Interceptor Beyond
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This blog: music industry, film business, opinions, ideas, shout outs and local stuff.
Interceptor Beyond pinned «This blog: music industry, film business, opinions, ideas, shout outs and local stuff. ____»
2019 was cool. 2019, i will always remember u
Spotify Canvas

"Canvas is an 8-second visual loop that can be added to any of your tracks to appear in the Now Playing View."

u need to play the songs on your phone and the animation will start.

a great way to stand out.

The Beatles - Helter Skelter

Elvis Presley - Blue Suede Shoes

Facebook vs Instagram

FB owns Insta. Roughly speaking there is 0 organic reach with FB since the algorithm update. When was the last time you found something interesting on FB and were not subscribed to that person or page? Zero chance.

Instagram is better in this case, but not for too long. But still, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use Insta. Use all of Insta’s features:
live videos to connect with fans, broadcast live shows;
tag venues in your posts;
repost fan stories; engage;
mention about your profile from the stage, if you don’t have any other way to interact with fans;
use schedule function to post later;
remember that links don’t work in posts on Insta => only in bio;
use 3-5 hashtags => not 30;
and check if posting pics of your dog/cat/iguana works for your audience.
Planning your release.

It’s really important that you know where you’re going and how you’re doing it. Otherwise, it is highly possible that not many people will notice your release. There is so much content that you can drown.

I’m not talking about musicians who have connections to the tv media channels etc. I’m talking about normal DIY pips.

Use the music marketing checklist below to properly plan your release.
No links.

Dear band/musician,

Why the hell do you make it that fucking hard to find your music?

For example, I see an event on FB and I want to check out the music of a band that I don't know. I go the band's FB page and nothing. No links to the website, youtube, spotify, soundcloud nor to FB music itself. And the link to the website is broken. Just great.

I'm a lazy fuck, I'm not gonna be searching all over internet for your music. It's easier for me not to come to your gig then.


Lazy Fuck

I was at the punk gig some time ago. At EKH Wien.

I didn't understand the concept of the opening band.

The band was all punk, but they had another band member or whoever with them on stage sitting at the table with an Apple laptop doing whatever music SFX she was doing.

What actually sucked, is not this weird combo, but her complete lack of interest in the gig. She was just sitting there as if she was doing her homework.

I wish I had some emotions about it, but I was bored by just looking at her bored face while her band members were trying to warm up the crowd.

What was that about? Conceptual art from the future? I'm too square? Classic punk is too square? Or they just suck as a band?
Digital vs vinyl

I’m mega bored when digital and vinyl releases are the same.

What's the point to make it the same?

A digital release is not one solid block like vinyl. A digital release will be played most probably on shuffle unless it’s a conceptual album that works in a certain way. The intro song will be skipped or will take space in top 5 popular tracks on your Spotify account just because it’s the first track. The hidden tracks don't have the same impact. The “in-between talking” tracks are annoying.

You can have all that with vinyl. But make it different. Change the tracklist, add or remove a couple of songs for the vinyl release, at least. Make it special and have an mp3 link to the digital one. Otherwise, a cool creative opportunity is being missed out.

I like how Jack White tries to make it different. Even spends 10 min explaining what’s special with the Lazaretto vinyl.

Or I’m not getting it? Tell me please.

#merch #album #promotion
The making-of series goes on.
*Salmer - Bob + Tina*
Follow the link to the creation process of this animated music video:
Social media

A new social media platform appears.

Teens don't wanna hang out with their parents, oldies and all the square ones at the previous platform.

If the platform is any better from ones before and gives a "fresh" way of presenting your coolness, the teens are in.

And then the teens grow up and become oldies themselves.

The cycle repeats.

TikTok is the new hot shit. Most people I know are on FB and they don't dig TikTok. I dig TikTok.

"All my friends are dead" - Turbonegro
"Top" project

I have a personal ongoing and probably never-ending project on my website.

Trying to find, categorise and rank music videos in specific genres.

I started with stoner rock. Such a rabbit hole. I don't know, like, 200-300 videos so far. I stopped counting.

The top 10 list there was the first draft and is temporary. Gonna update it soon.

For now, I wanted to give a shout-out to this one. It's not perfect, but I dig it a lot.
The Progerians /The Fabulous Progerians - BLACK STORM
The Irishman

Damn, it sucked.

First, visually it's not Scorsese. It's a mediocre netflix episode.

Secondly, there was no need for aging effect.

Thirdly, the script sucks. The characters behave in a silly manner. I didn't believe that they were gangsters.

Hopefully, the next one is better.
The Two Popes

Surprisingly, it was really good.

The characters are believable.

The script is good.
