Mel Q 🐸
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Great Awakening Map:
#lightbody #ascension
The 12 Stages In Awakening The Crystal Light Body
(Also in Wave/Split chapter of my book)

This is a great prep video, minus the Metatronic stuff. Metatron is AI and dark agenda and some lightworkers are not aware and add that to their research. As always please discern for yourself. What do you FEEL is right?!
Forwarded from Mel Q 🐸 (Mel Q)
Little Book of Q - Q&A Session #2
Thursday 7/28/22 6pm EST

My Book: The Little Book of Q:
Live stream started
Live stream finished (2 hours)
I was recently at a book signing event and I took the opportunity to confess my secrets on what miracle happened to me in the last year. I felt it was time that I took this next giant leap and I am finally ready. I also truly believe that my book is pure prophecy from God, it is meant to finish waking up the planet. Of course, it will be up to each person to discern for themselves. God Bless.
Little Book of Q:
Great Awakening Map
Armor of God & Merkaba
“Mer” means light, “Ka” means spirit and “Ba” means body
Mel Q 🐸
Great Awakening Map Armor of God & Merkaba “Mer” means light, “Ka” means spirit and “Ba” means body
Great Awakening Map
Armor of God & Merkaba

The first step in the ascension is to create and put on your Armor of God aka the Marharic Shield. There are parts of dimensional "planes of existence" that you cannot see at the moment and you need to be protected from dark entities at all times. It is important to build this armor everyday with meditation, this also acts to reverse engineer and create your Angelic Crystalline Lightbody by repairing your 12 strand DNA and retraining your 3D brain to be a 5D brain. This video will assist to make sure you pull pale silver light energy in to your field and into your kathara grid (tree of life) that your body has within you, make sure to imagine the top lid as pure gold. You should also imagine a white aura field around your body at all times to help create your lightbody.

After building this armor you then have to rebuild your vehicle for traveling through the dimensions on a daily basis, this is the Merkaba. You would imagine a tetrahedron pointing up (masculine energy) and covering your entire body and then imagine another one pointing down overlapping the other (feminine energy). The masculine tetrahedron would spin clockwise and the feminine tetrahedron will spin counter clockwise. For the masculine, imagine a krystal spiral traveling(see diagram) from the top point of the tetrahedron spinning clockwise downward and at the same time imagine a krystal spiral traveling from the bottom point of the tetrahedron spinning counter clockwise upward so the criss cross over your body. The Reuche Amoraea Flame (see diagram) tear drops encircle around your 8th higher heart chakra to create a continuous zero point (neutral) energy which is a constant state of love. Imagine your feminine and masculine sides coming into sacred union (hieros gamos) in permanent alignment along your now rainbow colored chakra line (hara line). All the colors of your chakras need to merge into a rainbow to create the rainbow arc or bridge into Christ Consciousness, so always imagine it this way so you can bring it into manifestation. I touch on this subject in the wave/split which is the last chapter of my book. See the diagram for proper geometry and trust your higher self and imagination to come up with a comfortable picture of what this will all look like, your intentions will always make it the right choice. Steer clear of false matrix or Metatronic cabal geometry.
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Great Awakening Map
The Return of the Feminine Christ within our mind, body and spirit.
Video: Giving Voice to the Wisdom of Ages.
Sacred Union of the divine feminine and divine masculine aka the original 'wedding ring'. This is also described as your ego (masculine) being absorbed or combined into your higher self (feminine) to achieve Christ Consciousness.
Mel Q 🐸 pinned «I was recently at a book signing event and I took the opportunity to confess my secrets on what miracle happened to me in the last year. I felt it was time that I took this next giant leap and I am finally ready. I also truly believe that my book is pure prophecy…»
Mel Q 🐸
Great Awakening Map Armor of God & Merkaba The first step in the ascension is to create and put on your Armor of God aka the Marharic Shield. There are parts of dimensional "planes of existence" that you cannot see at the moment and you need to be protected…
CMEs bring in plasma waves that carry DNA upgrade codes for us. This helps to co-create our angelic crystalline light bodies over time. It’s very subtle but felt by many. It is important not to fear them. Imagine your cells and DNA regenerating into our original 12 strand DNA blueprint.

Manifest it daily: I have an angelic crystalline light body with repaired 12 strand DNA. It has a crystalline essence made of gold, titanium, black tourmaline and diamonds with a honeycomb bone structure. I have a double diamond heart. My cells have. changed to light-body cells. I have super human strength, speed and agility. I never feel pain or fatigue. I have super human vision, hearing and brain function. I am beautiful, muscular and toned with iridescent light golden porcelain skin. I have wings on my back that I may phase in and out. I am perfect in every possible way.
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Great Awakening Map
Twin Flames/Collective Consciousness

"You must unlearn what you have learned" ~Yoda
Wave/Split Chapter
Great Awakening Map
Manifestation from the heart

"You must unlearn what you have learned" ~Yoda
Wave/Split Chapter
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Great Awakening Map
Sacred Temples: On Earth and Inside You
The 7 chakras (gates/seals) have to be cleared, healed and balanced in order to ascend into heaven. We have to leave our trash (negative 3D thoughts/blocks/programs) behind.

Full one hour video:
Wave/Split Chapter in Ebook:
Great Awakening Map
Collective Consciousness: Our ‘God Comms’
created with Amrita, the elixir of life, which is a form of Cerebral Spinal Fluid that we move through our Kundalini energy up the spinal cord into our Thalamus Complex/9th Chakra. This center holds our pineal, hypothalamus and pituitary gland & the whitish fluid is dripped into our throats to active the ‘God Comms’. This is created & held by maintaining the holy spirit or a continuous childlike spirit or living life to it’s fullest & staying on the highest possible vibrational timeline of love. The Orion Cabal bypassed the 9th chakra Amrita by using Adrenochrome instead, manipulating the chakra system & unbalancing the divine feminine & masculine aspects. This will soon change with our ascension as we bring them back into sacred union through multiple Twin Flames/split souls that have incarnated in our lifetime on this planet.
Wave/Split chapter:
Great Awakening Map
Law of Attraction and Manifestation

What is Plasmantiks?
Chismatic Theory and E-LAi-sian Time-Wave Rhythms
Guardian Materials

Plasmantik Membranes interface with
RAS Reticular Activation System: Nerve cluster in brain stem
CNS Central Nervous System: nervous system consisting of the brain and spinal cord
Limbic System: emotion, behavior, long-term memory, and olfaction.
Fascia: Connective tissue

Reset your RAS to only focus on what is important to you.
President Trump retweets Dan Scavino’s Storm/WWG1WGA song video which is a match to Q337.
Have faith Patriots!

Patriots, rest assured we are in control.
Watch, confirm, and disseminate.
The country is not divided, this is fake news. ANTIFA was organized purely for optics re: division.
It's FAKE!
Estimated 4-6% we consider ‘hopeless' and forever brainwashed.
Re-read crumbs re: slave grip the D's have on the black pop.
Why is this relevant?
Why are jobs/economy (growth) relevant?
This requires a DEEP CLEANING.
These people are stupid.
You are safe.
Have faith. Q
Great Awakening Map
Hero’s Journey- Ego Death

After your Kundalini has awakened. To achieve an ego death or absorption of your ego by your higher God self you must go through the Hero’s Journey. Along the path you will have to retrain your brain and manifest the healing of your Prefrontal Cortex which includes your Cognitive Dissonance (Father) as well as your Amygdala (Mother) which houses your fear and traumas. We must also imagine and create the bridge (Covenant Arc) between the left and right hemispheres. Unlearning old beliefs brings the House (Matrix Programming) down so you can become the carpenter of your own new House. Your new House/Temple is created by the merging of your ego aspects and unity of your feminine and masculine sides which is the completion of the chakra/hara line into all of the rainbow (Bridge) colors.

When Jesus said… “I and the Father are one.” John 10:30
And the Angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Luke 1:30

He meant he was able to master and heal his parts of the brain that dealt with his belief system as well as his fears and traumas. He did this with building up his manifestation skills over the course of his ego/higher self journey so he could achieve a permanent childlike state (Holy Spirit). He believed he could heal people so he was able to do so without any negative feelings or blockages.
Wave/Split Chapter in Ebook: