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Windows PowerShell Cookbook (2013)

How do you use Windows PowerShell to navigate the filesystem, manage files and folders, or retrieve a web page? This introduction to the PowerShell language and scripting environment provides more than 400 task-oriented recipes to help you solve all kinds of problems. Intermediate to advanced system administrators will find more than 100 tried-and-tested scripts they can copy and use immediately.

Updated for PowerShell 3.0, this comprehensive cookbook includes hands-on recipes for common tasks and administrative jobs that you can apply whether you're on the client or server version of Windows. You also get quick references to technologies used in conjunction with PowerShell, including format specifiers and frequently referenced registry keys to selected .NET, COM, and WMI classes.

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Mastering Large Datasets with Python (2019)

Modern data science solutions need to be clean, easy to read, and scalable. In Mastering Large Datasets with Python, author J.T. Wolohan teaches you how to take a small project and scale it up using a functionally influenced approach to Python coding.

You’ll explore methods and built-in Python tools that lend themselves to clarity and scalability, like the high-performing parallelism method, as well as distributed technologies that allow for high data throughput.

The abundant hands-on exercises in this practical tutorial will lock in these essential skills for any large-scale data science project.

Programming techniques that work well on laptop-sized data can slow to a crawl—or fail altogether—when applied to massive files or distributed datasets.

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React and React Native (2020)

React and React Native, Facebook's innovative User Interface (UI) libraries, are designed to help you build robust cross-platform web and mobile applications. This updated third edition is improved and updated to cover the latest version of React. The book particularly focuses on the latest developments in the React ecosystem, such as modern Hook implementations, code splitting using lazy components and Suspense, user interface framework components using Material-UI, and Apollo. In terms of React Native, the book has been updated to version 0.62 and demonstrates how to apply native UI components for your existing mobile apps using NativeBase.

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.Net Knowledge Book (2018)

.Net Knowledge book This book is a melting pot of several articles about web development around TypeScript, React, NodeJs and javascript. They are scenarios that happen in the everyday work of developers who use these technologies. They are divided into short articles that are easy to understand. This book is ideal for anyone with intermediate to advanced knowledge of web stack who wants to learn more about how to deal with practical cases. This book includes articles written during 2017. It is volume 5 of a series of books that focus on real software developing problems. The first four volumes were more around Microsoft Asp.Net in enterprise. This one focuses on TypeScript and React.

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Python Web Scraping (2017)

The Internet contains the most useful set of data ever assembled, most of which is publicly accessible for free. However, this data is not easily usable. It is embedded within the structure and style of websites and needs to be carefully extracted. Web scraping is becoming increasingly useful as a means to gather and make sense of the wealth of information available online.

This book is the ultimate guide to using the latest features of Python 3.x to scrape data from websites. In the early chapters, you'll see how to extract data from static web pages. You'll learn to use caching with databases and files to save time and manage the load on servers. After covering the basics, you'll get hands-on practice building a more sophisticated crawler using browsers, crawlers, and concurrent scrapers.

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Beginning Functional JavaScript (2017)

Learn functional programming concepts using JavaScript ES6. You will learn concepts such as currying, partial functions, higher-order functions, and monads.

Programming languages have evolved from focusing on procedures to objects and now on function. JavaScript supports functional programming and allows developers to write well-crafted code.

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Using Samba (2007)

You are reading a book about Samba, a software suite that connects Windows, Unix, and other operating systems using Windows’ native networking protocols.

Samba allows Unix servers to offer Windows networking services by matching the filesystem and networking models of Unix to those of Windows. Samba acts as a bridge between the two systems, connecting the corresponding parts of their architectures and providing a translation wherever necessary.

Bridging the gap between systems as dissimilar as Windows and Unix is a complex task—one that Samba handles surprisingly well. To be a good Samba administrator, your abilities must parallel Samba’s.

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Node.js Web Development (2020)

Node.js is the leading choice of server-side web development platform, enabling developers to use the same tools and paradigms for both server-side and client-side software.

This updated fifth edition of Node.js Web Development focuses on the new features of Node.js 14, Express 4.x, and ECMAScript, taking you through modern concepts, techniques, and best practices for using Node.js.

The book starts by helping you get to grips with the concepts of building server-side web apps with Node.js. You’ll learn how to develop a complete Node.js web app, with a backend database tier to help you explore several databases.

You’ll deploy the app to real web servers, including a cloud hosting platform built on AWS EC2 using Terraform and Docker Swarm, while integrating other tools such as Redis and NGINX. As you advance, you’ll learn about unit and functional testing, along with deploying test infrastructure using Docker.

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Программируем с Minecraft (2017)

Эта книга научит программировать на языке Python.

Выполняя пошаговые инструкции, вы познакомитесь с базовыми принципами программирования и создадите программы, которые будут творить в мире Minecraft настоящие чудеса: в мгновение ока возводить постройки, телепортировать игрока, создавать цветные стены, работающий душ, тайные ходы и многое другое.

Для детей от 10 лет и взрослых, желающих освоить Python нескучным способом.

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C/C++ в задачах и примерах (2019)

Сборник примеров и задач для самостоятельного решения по программированию на языке C/C++ охватывает практически все разделы начального курса программирования: от задач консольного ввода/вывода, использования циклов и операций с массивами до работы со строками, файлами и объектами.

Примеры представлены в виде хорошо документированных исходных текстов программ.

Книга содержит справочник — описание основных типов данных, операторов и наиболее часто используемых функций. Адресована студентам, школьникам старших классов и всем тем, кто изучает программирование в учебном заведении или самостоятельно.

В третьем издании добавлены и обновлены примеры.

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BPF для мониторинга Linux (2021)

Виртуальная машина BPF — один из важнейших компонентов ядра Linux.

Ее грамотное применение позволит системным инженерам находить сбои и решать даже самые сложные проблемы.

Вы научитесь создавать программы, отслеживающие и модифицирующие поведение ядра, сможете безопасно внедрять код для наблюдения событий в ядре и многое другое.

Дэвид Калавера и Лоренцо Фонтана помогут вам раскрыть возможности BPF.

Расширьте свои знания об оптимизации производительности, сетях, безопасности.

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The HTML and CSS Workshop (2019)

You already know you want to learn HTML and CSS, and a smarter way to learn HTML and CSS is to learn by doing. The HTML and CSS Workshop focuses on building up your practical skills so that you can build your own static web pages from scratch, or work with existing themes on modern platforms like WordPress and Shopify. It’s the perfect way to get started with web development. You'll learn from real examples that lead to real results.

Throughout The HTML and CSS Workshop, you'll take an engaging step-by-step approach to beginning HTML and CSS development. You won't have to sit through any unnecessary theory. If you're short on time you can jump into a single exercise each day or spend an entire weekend learning about CSS pre-processors. It's your choice. Learning on your terms, you'll build up and reinforce key skills in a way that feels rewarding.

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JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, 7th Edition (2020)

JavaScript is the programming language of the web and is used by more software developers today than any other programming language. For nearly 25 years this best seller has been the go-to guide for JavaScript programmers.

The seventh edition is fully updated to cover the 2020 version of JavaScript, and new chapters cover classes, modules, iterators, generators, Promises, async/await, and metaprogramming. You’ll find illuminating and engaging example code throughout.

This book is for programmers who want to learn JavaScript and for web developers who want to take their understanding and mastery to the next level. It begins by explaining the JavaScript language itself, in detail, from the bottom up. It then builds on that foundation to cover the web platform and Node.js.

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Interactive Data Visualization with Python (2020)

With so much data being continuously generated, developers, who can present data as impactful and interesting visualizations, are always in demand. Interactive Data Visualization with Python sharpens your data exploration skills, tells you everything there is to know about interactive data visualization in Python.

You'll begin by learning how to draw various plots with Matplotlib and Seaborn, the non-interactive data visualization libraries. You'll study different types of visualizations, compare them, and find out how to select a particular type of visualization to suit your requirements.

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Разработка игр на Unreal Engine 4 за 24 часа (2019)

Всего за 24 урока, каждый продолжительностью 1 час или меньше, вы узнаете, как начать проектировать великолепные игры с помощью движка Unreal Engine 4 под Windows, Mac, PS4, Xbox One, iOS, Android, Linux, Интернета или для всех сразу! Пошаговый подход к обучению, представленный в книге, покажет, как работать с интерфейсом Unreal Engine 4, продемонстрирует рабочие процессы и самые мощные редакторы и инструменты движка. За считаные часы вы научитесь создавать эффекты, использовать приемы скриптинга, реализовывать физику и даже вести разработку для мобильных устройств и HUD-интерфейсов. Каждый урок дополняет знания, полученные вами в предыдущих, создавая крепкий фундамент для успешной работы с реальными задачами.

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Python Interviews (2018)

Each of these twenty Python Interviews can inspire and refresh your relationship with Python and the people who make Python what it is today. Let these interviews spark your own creativity, and discover how you also have the ability to make your mark on a thriving tech community. This book invites you to immerse in the Python landscape, and let these remarkable programmers show you how you too can connect and share with Python programmers around the world. Learn from their opinions, enjoy their stories, and use their tech tips.

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Mastering JavaScript Functional Programming + Code (2020)

Functional programming is a paradigm for developing software with better performance. It helps you write concise and testable code. To help you take your programming skills to the next level, this comprehensive book will assist you in harnessing the capabilities of functional programming with JavaScript and writing highly maintainable and testable web and server apps using functional JavaScript.

This second edition is updated and improved to cover features such as transducers, lenses, prisms and various other concepts to help you write efficient programs. By focusing on functional programming, you’ll not only start to write but also to test pure functions, and reduce side effects. The book also specifically allows you to discover techniques for simplifying code and applying recursion for loopless coding.

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React Cookbook (2018)

React.js is Facebook's dynamic frontend web development framework. It helps you build efficient, high-performing web applications with an intuitive user interface.

With more than 66 practical and self-contained tutorials, this book examines common pain points and best practices for building web applications with React. Each recipe addresses a specific problem and offers a proven solution with insights into how it works, so that you can modify the code and configuration files to suit your requirements.

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Микропроцессоры и вычислительные комплексы семейства «Эльбрус» (2013)

В учебном пособии представлены результаты многолетней работы специалистов компании ЗАО «МЦСТ», в последние годы тесно сотрудничающей с ОАО «ИНЭУМ им. И. С. Брука». Описаны вычислительные средства, спроектированные в составе двух архитектурных линий: SPARC и «Эльбрус».

Рассмотрены практически все изделия, которые успешно прошли государственные испытания, рекомендованы к серийному производству и начали выпускаться российской промышленностью.

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Практическая безопасность сетей (2017)

В данной книге мы узнаем каким образом можно “закрутить гайки безопасности” на обычных коммутаторах и маршрутизаторах. Попробуем описать лучшие практики по настройке оборудования и процессы, необходимые для обеспечения информационной безопасности.
Мы живем в реальном мире и далеко не всегда располагаем нужными средствами в ИТ/ИБ бюджете для закупки тех или иных средств. Что же делать тем, у кого отсутствует какое-либо оборудование для защиты сети? Неужели придется поставить крест на безопасности? Многие так и делают, говоря: “О какой безопасности может идти речь, если компания не хочет или не может выделять средства”.

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C++ Crash Course (2019)

Although a number of very high-quality books are available to modern C++ programmers, such as Scott Meyer’s Effective Modern C++ and Bjarne Stroustrup’s The C++ Programming Language, 4th Edition, they’re generally quite advanced. Some introductory C++ texts are available, but they often skip over crucial details because they’re geared to those totally new to programming. For the experienced programmer, it’s not clear where to dive into the C++ language. I prefer to learn about complicated topics deliberately, building concepts from their fundamental elements.

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