Interceptor Beyond
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#movie #notmusic

List of Oscar moments I remember:

197? - Marlon Brando declines his award and sends in a cute native american girl. The Godfather.
199? - James Cameron’s awkward speech. Titanic.
200? - Halle Berry cries when accepting the award. I’ve seen only the sex scene from that movie (like we all did). Monster’s Ball.
200? - When the Lord of the Rings dominated.
201? - When they fucked it up with the winners. La la Land

That’s it.

I will forget this year's tomorrow.
#movie #notmusic

Some afterthoughts on Oscars.

Netflix had 24 Oscar nominations: “the streaming giant has spent $70 mn on awards-oriented marketing campaigns.”
Netflix won only 2 awards.
I would call this a FAIL.

Parasites is a nice middle-ground for everybody.
#stats #onlineService

I think you kinda under-appreciate

Not only it gives you detailed stats on you, it also gives stats on other bands, cities, genres etc.

How you can use it as a band?
You can find bands that are similar with you in location, genre and listeners/followers and tour together.
Or using the stats on that band to find out which cities you can target, cos you know that people there like such music genre.
Or know which social media channels work with your genre.

It's dope shit.
Forwarded from Shower Thoughts 🚿
Flipping a coin and realizing how much you dislike the outcome is more useful for decision making than the actual result of the flip
Music #thePath

The more I dive into the music industry the more cynical I become. Music is just another business, just like everybody says. And I agree.

I understand why musicians are opposing this idea. They think "I don't want to leave one day job to end up in another day job."

But it's not really like that. Yes, you have to do a lot of boring and business-related shit, but in the end you manage to earn a living doing the work that you love.

Don't forget that you can add a one-click "follow" button to your website.

I asked one band recently about youtube content id,
whether they get any royalties, cos one of the main music channels published their album and it's around 100k views.

They said no, just promotion.

Not sure that's a right way. I checked the "video". There are ads. Which means that they are basically paying for the promotion by not accepting the royalties with content id.

It would be useful to calculate:
1. how much money they would get?
2. Would that money be useful for doing their own targeted ads?
3. How much did their fan stats change since the album went on that music channel? Was it useful?

They should ask the channel to give them stats on who's listening to their album on youtube, cos it's a valuable info. 100k is good, but maybe most of the listeners are in portugal and the band is touring in sweden with half empty shows and they don't even know what's wrong.
Interceptor Beyond pinned «Did you submit your music for YouTube Content ID?»
If you don't know what Content ID is, go here
Black Sabbath

This is some cool shit to learn from the great Black Sabbath.

A must-read (link below)!

Here are some quotes if you're too lazy (and my comments):

"When they became Black Sabbath, they had homed in on their identity more." - identity, man, branding and shit!

"They often started rehearsing at nine a.m." - hard work, man!

I was reading ‘Beyond the Wall of Sleep,’ and actually fell asleep and dreamed all the lyrics" - find inspiration in all mediums.

“Any kind of sexuality took away from the more foreboding mood.” - the vision, man, the vision!


Black Sabbath’s Debut: 5 Things We Learned About Its Creation and Cover Art

I wrote there are ad money floating around on YouTube.

If you want to know how many, you can use socialblade

Here's a screenshot from one of the popular YouTube channels.

At the very bottom of the list is the video (album) I was talking about.

So the band is missing out on some of that money that could be used for the promotion of their music. It might be far less, but still, even with 40$ you could order stickers or smth.
#album release date #planning

When? Full article (link below).

It's mainly for the US, but the patterns are the same for everybody. Later I will try to find an album release stats in Europe to make a proper calculation.

Here's what we can use (quotes):

- If you can better predict your competition on release week and optimize your campaign to suit audience listening patterns, you’re in a much better position to steal more hours (heck, even minutes) of streaming.
- ...simply waiting two weeks after Coachella can reduce your competition by 50%... The same pattern happens after public holidays.
- Cultural events and public holidays are one thing, however, the absolute sure fire way to clear a release date is with a mega pop-star’s release day.
- ...November releases shouldn’t be scary. Artists and teams that plan well in advance could reap the rewards of less competition. People listen to more music in Q4, artists release less.
- ...consumers listen to more intense music when the days are longer...“Intense” music tends to sound loud, vocal, cheerful and eurphoric and defined on Spotify by its audio categorization system ... between May and August.
#Spotify #Playlist

I just saw an article "Here are 6 Marketing Strategies to Get You Featured on Playlists"


If you read my blog, you should already know all this:
- Engage with fans and other artists
- Promote your content.
- Reach out to blogs and publications
- Get Verified / Spotify
- Get more followers / Spotify
- Make your own playlists / Spotify

But I can tell you how I choose songs for my playlist and it's brütal.
1. I look for a specific kind of tempo, energy and sound. Retro Rock, Hard Rock and Rock'n'Roll.
2. "the journey":
four ways to explore on spotify to find a new artist:
a. fans also like - most often
b. other playlists - second often
c. radio based on an playlist - sometimes
d. radio based on an artist - sometimes
3. So I pick an artist and start the journey

a. I need the first 1-5 sec to decide if the song fits, cos tempo, energy and sound are already there.
b. long intro, guitar bzz, drum count - skip
c. "one two three four" - skip
d. high pitched guitar sound - skip unless smth is different. my ears are too sensitive to high pitch sound
e. boring sound - skip
f. song longer than 5:30 - skip. not even listen to it
g. if i feel that a band in general is good, i give a better listen to all the songs and all above is ignored.

Usually i need 40 sec - 1 min to go through all the songs of an artist.

4. I listen to all the tracks until i find either a perfect song or a couple of candidates. Just need one song, cos one song per artist.
5. the songs go to a hidden playlist
6. in the hidden playlist i listen to them one more time
7. add them to FIRE DEATH CULT
8. listen to it, cos i actually make the playlist for myself
9. if after a while, i feel the song doesn't fit the atmosphere i delete it.
10. when the song quantity of the playlist reaches 100, i will be adding new artists and removing "famous" artists and putting them in another playlist called ETERNAL COSMIC WARRIORS TEMPLE

All these film reboots and remakes are rubbish.

The only reboot I would love to watch is James Bond played by Tom Waits and Nick Cave as a villain.
#marketing #promotion

The new theme song for James Bond just came out. Nothing against it.
007 is a pop franchise and a theme song is usually sung by a pop star.

But my version of James Bond would be far cooler if Mark Lanegan performed this song.

How we can use this?


We can use such events to get promotion.

If we know that something epic like 007 is coming out soonish, we could prepare a cover on one of the theme songs and upload it to YouTube at the right time. We know that studios will start pushing the film, so there are higher chances to be picked up by algorithms and public.

Same with other events.

Example of good covers:
#marketing #notmusic

I see a Kozel ad in my Instagram feed today.

How the hell did this Czech brand become one of most popular beers around? I noticed the beginning of it's world domination a couple of years ago. I didn't care until today, cos now I know the facebook ad prices. And for Kozel it must be quite expensive. Too expensive.

So I check the wiki, turns out they add virgin blood to their beer that explains their popularity.

Not really, turns out - as I thought - together with Pilsner Urquell and other brands it was bought by Asahi Breweries in 2017. This explains Kozel's marketing budgets and super aggressive campaign.

Kampai, bitches!