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Beginning C for Arduino, Second Edition: Learn C Programming for the Arduino (2015)

Beginning C for Arduino, Second Edition is written for those who have no prior experience with microcontrollers or programming but would like to experiment and learn both.

Updated with new projects and new boards, this book introduces you to the C programming language, reinforcing each programming structure with a simple demonstration of how you can use C to control the Arduino family of microcontrollers.

Author Jack Purdum uses an engaging style to teach good programming techniques using examples that have been honed during his 25 years of university teaching.

During the course of the book, you will learn the basics of programming, such as working with data types, making decisions, and writing control loops.

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The Web Application Hacker’s Handbook (2011)

Web applications are the front door to most organizations, exposing them to attacks that may disclose personal information, execute fraudulent transactions, or compromise ordinary users.

This practical book has been completely updated and revised to discuss the latest step-by-step techniques for attacking and defending the range of ever-evolving web applications.

You’ll explore the various new technologies employed in web applications that have appeared since the first edition and review the new attack techniques that have been developed, particularly in relation to the client side.

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Перспектива и композиция (2018)

Это универсальное пособие научит вас основам построения перспективы и композиции, необходимым для передачи в рисунке движения и пространства.

В этом небольшом руководстве в наглядных примерах и пошаговых инструкциях просто и доступно изложены основные правила перспективы.

Вы узнаете о способах их использования в самых разных композициях – от панорамных ландшафтов и городских сцен до интерьеров, а также в изображении простых предметов и фигуры человека.

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Форензика. Теория и практика расследования кибер­преступлений (2020)

Представлен анализ существующих подходов в современной отечественной практике расследования киберпреступлений.

На основе накопленного практического опыта проведения, экспертиз преступлений в сфере высоких технологий предложен подход по их унификации.

Для специалистов, научных работников и экспертов, занимающихся вопросами компьютерно-технической экспертизы.

Будет полезна преподавателям, аспирантам и студентам, обучающимся по направлениям в области юриспруденции, защиты информации, информационной безопасности.

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Arduino Cookbook (2012)

Want to create devices that interact with physical world?

This cookbook is perfect for anyone who wants to experiment with the popular Arduino microcontroller and programming environment/

You’ll find more than 200 tips and techniques for building a variety of objects and prototypes such as toys, detectors, robots, and interactive closing that can sense and respond to touch, sound, position, heat, and light.

You don’t need experience with Arduino or programming to get started.

Updated for Arduino 1.0 release, the recipes in this second edition include practical examples and guidance to help you begin, expand, and enhance your projects right away – whether you’re an artist, hobbyist, student, or engineer.

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Python Social Media Analytics (2017)

Social Media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Forums, Pinterest, and YouTube have become part of everyday life in a big way. However, these complex and noisy data streams pose a potent challenge to everyone when it comes to harnessing them properly and benefiting from them.

This book will introduce you to the concept of social media analytics, and how you can leverage its capabilities to empower your business.

Right from acquiring data from various social networking sources such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, and social forums, you will see how to clean data and make it ready for analytical operations using various Python APIs. This book explains how to structure the clean data obtained and store in MongoDB using PyMongo. You will also perform web scraping and visualize data using Scrappy and Beautifulsoup.

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Mastering Xamarin. Forms (2019)

Discover how to extend and build upon the components of the most recent version of Xamarin.Forms to develop an effective, robust mobile app architecture. This new edition features Xamarin.Forms 4 updates, including CollectionView and RefreshView, new coverage of client-side validation, and updates on how to implement user authentication.

Mastering Xamarin.Forms, Third Edition is one of the few Xamarin books structured around the development of a simple app from start to finish, beginning with a basic Xamarin.Forms app and going step by step through several advanced topics to create a solution architecture rich with the benefits of good design patterns and best practices.

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Как стать дизайнером с нуля (2019)

Эта книга написана специально для новичков, делающих свои первые шаги в освоении профессии дизайнера. Автор делится многолетним опытом, даёт советы, рассказывает о распространённых среди молодых дизайнеров проблемах и способах их решения. На страницах книги вы найдёте рекомендации по обучению, поиску работы и построению карьеры в сфере дизайна.

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JavaScript Next (2019)

JavaScript has finally grown up. Armed with a slew of new features, JavaScript now makes writing the code that powers your applications elegant, concise, and easy to understand. This book is a pragmatic guide to the new features introduced in JavaScript, starting with Edition 6 of ECMAScript, and ending with Edition 9.

Using a "compare and contrast" approach, each chapter offers a deep dive into new features, highlighting how best to use them moving forward. As you progress through the book, you'll be offered multiple opportunities to see the new features in action, and in concert with one another.

Backed by an example-driven writing style, you'll learn by doing, and get ready to embrace the new world of JavaScript.

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Python for Offensive PenTest (2018)

Your one-stop guide to using Python, creating your own hacking tools, and making the most out of resources available for this programming language

Python is an easy-to-learn and cross-platform programming language that has unlimited third-party libraries. Plenty of open source hacking tools are written in Python, which can be easily integrated within your script.

This book is packed with step-by-step instructions and working examples to make you a skilled penetration tester. It is divided into clear bite-sized chunks, so you can learn at your own pace and focus on the areas of most interest to you. This book will teach you how to code a reverse shell and build an anonymous shell.

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Digital Forensics with Kali Linux (2020)

Kali Linux is a Linux-based distribution that's widely used for penetration testing and digital forensics. It has a wide range of tools to help for digital forensics investigations and incident response mechanisms.

This updated second edition of Digital Forensics with Kali Linux covers the latest version of Kali Linux and The Sleuth Kit. You'll get to grips with modern techniques for analysis, extraction, and reporting using advanced tools such as FTK Imager, hex editor, and Axiom. Updated to cover digital forensics basics and advancements in the world of modern forensics, this book will also delve into the domain of operating systems.

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Effective Python (2020)

It’s easy to start developing programs with Python, which is why the language is so popular. However, Python’s unique strengths, charms, and expressiveness can be hard to grasp, and there are hidden pitfalls that can easily trip you up.

This second edition of Effective Python will help you master a truly “Pythonic” approach to programming, harnessing Python’s full power to write exceptionally robust and well-performing code.

Using the concise, scenario-driven style pioneered in Scott Meyers’ best-selling Effective C++, Brett Slatkin brings together 90 Python best practices, tips, and shortcuts, and explains them with realistic code examples so that you can embrace Python with confidence.

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Фриланс: Когда сам себе начальник (2007)

Фриланс - достаточно новое для России явление. Тем не менее, все больше людей уходят со штатной должности "на вольные хлеба". В немалой степени этой "миграции" способствуют развитые коммуникации, и все же нужно немало мужества, чтобы сделать первый шаг к свободе. Если страх преодолен, возникает вопрос: "С чего начать?" Вот тут-то Вам на помощь и придет эта книга. Анна Мурадова - автор книги и фрилансер "со стажем" - не только дает полезные рецепты, как организовать свой рабочий день в условиях, когда "все сам", но и раскрывает психологические аспекты взаимоотношения общества и творческой личности. Книга адресована людям творческих профессий, а также всем тем, чья работа предполагает удаленный доступ.

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JavaScript Cookbook (2015)

Problem solving with JavaScript is a lot trickier now that its use has expanded considerably in size, scope, and complexity.

This cookbook has your back, with recipes for common tasks across the JavaScript world, whether you’re working in the browser, the server, or a mobile environment.

Each recipe includes reusable code and practical advice for tackling JavaScript objects, Node, Ajax, JSON, data persistence, graphical and media applications, complex frameworks, modular JavaScript, APIs, and many related technologies.

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Machine Learning Refined (2020)

With its intuitive yet rigorous approach to machine learning, this text provides students with the fundamental knowledge and practical tools needed to conduct research and build data-driven products.

The authors prioritize geometric intuition and algorithmic thinking, and include detail on all the essential mathematical prerequisites, to offer a fresh and accessible way to learn.

Practical applications are emphasized, with examples from disciplines including computer vision, natural language processing, economics, neuroscience, recommender systems, physics, and biology.

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Python. Визуализация данных. Matplotlib. Seaborn. Mayavi (2020)

Данная книга посвящена библиотеками для визуализации данных на языке программирования Python: Matplotlib, Seaborn, Mayavi.

По каждой библиотеке приведено подробное описание инструментов для визуализации данных, средств настройки внешнего вида и компоновки графиков.

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Learning Python (2009)

Google and YouTube use Python because it’s highly adaptable, easy to maintain, and allows for rapid development.

If you want to write high-quality, efficient code that’s easily integrated with other languages and tools, this hands-on book will help you be productive with Python quickly.

Learning Python is an easy-to-follow self-paced tutorial, based on author and Python expert Mark Lutz’s popular training course.

Each chapter contains a standalone lesson on a key component of the language, and includes a unique Test Your Knowledge section with practical exercises and quizzes.

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Become a ninja with Angular (2020)

This ebook helps you get the philosophy of Angular (currently 10.0.0), the new tools (like ES2015, TypeScript, Webpack, Angular CLI…), and each part of the framework in a pragmatic way.

You will be able to kickstart your project by the end of the reading, and build your amazing apps!

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Distributed Tracing in Practice (2020)

Since most applications today are distributed in some fashion, monitoring their health and performance requires a new approach.

Enter distributed tracing, a method of profiling and monitoring distributed applications—particularly those that use microservice architectures. There’s just one problem: distributed tracing can be hard. But it doesn’t have to be.

With this guide, you’ll learn what distributed tracing is and how to use it to understand the performance and operation of your software.

Key players at LightStep and other organizations walk you through instrumenting your code for tracing, collecting the data that your instrumentation produces, and turning it into useful operational insights.

If you want to implement distributed tracing, this book tells you what you need to know.

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Скрапинг веб-сайтов с помощью Python (2016)

Эту книгу можно рассматривать не только как введение в веб-скрапинг, но и как развернутое руководство по скрапингу веб-данных практически любого типа.

Хотя в книге используется язык программирования Python и освещаются основные принципы его работы, ее не следует использовать в качестве вводного пособия по Python. Если Вы не являетесь опытным программистом и не знаете Python вообще, чтение этой книги может быть несколько сложной задачей.

Однако, если Вы опытный программист, Вы сочтете материал книги легким. В Приложении A освещается установка и работа с Python 3.x, который используется в этой книге. Если Вы работали только с Python 2.x или у Вас не установлен Python 3.x, Вы, возможно, захотите ознакомиться с Приложением A.

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Pure React (2019)

You’ll get hands-on practice by building a series of small components and micro apps — no big monolithic app here.

The bite-size apps will have you reviewing concepts until they’re second nature.

What does the book cover?

An introduction to React 16.9 (the latest one, with Hooks).
Easy project setup with Create React App (you’ll be running code within minutes).
Debugging strategies for when things go wrong.
Master JSX syntax, including “if”s, loops, and dynamic child components.
Use props to make reusable components and communicate between them.
How PropTypes can save you debugging time and help “future you” remember how to use the components you wrote.
Use the “children” prop to render dynamic content.
How to write React in modern ES6 jаvascript, with just-in-time notes about ES6 syntax.
How input controls work in React.

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