Let’s 🏄‍♂️ Surf
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Eugene Teslov, Ever Surf CPO spoke with the editor-in-chief of de.beincrypto.com Alexandra Kons about the most notable events of 2021 and his view of what’s going to happen in the blockchain industry in 2022. All in all, Eugene thinks that we’re very early and great things are yet to come.

Surf completes moving to a new address: Ever Surf, Web Surf & Beta Surf are waiting for you at https://ever.surf/ — time to update your bookmarks and links! #letsdosurf #Ever2022
Quick reminder: current staking APY is 6—7 % in Surf 🏄 Pools. Staking your tokens is the easiest, most convenient and safest way to start investing in Everscale.
#letsdosurf at ever.surf/staking
Safety of the funds, security of your tokens, high annual percentage yield, and much-much more in an in-depth review of Everscale’s boosted staking program by Coinpedia editorial team.
SCAM Alert 🚨

Please be careful, our users start receiving transactions with a minimum sum in Evers and a message, that a scam project ever.gifts will double the amount from 3 000 to 100 000 EVER if you send them to their account.

Don't send them any tokens or you will lose them!
Ever Surf 7.0.1

А вот и первый релиз в новом году! Спешим порадовать вас улучшенным интерфейсом и удобством взаимодействия с Surf. Ловите волну тут

🏄‍♂️Поддержать разработчиков Surf


Ever Surf 7.0.1

The first release at the start of the new year! We cannot wait to delight you with the improved interface and more convenient interaction with Surf. Let’s Surf here

🏄‍♂️ Donate to Surf developers
Ever Surf 7.0.2

Внесли полезные улучшения и устранили проблемы: от незначительных до заметных. Ловите волну тут

🏄‍♂️Поддержать разработчиков Surf


Ever Surf 7.0.2

We made useful improvements and fixed some small and significant issues. Let’s Surf here

🏄‍♂️ Donate to Surf developers
Forwarded from Telegram Man
13.5 million EVER were blocked in the Boosted Staking program ⚡️

Half of the bonus funds for the program have already been spent. The receipt of funds will stop when the second half is spent.

We remind you that Boosted Staking is staking with up to 20% APY. Read more about the program in our article 🔗

#staking #news
We're happy to inform that our community continues to grow and accumulate tokens within the ecosystem. By this moment the whole amount of tokens in Ever Surf ecosystem exceeds 80 million EVERs showing ⚡️a 30% growth in the past three months.

This is the way. #letsdosurf 🏄
In order to inform the users and promote applications built in decentralized fashion, we're introducing a "Web 3 compatible" label. We encourage projects and individual developers to support the movement marking the dApps accordingly.

🏄❤️🤖 and #decentralized #web3
After 2 months of extensive work, the boosted staking program has collected 22.8 million EVER tokens. This amount covers reserved rewards of 2 million tokens. The pilot stage is officially over. We want to congratulate community members and investors who decided to join all of us in the long run. They will definitely be rewarded!

🏄 Show us support with like&RT
Ever Surf 7.0.3

– The first thing you’ll notice is the Ē symbol on the main screen next to the balance. You’ll also see how fancy the Send and Receive buttons look now, hurry up to click them!
– TNFT 2.0 collections data is now displayed correctly.
– Plus, we have a new Surf Pay provider. Now you can top up your account balance with your bank card faster and with fewer troubles. Let’s Surf here

🏄‍♂️ Donate to Surf developers


Ever Surf 7.0.3

– Первым делом вы заметите, что на главном экране рядом с балансом появился символ Ē, а кнопки Отправить и Получить теперь выглядят стильно, так и хочется их нажать!
– Корректно стали отображаться данные о коллекциях в TNFT 2.0.
– Плюс ко всему, у нас новый провайдер Surf Pay. Это значит, пополнять баланс своего счета с помощью банковской карты станет быстрее и удобнее. Ловите волну тут

🏄‍♂️Поддержать разработчиков Surf
Yahoo!Finance reports that 22.8 Million EVER Tokens are Staked in Boosted Staking Program.

"Current results of the program show that our approach and way of thinking are heavily supported by the community. We plan to further develop the boosted staking program attracting more users and validators to it," - says Eugene Teslov, Ever Surf CPO and one of the program's creators.

Please, support us on Twitter with like&RT
An important milestone has been reached: 1 million EVER coins have been paid as rewards for staking with 🏄 Ever Surf blockchain browser.

We will continue developing our handy tools which make staking easy, secure, and profitable.

Show us support with like&RT
Ever Surf team has started alpha-testing of Swapper DeBot which will grant access to the majority of Defi products in the Everscale ecosystem. At this point, Debot works with selected TIP3.1 tokens on FlatQube. The support of Flex TIP3 tokens will be added after the official release.

Please, support us on Twitter with like&RT
On February 28, 2022, the Everscale global governance decided to deposit 350M Evers in some Depools of the MLudi program in order to keep the network decentralized.

Consequently, the Surf users, both Staking participants and independent validators, noticed their revenues have dramatically fallen. The cause of this was in the significantly increased total amount of validated tokens while the number of transactions and rewards for released blocks remained the same.

The Ever Surf team, as a native Everscale browser, developing staking services and a key ambassador of staking in the Everscale network, is negotiating with Initial Members the ways to normalize the current situation and balance the network staking.

Hey, Surfers!

The regular Everscale Weekly Meetup is about to start. The Surf Team will be there and will officially present the Ever Surf Utility Token. We’ll speak about the upcoming token sale, Ever Surf tokenomics and benefits you can get from investing to SURF token.
Join us today at 4PM (GMT+3) in Youtube.
