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Умный дизайн: Простые приемы разработки пользовательских интерфейсов (2012)

Неправильно спроектированный интерфейс может погубить любой интернет-проект. Но для того чтобы разработать совершенный пользовательский интерфейс, необходимо быть специалистом в разных областях знания: от графики и дизайна до когнитивной психологии и теории распознавания образов. Книга необходима дизайнерам, разработчикам UI и веб-разработчикам.

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Learning React (2020)

If you want to learn how to build efficient React applications, this is your book. Ideal for web developers and software engineers who understand how JavaScript, CSS, and HTML work in the browser, this updated edition provides best practices and patterns for writing modern React code. No prior knowledge of React or functional JavaScript is necessary.

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Python. Лучшие практики и инструменты (2021)

Python — это динамический язык программирования, используемый в самых разных предметных областях. Хотя писать код на Python просто, гораздо сложнее сделать этот код удобочитаемым, пригодным для многократного использования и легким в поддержке. Третье издание «Python. Лучшие практики и инструменты» даст вам инструменты для эффективного решения любой задачи разработки и сопровождения софта.

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Самоучитель Ruby (2020)

Язык Ruby излагается последовательно от простого к сложному. Описываются интерпретатор Ruby, утилиты, детально рассматривается современная Ruby-экосистема, работа со стандартной и сторонними библиотеками Дан разбор синтаксических конструкций: операторов, переменных, констант, конструкций ветвления и циклов, блоков и итераторов.

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Mastering React Test-Driven Development (2019)

Many programmers are aware of TDD but struggle to apply it beyond basic examples. This book teaches how to build complex, real-world applications using Test-Driven Development (TDD). It takes a first principles approach to the TDD process using plain Jest and includes test-driving the integration of libraries including React Router, Redux, and Relay (GraphQL).

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Linux. Книга рецептов. 2-е изд. (2022)

Книга рецептов обучит начинающих пользователей и администраторов Linux управлять системой, используя как графические инструменты, так и командную строку. Независимо от того, используете ли вы Linux во встроенных или настольных системах, серверах, облачных или виртуальных средах, фундаментальные приемы одни. Цель книги — помочь вам быстро приступить к работе на простых и наглядных примерах. Карла Шрёдер приводит рецепты с объяснениями для конкретных ситуаций, а также ссылки для дополнительного изучения.

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Отзывчивый дизайн на HTML5 и CSS3 для любых устройств (2022)

Вы фуллстек-разработчик, которому нужно развивать навыки фронтенд-разработки? Или фронтенд-разработчик, ищущий качественный обзор современных возможностей HTML и CSS? А может, вы создаете свой веб-сайт и хотите сделать его отзывчивым? Тогда, эта книга вам просто необходима! Со времени выхода предыдущего издания многое изменилось, теперь отзывчивый дизайн — это не новая технология, а стандарт разработки на HTML5 и CSS3.

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Многопоточный JavaScript (2022)

Цель данной книги – научить читателя нескольким аспектам написания многопоточных JavaScript-приложений. Прочитав книгу до конца, вы будете понимать различные API веб-исполнителей в браузерах, их сильные и слабые стороны и когда какой использовать. Также узнаете о модуле рабочих потоков в Node.js и сможете сравнить его API с тем, что имеется в браузере. Издание предназначено в первую очередь разработчикам, уже знакомым с JavaScript, но мало знакомым с многопоточным программированием.

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Applied Natural Language Processing with Python (2018)

Learn to harness the power of AI for natural language processing, performing tasks such as spell check, text summarization, document classification, and natural language generation. Along the way, you will learn the skills to implement these methods in larger infrastructures to replace existing code or create new algorithms.

Applied Natural Language Processing with Python starts with reviewing the necessary machine learning concepts before moving onto discussing various NLP problems. After reading this book, you will have the skills to apply these concepts in your own professional environment.

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Modern JavaScript for the Impatient (2020)

JavaScript is one of the most used programming languages on the planet. Like so many programmers, I knew a bit of pidgin JavaScript, and one day, I had to learn serious JavaScript in a hurry. But how?

There are any number of books that teach a little bit of JavaScript for casual web developers, but I already knew that much JavaScript. Flanagan's “Rhino book” was great in 1996, but now it burdens readers with too many accidents from the past. Crockford's JavaScript—The Good Parts was a wakeup call in 2008, but much of its message has been internalized in subsequent changes to the language. There are a number of books that bring old-style JavaScript programmers into the world of modern standards, but they assumed an amount of “classic” JavaScript that was out of my comfort zone.

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Classic Computer Science Problems in Java (2020)

Sharpen your coding skills by exploring established computer science problems! Classic Computer Science Problems in Java challenges you with time-tested scenarios and algorithms. You’ll work through a series of exercises based in computer science fundamentals that are designed to improve your software development abilities, improve your understanding of artificial intelligence, and even prepare you to ace an interview.

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Modern Full-Stack Development (2020)

Explore what React, Node, TypeScript, Webpack, and Docker have to offer individually, and how they all fit together in modern app development.
React is one of the most popular web development tools available today, and Node.js is extremely popular for server-side development. The fact that both utilize JavaScript is a big selling point, but as developers use the language more, they begin to recognize the shortcomings, and that’s where TypeScript comes in and why it’s gaining in popularity quickly.

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Amazon Web Services in Action (2019)

Amazon Web Services in Action, Second Edition is a comprehensive introduction to deploying web applications in the AWS cloud. You’ll find clear, relevant coverage of all essential AWS services, with a focus on automation, security, high availability, and scalability. This thoroughly revised edition covers the latest additions to AWS, including serverless infrastructure with AWS Lambda, sharing data with EFS, and in-memory storage with ElastiCache.

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Applied User Data Collection and Analysis Using JavaScript and PHP (2021)

Applied User Data Collection and Analysis Using JavaScript and PHP is designed to provide the technical skills and competency to gather a wide range of user data from web applications in both active and passive methods. This is done by providing the reader with real-world examples of how a variety of different JavaScript- and PHP-based libraries can be used to gather data using custom feedback forms and embedded data gathering tools.

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JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms (2019)

Combines clear explanations of data structure and algorithm theory with practical code samples, examples and exercises, all specifically relevant to JavaScript

Provides background information on object-oriented programming and native JavaScript concepts to help understand how everything fits together

Illustrates how these theoretical computer science concepts ties back to practical applications in software engineering.

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Hands-On System Programming with Linux (2018)

The Linux OS and its embedded and server applications are critical components of today’s software infrastructure in a decentralized, networked universe. The industry's demand for proficient Linux developers is only rising with time. Hands-On System Programming with Linux gives you a solid theoretical base and practical industry-relevant descriptions, and covers the Linux system programming domain. It delves into the art and science of Linux application programming— system architecture, process memory and management, signaling, timers, pthreads, and file IO.

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Get Programming with Node.js (2019)

Get Programming with Node.js teaches you to build web servers using JavaScript and Node. In this engaging tutorial, you’ll work through eight complete projects, from writing the code for your first web server to adding live chat to a web app. Your hands will stay on the keyboard as you explore the most important aspects of the Node development process, including security, database management, authenticating user accounts, and deploying to production. You’ll especially appreciate the easy-to-follow discussions, illuminating diagrams, and carefully explained code!

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Modernizing Enterprise Java (2022)

While containers, microservices, and distributed systems dominate discussions in the tech world, the majority of applications in use today still run monolithic architectures that follow traditional development processes. This practical book helps developers examine long-established Java-based models and demonstrates how to bring these monolithic applications successfully into the future.

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Essential TypeScript (2019)

Learn the essentials and more of TypeScript, a popular superset of the JavaScript language that adds support for static typing. TypeScript combines the typing features of C# or Java with the flexibility of JavaScript, reducing typing errors and providing an easier path to JavaScript development.
Author Adam Freeman explains how to get the most from TypeScript 4 in this second edition of his best-selling book.

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AWS Certified Solutions Architect (2019)

The AWS Certified Solutions Architect Study Guide: Associate (SAA-C01) Exam is your complete and fully updated resource to the AWS Solutions Architect – Associate certification. This invaluable Sybex study guide covers all relevant aspects of the AWS Solutions Architect job role, including mapping multi-tier architectures to AWS services, loose coupling and stateless systems, applying AWS security features, deploying and managing services, designing large scale distributed systems, and many more.

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