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We Have Root (2019)

In his latest collection of essays, security expert Bruce Schneier tackles a range of cybersecurity, privacy, and real-world security issues ripped from the headlines. Essays cover the ever-expanding role of technology in national security, war, transportation, the Internet of Things, elections, and more. Throughout, he challenges the status quo with a call for leaders, voters, and consumers to make better security and privacy decisions and investments.

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Linux Firewalls (2007)

System administrators need to stay ahead of new security vulnerabilities that leave their networks exposed every day. A firewall and an intrusion detection systems (IDS) are two important weapons in that fight, enabling you to proactively deny access and monitor network traffic for signs of an attack.

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REST API Development with Node.js (2018)

Manage and understand the full capabilities of successful REST development. REST API development is a hot topic in the programming world, but not many resources exist for developers to really understand how you can leverage the advantages.

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What’s New in Java 12? (2019)

Java started out strong in 2019. On March 19, the Java team shipped the latest major version release, Java 12. If you follow the latest developments in the Java world, you might know that you can expect two major Java releases per year. This is great news for everyone committed to the idea of shipping early and often. Ultimately, you’ll be able to get your hands on new features and bug fixes on a regular basis.

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Elements of Android Jetpack (2021)

After a decade’s worth of Android app development, 2018 debuted the second generation of Android app development techniques, highlighted by Jetpack and the AndroidX family of libraries.

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Pro TypeScript (2018)

Explore the features of this innovative open source language in depth, from working with the type system through object-orientation to understanding the runtime and the TypeScript compiler.

This fully revised and updated second edition of Steve Fenton’s popular book covers everything you need to discover this fascinating language and transform your experience of JavaScript development.

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Deep Learning for the Life Sciences (2019)

Deep learning has already achieved remarkable results in many fields. Now it’s making waves throughout the sciences broadly and the life sciences in particular. This practical book teaches developers and scientists how to use deep learning for genomics, chemistry, biophysics, microscopy, medical analysis, and other fields.

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An Introduction to C & GUI Programming (2019)

The popular C programming language is used for a huge range of applications, from the tiny microcontrollers used in toasters and watches up to complete operating systems. The first half of this book is an introduction to C, and covers the basics of writing simple command-line programs.

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Web Security for Developers (2020)

The web is a wild place. It’s easy to get the impression that the internet was designed very deliberately by experts and that everything works as it does for a good reason. In fact, the evolution of the internet has been rapid and hap-hazard, and the things we do on the network today go well beyond what the original inventors imagined.

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Practical Machine Learning with Rust (2020)

This book is all about exploring Machine Learning in Rust lang. We will learn about the intricacies of creating machine learning applications and how they fit in the Rust worldview. We will start from the very beginning by understanding some of the important concepts of Machine Learning as well as the basics of Rust lang.

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Mastering Swift 5.3 (2020)

Over the years, Mastering Swift has proven itself among developers as a popular choice for an in-depth and practical guide to the Swift programming language. This sixth edition comes with the latest features, an overall revision to align with Swift 5.3, and two new chapters on building swift from source and advanced operators.

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Современный JavaScript для нетерпеливых (2021)

Язык JavaScript стремительно набирает популярность: он поддерживается всеми браузерами и все активнее проникает в серверное программирование. Однако даже у опытных программистов, знакомых с такими языками, как Java, C#, C или C++, могут возникнуть затруднения при переходе на JavaScript. Эта книга призвана облегчить их задачу.
В отличие от большинства изданий, посвященных JavaScript, акцент здесь ставится не на переход от прежних версий к современной, а на освоение профессиональными веб-разработчиками нового для них языка программирования.
От самых азов автор постепенно переходит к рассмотрению сложных вопросов; темы начального, среднего и высокого уровня помечены в тексте специальными значками.
Изучив книгу, читатель сумеет написать следующую версию своего приложения на современном JavaScript.

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Hacking - Rooting & Jailbreaking (2020)

To begin with, I would like to give a few major points on what this book is will cover. The tools that I will describe in this book are available for both white hat and black hat hacking. Once applied the outcome will be the same in both cases. Nevertheless, it can lead to a terrible situation for the person using such hacking tools in any unauthorized manner, which might cause system damage or any system outage.

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Modern CSS (2020)

Come on a tour of “modern” CSS in 2020. This example-driven book demonstrates the concepts by showing code examples, screenshots, and diagrams to help clearly communicate the information.

You'll start with the very basics of CSS: box model, colors, selectors and combinators, and specificity. Then gradually move through more intermediate topics - styling text, positioning, Z-index and stacking contexts, gradients, borders, and then to more advanced topics such as transforms, transitions, animations, flexbox, and CSS grid.

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Graph Databases in Action (2020)

Relationships in data often look far more like a web than an orderly set of rows and columns. Graph databases shine when it comes to revealing valuable insights within complex, interconnected data such as demographics, financial records, or computer networks.

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Flutter in Action (2020)

Flutter in Action teaches you to build professional-quality mobile applications using the Flutter SDK and the Dart programming language. You’ll begin with a quick tour of Dart essentials and then dive into engaging, well-described techniques for building beautiful user interfaces using Flutter’s huge collection of built-in widgets.

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Effective C: An Introduction to Professional C Programming (2020)

The world runs on code written in the C programming language, yet most schools begin the curriculum with Python or Java. Effective C bridges this gap and brings C into the modern era—covering the modern C17 Standard as well as potential C2x features. With the aid of this instant classic, you’ll soon be writing professional, portable, and secure C programs to power robust systems and solve real-world problems.

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Full-Stack Web Development with Vue.js and Node (2018)

Isomorphic JavaScript was the buzzword of the year 2017, allowing developers to utilize a single language throughout their web development stack and build cost-effective and scalable applications. MEVN is a one such modern web development stack consisting of web applications such as MongoDB, Express.js, Vue.js, and Node.js. Hands-On Full-Stack Web Development with Vue.js 2 and Node.js leverages the harmony of these technologies to help you create full-stack web applications.

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CSS in Depth (2018)

CSS in Depth exposes you to a world of CSS techniques that range from clever to mind-blowing. This instantly useful book is packed with creative examples and powerful best practices that will sharpen your technical skills and inspire your sense of design.

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Pro React 16 (2019)

Best-selling author Adam Freeman has written upwards of 30 books with Apress over the years. His topics of expertise range from jQuery, to Angular, to ASP.NET, and now to React. In Pro React 16, Freeman’s latest release, he uses his signature popular teaching style to provide JavaScript developers with the skills they need to get the most out of the popular React framework for their applications.

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