project that fundamentally changed the world, and what became of it.

Read the new article of evidence-based information including extensive resources about MK-ULTRA:
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New video coming this week 👀 Stay tuned!
Would you know if you’ve been recruited into a mind control operation? 👀

My new video “Ghosts in the Meme” breaks down the subtext of the ominous messages hidden within the Army’s PSYOP division’s recruitment video.

Click here to watch:
No doubt you’ve noticed a lot going on these days.
My new article touches on a few of these events such as the banking instability and geopolitical realignments. Check it out below!
This article highlights additional bank instability, the BRICS countries developing their own currency, and the possibility of a worldwide power shift ushered in under the guise of nuclear warfare.

Check it out:
81 countries meet to back their currencies with gold, and the Durham Report is discussed in this short article outlining a couple of events progressing The Great Inversion. More to come!
New article is now available for all subscribers!

This article highlights a handful of examples predating the Q movement that promote the very same ideology found within The Great Awakening. What seems to be new and organic is actually a rebranded continuation of pagan Mystery traditions.

Check it out:
The final article in this series about The Great Inversion is out now! An in-depth look at the occult origins of the dark and false ‘light’ are explored and why it matters:
"From Desperation to Hope - A Survivor's Experience" is out now! This triumphant story is a testament to the unwavering faith and strength that is possible through the grace of God.

Don't miss out on this powerful interview with Amy Pfeffer!

👉Read Here:
🔍Are you curious about the true origins of The Theory of Evolution?

Check out my NEW video that reveals the mystical origins of Darwinism, and the ‘missing link’ between its creators and their devout occult religious beliefs.🌌🔬 📜🧙‍♂️🔮

👉Watch here:
From breakfast to fluoride, the lasting legacy of Edward Bernays and his “engineering of consent” is vital to understanding the consumerist landscape of the 21st century.

👉Check out the new article now for free!

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