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📌Дайджест на октябрь📌

Сегодня в рамках рубрики «Дайджест мероприятий» мы хотим поделиться с вами самыми яркими событиями октября 2019 года.

Устраивайтесь поудобнее, будет интересно!

1) Фотовыставка «Дубай. Мечта увидеть»
Когда: 6 сентября – 5 октября
Где: Москва. Сад "Эрмитаж"

Ознакомиться с достопримечательностями самого удивительного мегаполиса Востока и его знойной экзотикой можно на фотовыставке в саду «Эрмитаж», которую организовал журнал о путешествиях L’Officiel Voyage совместно с Департаментом туризма Дубая и туроператором TUI.

2) Выставка ориентальной миниатюры Бориса Виноградова
Когда: 6 сентября - 7 октября
Где: Москва, Библиотека-культурный центр им. М.А. Волошина (метро "Спортивная")

Вернисаж первого проекта этой осени: известный российский художник-миниатюрист Борис Виноградов представит вашему вниманию свой проект "Совет мудрецов"

3) Выставка «Сокровища гробницы Тутанхамона»
Когда: 23 июля – 10 ноября
Где: Екатеринбург, Музейно-выставочный центр «Дом Поклевских-Козелл»

Увидеть воочию легендарные шедевры искусства Древнего Египта, обнаруженные почти 100 лет назад в гробнице Тутанхамона, теперь можно и в Екатеринбурге. Выставка в Свердловском краеведческом музее — это уникальная возможность оценить изумительно точные копии более ста экспонатов, часть из которых уже утеряна навсегда.

Еще больше полезных и интересных новостей вы найдете в наших социальных сетях и на сайте! Следите за нашими анонсами!
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المؤتمر الدولي الثاني (اللغة والأدب العربي، واقع التعليم والتواصل)- العراق

تخصص الفعالية: علوم اللغة
تخصص الفعالية الفرعي: اللغويات
الدولة: العراق
المدينة: كردستان
المنظم: قسم اللغة العربية في كلية التربية- جامعة رابرين

أهداف المؤتمر:
- الإفادة من البحوث المشاركة في تعزيز الدرس الجامعي لمادة اللغة العربية.
- الكشف عن معوقات تعليم اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها.
- تشخيص واقع اللغة العربية في الإعلام والتكنولوجيا والتواصل الاجتماعي.
- الكشف عن الجهود الأدبية المكتوبة باللغة العربية للأدباء الكرد.
- تشجيع الدراسات والبحوث في مجال طرائق التدريس.
- تبادل الثقافة والمعرفة حول القضايا المعاصرة في الدرس اللغوي والأدبي.

محاور المؤتمر:
- أساليب وطرائق تدريس اللغة العربية.
- تعليم اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها (مدارس إقليم كردستان).
- اللغة العربية وآدابها في الإعلام والتكنولوجيا والتواصل الاجتماعي.
- قضايا لغوية وأدبية قديمة ومعاصرة.
- الجهود الأدبية لغير العرب.
- التأثر والتأثير بين الأدب العربي والأدب الكردي.

شروط المشاركة:
- يجب أن يكون البحث ضمن أحد محاور المؤتمر.
- أن لا يكون البحث منشوراً أو قُدّم للنشر في إحدى المجلات أو للمشاركة في مؤتمر آخر.
- يتم تحكيم البحوث علمياً حسب ضوابط النشر العلمي.
- أن يقدم البحث بصيغة وورد word نمط 14 ونوع الخط ( Ali A Alwand) وأن لا يتجاوز البحث المقدم 25 صفحة.
- نظام ترتيب الهوامش في آخر البحث، على أن يكتب الاسم الأخير للمؤلف، ثم الاسم الأول، عام النشر: الجزء والصفحة.

مواعيد مهمّة:
آخر موعد لتسليم الملخصات 2/ 1/ 2020
آخر موعد لتسليم البحوث 2/ 2/ 2020
موعد انعقاد المؤتمر 26-27 / 2/ 2020

بريد المنظم: [email protected]


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Менеджер по работе с ключевыми клиентами (Азия и Африка)

Требуемый опыт работы: 3–6 лет
Полная занятость, полный день
от 120 000 до 150 000 руб. на руки

Опыт активных продажах сложных продуктов или решений.
Опыт продаж по телефону приветствуется
Свободное владение английским языком, владение французским языком - преимущество!
Готовность к командировкам.

Продажа продуктов и решений корпоративным заказчикам.
Выполнение утвержденных планов продаж
Повышение лояльности текущих заказчиков компании и проактивный поиск новых
Документооборот по своим сделкам
Продвижение новых продуктов и решений

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Переводчик с английского языка / Контент-менеджер

Требуемый опыт работы: 1–3 года
Полная занятость, полный день
от 300 USD на руки

Умение обучать английскому языку
Знание второго языка (Испанский / Арабский / Португальский / Китайский / Французский)
Полная занятость, работа в офисе.

    Обучение деловому Английскому языку сотрудников
Перевод скринов / приложений / контента / рекламы на Английский и доп язык
Рерайтинг и написание статей
Ответы на письма пользователей
Перевод документов
Коммуникация с бюро переводов
Ведение документов, отчетов и прочей документации
Коммуникация с другими компаниями
Организационные вопросы

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Hyderabad: Tajweed and Classical Arabic Course by MESCO

MESCO ARABIC LANGUAGE AND ENGLISH EDUCATION FOUNDATION (MESCO ALEEF). Offers a comprehensive Tajweed & Classical Arabic language Course leading to the award of Diploma Education in Arabic Language (D.E.A.L). A full-time Arabic course for 6 months.

There is s severe shortage of Arabic teachers at Hyderabad and all over the Country. MESCO ALEEF is looking for female graduates / PG or Aalimas as they make better teachers in a school environment, to grab this opportunity and join the above said Arabic program to get enlightened and to bring a positive change in their lives and also to brighten their future by becoming respectable Arabic teachers which will fill a serious gap and deficiency in the essential requirement of the community.


a). Subjects: 1). Tajweed, 2). Nazera, 3). Arabic writing, 4). Arabic Grammar, 5). Language of Quran, 6). Seerath Un-Nabi SAS (Life Skills), 7). Teaching Skills.

b). Medium of instructions: Urdu / English

c). Eligibility:              FEMALES Graduates / PG / Aalimas.

d). Age limit:                         20 to 35 Years.

e). Duration of Course:         6 months

f). Date of Commencement:             16th September 2019

g). Timings:                            Full Time 9:30 a.m to 3:30 p.m

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Hyderabad turns from Farkhunda-Bunyad to Sharminda-Bunyad
Petrol price hiked for sixth day running in Hyderabad
h). Venue:                               MESCO Grades School, Malakpet, Hyderabad.

i). Course Fee:                       Sponsored by MESCO

j). Hostel:                                Facility available for outside Hyderabad candidates.



Contact Cell No. 8247291868

E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

NOTE: Preference to those candidates willing to teach MESCO ALEEF Course at Schools


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Customer support service operator (Arabic and English languages)
Fort Financial Services

Требуемый опыт работы: 1–3 года
Полная занятость, сменный график
от 50 000 до 70 000 руб. на руки

Higher or incomplete higher education;
Basic knowledge of web technologies, understanding of the operation of web browsers, web servers;
Literate written and spoken English and Arabic.
Competence in business phone etiquette
Initiativity , discipline, stress resistance.

Operating of incoming requestes from the company's customers via phone/online chat/email;
Consulting clients on the technical issues, services and products of the company;
Services monitoring, troubleshooting;
Testing of company products;

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Arabic music extravaganza coming to Dubai's Coca-Cola Arena

Why Not! Mazzika Festival has top musical line-up

A massive Arabic music festival is coming to the Coca-Cola Arena in Dubai, and tickets are on sale now.

Sharmoofers, Cairokee, Massar Egbari and more top artists are coming to town in November as part of music extravaganza Why Not! Mazzika Festival.

Why Not! Mazzika Festival will be taking place at the huge new arena in City Walk on Friday November 22. Doors open at 6pm, with the concert taking place from 8pm, and early bird tickets can be bought from now.

With more than 615,000 followers on YouTube and fans all around the world, globally popular reggae-rock band Sharmoofers will be part of the line-up.

They’ll be joined by Egyptian band Cairokee and Massar Egbar – a four-piece ensemble playing a blend of rock, jazz and blues, combined with oriental music.

Also on the line-up is Mahmoud El Esseily, an Egyptian musician who plays feel-good music, and alternative rock band H.O.H. Made up of Hany Adel from popular band West el-Balad, Hany el-Dakkak from Masar Egbari and Ousso Lotfi from Nagham Masry, H.O.H. the band is sure to be well-received.

Finally Disco Misr will complete the bill – two DJs mixing oriental music with funk and disco.

"Coca-Cola Arena is proud to welcome its first-ever Arabic language live music show - the WHY NOT! MAZZIKA festival,” said Guy Ngata, AEG Ogden’s CEO of Coca-Cola Arena.

"As the region's premier live performance and events venue, Coca-Cola Arena is committed to hosting a broad spectrum of artists as well as exciting and eclectic concerts. This milestone live show will appeal to a wide demographic of fans and is perfectly aligned with our core strategy of welcoming the very best on-trend singers and performers from around the region and the world.

"The WHY NOT! MAZZIKA festival will see major digitally-driven artists transfer their passions and acclaimed talents into a live stage show for what promises to be a truly iconic evening of music and entertainment.”

The Why Not! Mazzika Festival is part of event management company Mission Control X’s YOLO string and features some of the most progressive Arabic Indie bands from around the world.

“Why Not! Mazzika Festival is a thrilling new concept that not only capitalises on artists’ massive digital following, but also aims to bring the underground to the foreground,” said Aleksandra Gorokhova, Marketing Manager of Mission Control X.

“This series of festivals and concerts is about witnessing bold steps the featured performers have taken to attain their goals and how we too can reflect and navigate through our own maze of adventures to take a chance.”

Mr. Sudhir Syal, CEO Middle East, BookMyShow added: “With its commitment to bring the best in out-of-home entertainment to the Middle East, BookMyShow is excited to partner with Mission Control X and bring to fans the ‘Why Not Mazzika Festival’. With its unique blend of talent from the levant region, we feel that Why Not Mazzika has the potential to become an annual addition to Dubai’s music calendar and we look forward to being partnered for a long time to come.”


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Hosting UAE’s First Emirati Emotional Intelligence Expert

Tolerance in Workplace Lecture Held to Shape Students Communications Skills

The Careers and Alumni Affairs Office at Zayed University has recently organized an awareness-raising workshop targeting' Tolerance in the Workplace' issue.

A series of consecutive activities were held to inform students about the values ​​and virtues they should have during their careers. Based on the traditions and ethical heritage of the UAE society.

Dr. Maya El Hawari, who is described as the first Emirati doctor to study academically in emotional intelligence and its impact on leadership, gave a lecture on the concept of Tolerance in general, then referred to its types and grades. She focused on how to acquire it as a life skill to deal with different scenarios on a daily bases, in the social and professional environment.

Al Hawari, who is also a university lecturer, volunteer, and community activist, and a human development trainer in happiness, positivity and Tolerance, pointed out that Tolerance is an inherent value of the UAE society. "The leadership is keen to promote it and emphasize it as a critical feature of the national identity, as well as spreading it as a principle and a consistent approach in all directions and policies.

She further explained that Tolerance derives its sustainability from a long history of coexistence with different societies Cultures and civilizational diversity, eradicating the causes of conflict and disagreement, combating hatred and violence, and helping people in need everywhere.

She highlighted the difficulties that may face an individual when misconceptions sometimes prevailed in society and highlighted how to get rid of them to be able to treat individuals without prejudice.

Sharing insights, Hind Al Khayyal, Alumni Career Development Officer, ZU, said: "Sheikh Zayed has always believed in youth and invested in their education. We at Zayed University realize that education in universities and institutes is not enough. Practical experience in the workplace complements the educational process of educated youth." "We felt the need to work to acquire university students some of the communication skills they will need in their careers, first of which, is the value of tolerance that we celebrate this year, as one of the essential features that must be highlighted in order to be a successful individual and loved and view as a positive person in their surrounding."

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How to build a 'perfect' language

(MENAFN - The Conversation) It's well known that JRR Tolkien wrote the Lord of the Rings cycle to create people tospeak the languages he had invented . But, in the television age, artificially created or invented languages – we call them ' conlangs ' – have been gaining increasing attention with the popularity of television series such as Star Trek and Game of Thrones, and films such as Avatar.

Fantasy and science fiction are the ideal vehicles for conlangs. Marc Okrand, an American linguist whose core research area is Native American languages, invented Klingon for Star Trek, while Paul Frommer of the University of Southern California created the Na'vi language for Avatar.

The fantasy series Game of Thrones involved several languages, including Dothraki and Valyrian, which were created by David J Peterson, a 'conlanger' who has invented languages for several other shows. Most recently, fantasy thriller The City and The City featured the language Illitan, created byAlison Long of Keele Universityin the UK.

I teach how to construct languages and one question my students usually ask is: 'How do I make a perfect language?' I need to warn that it's impossible to make a language 'perfect' – or even 'complete'. Rather, an invented language is more likely to be appropriate for the context – convincing and developed just enough to work in the desired environment. But here are a few things to bear in mind.

Who will speak this language and why?
It is very important to be clear about the aims of the language and its (fictional or real) speakers. When conlangs are created for a specific fictional character, the aims and speakers are determined by the story, the author or producer.

In some cases, fragments or descriptions of the language do exist. This was the case for Illitan, which was described as having 'jarring' sounds in the novel The City and The City and there were a few Dothraki expressions in the first Game of Thrones novel. But what if there are no instructions? Ina survey I rana few years ago, many language creators pointed out that a sense of aesthetics and beauty guided them, along with the need to make the conlangs sound natural and a very pragmatic sense of how easily the languages could be pronounced.

There is also a strong link between language and culture, where some languages attract a large fan base because of the culture and community this language represents.A good example is Na'vi , which attracts many learners because of its welcoming community of speakers. In some cases the language itself has developed a strong culture and community, as is the case for Esperanto, whichaims to bring people togetherregardless of their background and supports a strong sense of solidarity.

Start with sounds
The sound system is typically the starting point for language creators. This makes sense, given that sound is usually the first thing that we encounter in a new language. Do we want our conlang to sound harsh, alien or even aggressive? Inthe Klingon sound systemthis effect is achieved as follows:


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Ведущий специалист - архивариус (Египет)

Требуемый опыт работы: 1–3 года
Полная занятость, полный день

Опыт работы с большим массивом данных, архивирование данных
Владение английским языком от уровня Intermediate и выше
Готовность к переезду

Работа с документацией, учет направленных в адрес филиала комплектов документации, изменений и новых ревизий, регистрация писем
Перевод документации

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