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Administrative Trojan Horse:

In back-to-back days, we've seen the Biden Admin scoring some rare wins in the public mind, specifically with regards to an FTC ruling against employee non-compete clauses and the DOT targeting airlines for their archaic refund policies.

On paper, both of these things are largely good, in that they signal push-back on industries that have gone too far when it comes to stripping customers and employees of power projection capabilities ... but I think there's something more nefarious afoot.

When it comes to non-compete clauses, I largely agree with the FTC's stance that they should be rendered unenforceable, and I hate airlines as much as the next person.

That said, I think the Trojan Horse inherent in both announcements is the tacit endorsement of the administrative authority of government agencies over private enterprise and the free market.

If we had a truly free market divorced from administrative oversight ... these issues would correct themselves.
Framing the Trump Trial(s) as a War of Attrition works when viewed through the lens of Game Theory.

Such framing suggests that prosecutors that have been put up to the ongoing Witch Hunt may look for the opportunity to find off-ramps from bringing said prosecutions to their implied end points that could result in either Trump's codified/proven innocence, or in Supreme Court challenges they'd probably rather not see.

When we flip this around, we begin to see that Trump and company have the lawfare department in a bit of a Kobayashi Maru (an impossible task,) caught between continuing their bogus inquiries (and thus, setting all sorts of legal precedent they'd rather not contend with,) or being seen dropping the charade in full view of an awakening populace.

This 'baiting' strategy is one patriots have employed all over the game board, from the Witch Hunt to the 2024 election.

Whether they convict or acquit, steal or submit, the world is watching.

Do you think they feel in charge?
Last night on the Power Hour, Chris Paul joined Just Human and I for an episode that went off the rails in some interesting ways, featuring an impromptu live dig into Trump's billionaire avengers and Truth Social, Tesla and plans within plans.

Why is the Punisher a symbol of our movement, then?

It’s not about violence. It’s not even about vengeance. It’s about something deeper and more primal. It’s about something Biblical and inherent.

What does the symbol and character represent to us? A mindset. A direction.

Unerringly forward.

What does it represent to them?

Simply that we see them for who and what they are, now. And there’s no putting that genie back in the bottle.


Because, first subconsciously and eventually and very painfully, consciously … Crimes Against Children will unite humanity.

Thus, HOW you learned is irrelevant in the face of WHAT you learned.

If you have difficulty understanding this in various sociopolitical contexts, try this one on for size:

Stop defending the SOURCE of your knowledge that worldwide, globalist elites are either directly involved in or benefit from crimes against children. Stop defending yourself from Satanic Pedophiles and those who defend them.

Cultural Heretics returns at the top of the hour!

Julians Rum and I will take a blow torch to the ongoing absurdity of Clown World ... and have a little too much fun along the way.

Grab some coffee, some afternoon rum (or both,) and let's get weird.

One of the prime narrative-setters out of the establishment is hitting the panic button re: Trump 2.0, specifically with regards to his alleged plans with the Federal Reserve Bank.

This might make Anons flash back to Trump's selection of Andrew Jackson as one of the prime presidential portraits to adorn the Oval Office during his administration.

When examining enemy panic patterns, I often find it useful to suss out exactly what they're afraid of, and this one provides a few examples:

1. The Deep State fears Trump redefining presidential authority over money issuance in the US. They want authority vested in central banks. Trump wants to return to the Kennedy stance of empowering the US Treasury.

2. They fear loss of control over rates = their ability to time recessions and the Boom-Bust cycle.

3. They assume he won't be able to influence the board, citing the Supreme Court as an example ... which Trump completely remade during his first term.

Good luck.

Going Bicameral with the Actuals and Narratives spinning out of the (totally organic) university and migrant protests going hot across the nation ...

On the Actual side of the equation, long-time Q followers have been waiting for one last death spiral out of the kinetic arms of the Deep State's asymmetric warfare squads, many of whom seem to be embedded within the population and who utilize engineered social unrest in order to foment chaos.

This was best exemplified through the "Summer of Love" in 2020.

We haven't seen these cells spin up following the announcements of Roe v. Wade or some other recent potential flashpoints. Now, all of a sudden, they're back? Could be "Spring Training" of sorts for Trump 2.0.

On the Narrative side of the equation, we've got the convergence of the aforementioned Trump 2.0 panic pattern emerging out of the US-based MSM and NATO "allies," as they prep for his/our return.

And now, Sorosian strings are revealed.

Escalation > Acceleration > Exposure.
Feelin' cute.

Might extend 'The Master' series over the weekend.

If you fancy a deep dive into Donald Trump's mastery of Narrative Warfare, the techniques he employs and why they're so effective, consider checking out the ongoing series.

He's not trapped in the Info War with them. They're trapped with him.

Part of the reason the enemies’ panic pattern is accelerating across the media landscape is the fact that some of the original Kayfabian masks are dropping in the War of Stories.

Which means victory conditions have been met in various theaters of the Info War.

More to come.
RON! fought the man ... and then endorsed him.

Vivek fought the man ... and then endorsed him.

Barr worked for the man, fought the man ... and then endorsed him.

For those of you who've been unable to accept the possibility that many of the loudest players on the game board--the ones the MSM leap at the chance to use against Trump ostensibly from within his own movement--are playing roles, this is storytelling 101.

There's a reason Kayfabe and false feuds are some of the most simple and effective Narrative Deployments in the Info War.

Bad guys used Kayfabe to help codify the controlled opposition dynamic, pitting right against left, republican against democrat, man against woman, black against white because it appeals to human binary/tribal thinking.

Good guys use Kayfabe because the narrative-setters on the opposing side are cut off from their former power structure, and are spinning in a void of indecision.

Bicameral thinking avails us well.

When you know the way broadly ...
And yet, the Con Inc. Doom Brigade persists despite the Q Drops and Donald Trump converging on Macro messaging far more often than they don't.

Whether your perception of the Info War was wholly informed by the most influential intel dissemination program of all time, or if you came to your reading of patriot plans and patriot control through the steady and logic-based observation of the current Admin that's an Admin in name only, it is utterly absurd to claim that Trump and company have been caught flatfooted at any point in time from now and stretching all the way back to November 3, 2020.

Trump's mastery of narrative warfare allows him to thread the needle on either extreme of the Overton Window, simultaneously staking a foundational post in the center of it while front-running it for those paying closer attention to his deployments.

It's always been a Witch Hunt. Just not theirs.

"They never thought she would lose" is another way of saying, "they never thought they COULD lose."
Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
Media is too big
Listen to what Trump told Greg Kelly yesterday. He says the people attempting to arrest him for the rest of his life need to be very careful because what they are doing comes back to bite. He says that Republicans are getting tougher in the battle and that it's happening. Eric Trump names all the crimes that past Presidents have committed and says the floodgates will open if Presidential immunity is removed. 👀

"I tell the Republicans, I think I'm having an impact, a big impact, I tell them you better start fighting because you aren't going to have anything left if you don't. We have some great Republicans, they are realizing we are going to have to get tougher. And they will. It's happening.

Eric Trump today on immunity:
They are going to go after every single President. They will start with Obama. Fast and Furious where he gives two thousand weapons to cartel members. They will go to Obama where he weaponized the IRS against conservatives. They will go after Biden for having cocaine in the White House. They will go after Biden for raiding his opponents home. They will go after Biden for depleting the national reserves so he can lower gas prices so it can help him in the polls. Are they going to go after George Bush for lying about weapons of mass destruction. Where does this stop? The only people that are going to win are going to be the lawyers in Washington DC. The floodgates are going to open. I guarantee you, Joe Biden will not have one foot outside of the White House doors before they start going after him legally, ruthlessly."
Am I supposed to be upset about this?
I, for one, would like all of the former Presidents who committed crimes against humanity to be prosecuted for their crimes.
Funny how we have now normalized talking about arresting these untouchable people. Is a boomerang forming? Does the public want to see these people arrested for their crimes? Are enough awake? X
H/T @realkarlibonne
DEFECTED returns at the top of the hour!

Just Human and I will go Bicameral (or maybe even Tricameral) with Trumpian Immunity, and you know we're talking Kayfabe Comms.

Plus whatever else our freak savage viewers decide to float.

Get in here!

Last night on DEFECTED, Just Human and I discussed the many masks of Kayfabe before going Quadcameral with the Trump Trial and presidential immunity.

Before the latest media spin cycle kicks into overdrive, make sure you're programming yourself.

Media is too big
"People just have to exist in a Biden country and they're going to naturally shift to Trump."

That they are.

Recent polling out of the MSM has accelerated the panic pattern we see developing as the Trump Trial backfires on the Deep State.

With Jon Herold & Just Human.
Panic Patterns abound in the current stage of the Info War, as the narratives emerging from the ongoing collapse of the Prussian Proxy War are exposing Macro concepts to the Normie Layers of the Collective Mind they may not even be consciously aware of.

For example, the following one-two punch carries with it some seismic ramifications:

1) "Official" sources are now confirming what we've been saying for two years, that Ukraine will, is and has lost in all the ways that matter.

2) The Globalist Hegemon, represented most clearly by the Biden Admin and the EU, are so desperate to keep this losing battle going that they are attempting to front-run the second Trump term by both diverting funding to the EU while also hamstringing the next two US Admins when it comes to intervention in said funding.

3) Which, as a white pill aside, runs in parallel with the signaling the US-based MSM and said EU-NATO Establishment are doing regarding the inevitability of Trump 2.0.

Enemy Death Spiral.
Our newest writer, Matthew Ehret is back with another deep dive that could provide some valuable insights into just how far back the Globalist collusion within the Western Hegemon has been going on.

There's a reason these people are terrified of Donald Trump and the Sovereign Alliance.
