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​​A review of an unconventional blockchain game PileBlocks

PileBlocks - blockchain multiplayer GameFi app. he game is divided into rounds. The goal of a round is to complete a previously selected image with the tiles of the correct colors.

1. All the rules and nuances of the game are marked for beginners on the site. Also made a video on YouTube for the Russian-speaking audience.
2. To play the game, you must be the owner of their token PILE. This is great news for holders.
3. Prizes are distributed according to a special formula. You can check it on their site.
4. There are gray and colored chips in the game, their distribution will be equal at the beginning of the game. Read more here
5. The game has its own deflation system, as well as direct intentions to enter the global market.

To fulfill the team's marketing plans and goals, DAO collections took place. A total of about 6% was raised. Now, according to the creators, the coins have been released and are part of the general issue. You can trade PILE on the FlatQube DEX.

The developers actively help in chat, develop Everscale ecosystem, do a lot of collaborations - for example, with SpartaCats and Broxie to find new users of the project.
We'll keep an eye on the development of the project and let you know about interesting news.

#Pile #PileBlocks #Everscale

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