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#Job/Employment Opportunities - 04, August, 2021
*149 Fresh Covid-19 Cases, 1 Death In J&K*

Nadeem Nadu

Srinagar, Aug 4 (GNS): Jammu and Kashmir reported 149 new covid-19 cases while one more person succumbed to the virus in the last 24 hours, officials said on Thursday.

They said 49 of the cases were reported from Jammu Division and 100 from Kashmir Valley, taking the infection tally to 322014 in J&K.

Providing the district-wide details, the officials told GNS that Srinagar reported 34 cases, Baramulla 17, Budgam 7, Pulwama 5, Kupwara 3, Anantnag 2, Bandipora 17, Ganderbal 12, Kulgam 3, Shopian 0, Jammu 12, Udhampur 7, Rajouri 7, Doda 8, Kathua 1, Samba 0, Kishtwar 4, Poonch 2, Ramban 2 and Reasi 6.

A number of cases were confirmed at diagnostic laboratories of CD hospital and GMC Anantnag.

The CD cases include female (30) from Tral, male (33) from RS Awantipora, female (60) from Wasoora Pul, two NA (37, 59) and female (14) from Tamil Nadu, male (43) and female (40) from Barzulla, female (40) from Sonwar, male (57) from Shalimar, male (45) from NA, female (NA) from Magam female (NA) from Anantnag and male (30) from Panipat.

The GMC Anantnag cases include female (48) from Palnoo, male (29) from Buchan Shg, male (38) from Redwani Kulgam and male (80) from Banihal Ramban.

Regarding the death, they said, it has been reported from Kashmir. With this, 4385 people have fallen victim to the pathogen in J&K—2147 in Jammu division and 2238 in Kashmir.

Moreover 127 more COVID-19 patients have recovered, 43 from Jammu Division and 84 from Kashmir Division, they said. So far, 316315 people have recovered, leaving the number of active cases at 1314—526 in Jammu and 788 in Kashmir.

There was no new confirmed case of mucormycosis (black fungus) reported today. So far 35 black fungus cases have been confirmed in J&K, the officials added. (GNS)
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*J&K Remains Far From ‘Dil’ Of India As It Has Ever Been: PAGD*

Srinagar, Aug 4 (GNS): On the second anniversary of the Article 370 revocation and bifurcation of the erstwhile Jammu and Kashmir state into two union territories, the People’s Alliance for Gupkar Declaration (PAGD) on Wednesday J&K remains “as far from Delhi and from the Dil (heart) of India as it has ever been.”    

“August 5 marks the completion of two years since the unprecedented assault on the constitution of India was taken to nullify Article 370 of the constitution, thereby damaging the very bond of our relationship with union of India,” PAGD spokesman Mohammad Yousuf Tarigami said in a statement to GNS.

“By demolishing the constitution of Jammu & Kashmir by the Government it has crossed all the limits of constitutionality.”

The PAGD is an alliance of six parties in Jammu and Kashmir, including the NC and the PDP, formed in the aftermath of the GoIs August 2019 decision to nullify Article 370 and split J&K into two union territories. The group’s public stand is for the restoration of the special status of the ‘state’ of J&K
“Downgrading historic state of Jammu & Kashmir and dividing it into two separate union territories  without the consent of the  people and also ignoring  the Resolution adopted by J&K legislature on 03  March 2004 to preserve the unity and the secular character of Jammu & Kashmir state has set a precedent that any state can cease to exist as a state and can be carved up into any number  of fragments any time, by placing it under Governors Rule,” the PAGD’s spokesman said. “Thereby the very existence of a state becomes a matter of central discretion, a substantial step towards a unitary state.”

The abrogation of Article 35A made the status of permanent residents redundant, he said.  “Protection of Jobs and   land rights was removed arbitrarily which deepened the alienation and sense of insecurity in all the regions,” he said, adding, “The economy of J&K has virtually collapsed   as tourism, trade  agriculture, horticulture and Handicraft  sectors were badly hit.

Employment opportunities are shrinking. Is Corruption any less and Governance any better?  The fact remains not a single claim stands the test of the scrutiny.”  

He said a process of “throttling of democracy and democratic rights was initiated. The clampdown and continuous restrictions on the movement and association of the people and gagging the media has resulted in forced silence.”

“Over the last two years it has become amply clear why the GoI was so insistent on taking such drastic unlawful measures during these two years we have seen that people of J&K are being ripped apart into smaller units, ripped off their jobs and rights over the natural resources that are theirs,” he said, adding, “Unconscionable suppression of civil and democratic rights continues unabated. Indiscriminate arrests  and harassment of all sections of our people including  employees on different pretexts continues  and  issuing  dictates like the recent one not to provide clearance  for passport  and govt. services  anyone involved in “ law and order and stone pelting  cases” is one more addition.”

 Tarigami said “adverse police report “ cannot be a substitute for being found guilty in a court of law. This, he said, amounts to violation of the most scared principles of the justice system.

“The hoax of BJP’s Naya Kashmir is a joke now. The people have started questioning those in authority  as what they have achieved  by  destroying  the Naya Kashmir which came into being  through   protracted historic struggle of the people of Jammu & Kashmir,” the PAGD spokesman said, adding, “And empowered  the people of all the regions and communities with dignity by liberating them from the shackles of  authoritarian monarchy and ruthless  feudalism.”

He said It was hoped that the government of India would realize the futility of its decisions viz-a-viz August 05 2019.