General Flynn ️
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We the People will hold public officials accountable for their egregious crimes against the citizens of the United States and their crimes against humanity. Just wait until the worst of their crimes come out. Pretty sure the outcry to remove them from office as well as charge them for their crimes against humanity will be overwhelming…

Hint look at crimes against children…

How many public officials have been accused of having inappropriate relationships…sex with minors?

Former House Speaker Lee Chatfield? Is this a one off? Not even close.

Looks like we have a real systemic problem with pedophilia and anything that harms children.

The underlying problem? Sick people making policies which harm children…and give them access to children. From top to bottom. Grooming in schools?

We will never stand for normalization of pedophilia. Looks like an efficient way to compromise leaders…just sayin.




Michigan is the most corrupt state in the United States and it starts with corrupt establishment political leaders at the top.

Patriot, Mark Forton, Macomb County Chair, bravely lays out truth…the realities of the 2016-2020 election and questions the corrupt actions of the top leadership of the MiGOP putting it into perspective.

This is disturbing beyond words. The have turned the republican party into a special interest group recruiting compliant and complicit actors, who further their own personal agendas to give them more power, money and influence. The leadership of the MiGOP interfering in our campaigning/election process seems to be consistent and egregious electioneering.

This is about exposing the corruption within the MiGOP party. We can’t clean out corruption in the State if we don’t clean out the corruption within our own house first. For example, Stan Grot just withdrew from a Macomb county race and now his wife is running for the seat. He is the current Shelby Township clerk in Macomb County and would be responsible for counting the votes … for the seat his wife in running for. Do we see a problem here?

We need to question everything. Who is backing candidates? Follow the money. Follow the connections. Who is protecting who? Their interests? Their power?

Are they serving the people or themselves? We have a political ruling class in Michigan - both establishment democrats and republicans. This is not what the Founding Fathers had intended.



Please join us, Donna Brandenburg and General Michael Flynn at the Palazzo Grande in Shelby Township! Gather with fellow American Patriots for an evening of food, fellowship and fun!
VIP Tickets include a private cocktail hour and picture with General Flynn as well as dinner and keynote speakers.
General Tickets include dinner and keynote speakers.
Purchase your tickets today to reserve your spot at this historic event!!

Pass this on to your friends!! Looking forward to seeing you!!


Soooo I research 6-10 hours a day…and no I don’t sleep much. There is so much going on it is mind blowing.

I don’t want to overwhelm anyone with info, but part of the process is to be transparent and let everyone know what’s really going on. Ukraine is a biggie. There were so many kids being trafficked there…a population left without defense by corrupt leaders…working with other corrupt globalist leaders.

They will never succeed in destroying America…the last stand for Freedom.

Keep your eyes on Jesus. It’s gonna be ok. We are winning…and I know that there are a lot of really good people out there fighting for this world, this country, you and those whom you love. We stand unafraid and will never back down from defending others…especially those without a voice.

There are wolves…
And sheepdogs…

Sheepdogs will always defend the flock…unwavering. Wolves have a BIG problem. Sheepdogs will never quit…and we outnumber wolves…17 to 1…



$1.5 trillion Omnibus spending bill snuck by Congress in the dark of night last night by democrat controlled Rules Committee under Pelosi!!!!!

They posted an announcement on the website after midnight, met 1.5 hours later at 1:30am…and passed the 2741 page bill by 2:30am without anyone being able to read it!!!!

This is $1.5 trillion dollars of your tax money…your hard work…which they have no regard for. No accountability. No stated goals or outcomes. Just blatant procedural violation.

Every single one of them should be removed…

Where is the money going? Wonder if it is going toward hiding their crimes in Ukraine…and at home.


Taking back this state is about “we the people!!” ….not political parties, political special interest groups, or special interest groups pushing an agenda. The political parties are choosing candidates, who will submit to and push their self serving agenda…grab as much of our hard earned tax money as possible and funnel it to themselves, their friends, and their interests.

The narrative is control the people and the game is money laundering.

Political parties…GUILTY
money laundering

Big Pharma…GUILTY
Money laundering

Green energy…GUILTY
Money laundering

State of Michigan…GUILTY
Money laundering, extortion, racketeering, blackmail, coercion,
Theft of money and our God given rights which are upheld by the Constitution.

Politics is a pay to play money laundering industry. It produces nothing and is a parasite which feeds off Americans.


Corruption in the government biggest problem we have…

Upholding the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is the top priority in office. We have tyranny and no representation currently.

“…We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—-That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness…”

Time to change the corrupt old guard…



This is a major victory for justice. The FBI and DOJ’s involvement in entrapment and surveillance goes way beyond concerning. They are setting people up to create a false narrative and distraction away from their own criminal behavior and abject failure.

Whitmer’s part in this is that she is either complicit or total incompetent…tolerating criminal entrapment of the people of her own State. She swore an oath to defend, as well as, protect the people from corrupt law enforcement.

The jury saw through the deception.

The FBI is at this point an invading entity…violation of State’s Rights by an out-of-control FBI. This is a shameful example of law enforcement. “They don’t make terrorists so that we can arrest them.”


We were born for such a time as this. It will be us…the American people who will answer the call to defend this nation from a political socioeconomic invasion.

The 2020 election was a coup to overthrow the will of the people in America…

Last night we had another coup … an overthrow at the county level. At least 2 counties were overthrown at the precinct level. The precinct delegates who were placed and involved are just as guilty of subversion, sedition and treason as the state party and complicit candidates.

Electioneering is happening on all levels of government…they are recruiting candidates…choosing who we will have an opportunity to vote for…the people chosen…supported…elevated pick.

We will have to reject and remove any and all those who refuse to defend the rights of Americans…the right for each person to have a say in how our country is run.

“For such a time as this…”


Ok now we have a serious topic to address…we have had a coup to take our country down going on for a long time…

It includes the 3-letter agencies…
Entrapment, money laundering, drug, human, weapons trafficking.

It includes our institutions, corporations, and politicians. The communists said that they would take America without firing a shot…they almost accomplished it…

They almost delivered the kill shot with the coup in the 2020 election to overthrow our country…the will of the people. There was another layer of the coup in which they tried to deliver another kill shot at the County Conventions level this week…and I’m going to show you what happened and how they planned to do it.

It is my belief that prosecutions need to happen for all involved who engaged in criminal conspiracy, coercion, threat, intimidation, and treason with the intention to rig/overthrow our election process.

This is a threat to national security…from top to bottom…

Going to cut some videos and give you their stated playbook…which they were stupid enough to write down and distribute.



Wondering if Whitmer is going to do anything about the FBI for their part in creating, organizing, overseeing and financing a plot to kidnap her?

Her inaction on this leaves you with only 2 answers…

Is she an impotent weak leader who should do something?…

Or was she in on it with the FBI?

Entrapment set up a few weeks before the election? What are the odds?

Sure has a lot in common with Jan 6…including FBI leadership.


In my entire life…this was the greatest speech I have ever heard …left me in tears…and many others also.

Thank you Brian Cates…

Andrew Breitbart started the revolution for the New Media…and citizen journalists stepping up to the task.

We the People have to step up to the task of taking back this nation!!!
It is you and I …apart from corrupt politicians, institutions, corporations who will take back Michigan and America!!! Standing together!!



It is our responsibility to teach and spread truth…pass this on far and wide! Friends, family, our churches, our children!! They stole the election through failure and fraud.

Your voice matters…
Your vote matters…
Your future matters…
Freedom in America Matters…

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6



Interesting fraudulent petition signature gatherers worked for 2 current dem Congressmen…

And Republican assets paid the same fraudulent petition signature gatherers NOT to turn in petitions…both to sabotage candidates ability to get in the ballot….

And Bureau of Elections…bureau of Canvassers…made up arbitrarily new rules to check petitions…overreach of their jurisdiction…And they withheld information on the fraudulent petition signature gatherers until it was too late for them to check each signature (withheld knowingly for 2 months)…also sabotaging candidates ability to rectify the problem.

All the while withholding information to run out the clock so line by line signatures wouldn’t be able to be checked … 12 days before June 3 deadline to get those ABSENTEE BALLOTS absent from challenge or meaningful oversight.

If they put the Jan 3 deadline before an honest review of signatures … they are determining which candidates can be on the ballot by an arbitrary stoke of the pen-choosing candidates … not a legal process under the Constitution.

The establishment-political parties-internal bureaus…just pulled off the seditious rigging of the election without recourse or challenge. What about the other candidates who reportedly used the same fraudulent petition gatherers … why weren’t they challenged?

Swamp folk protecting swamp folk. Be careful who you follow…


We are Americans!!! One nation under God…not political parties!!! America did not start out as a divided nation of Republicans and Democrats!! Just Americans!!!!

We The People are going to unite and work together to take Michigan back for the people!!!!

