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Recent EVER volatility

Friends, unfortunately, a large number of EVER tokens have been stolen.

We are working closely with exchanges where EVER is listed in order to stop any further outflow of tokens πŸ› 

Please stay calm and refrain from taking any hasty actions 🧘

To halt the actions of those responsible, we have temporarily disconnected Octus Bridge.

We will provide more details as the situation becomes clearer in the course of our investigation.

Stay tuned!

Broxus #OctusBridge #WEVER
Broxus Updates
Recent EVER volatility Friends, unfortunately, a large number of EVER tokens have been stolen. We are working closely with exchanges where EVER is listed in order to stop any further outflow of tokens πŸ›  Please stay calm and refrain from taking any hasty…
Recent EVER volatility: update

Friends, so far, we’ve ascertained that the theft of EVER tokens happened as a result of fraudulent activity – the network has not been hacked, nor were any dApps 🫑

The stolen tokens were ERC20 EVER and not the coin in its native form.

Exchanges that Everscale works with have now suspended deposits and withdrawals of Wrapped EVER (WEVER). Currently, more info is available here and here.

As of now, we are working to protect native EVER, which is safe on Octus Bridge πŸ”

We are carrying out a full investigation and will release all the details soon.

As always, stay tuned

Broxus #OctusBridge #WEVER
Dear Bridgers,

We’re happy to announce that you can now use Octus Bridge again πŸŒ‰

Please be aware that for now, EVER/WEVER is still disconnected from the platform. All other cross-chain token transfers are possible as usual.

We will let you know as soon as we can reconnect EVER/WEVER.

Thanks for bearing with us 🀝

Got transfers to make already? Head to the Bridge now πŸ‘‰

Broxus #OctusBridge #WEVER
Dear Everscale community!

As we updated last week, we have become aware of a suspicious activity using WEVER, potentially involving illegal actions, where the bad actors involved have tried to hurry and sell a significant amount of WEVER they have taken possession of.

For the avoidance of doubt we would like to be crystal clear - there was no security incident involving Everscale, the bridge or any other technology associated with the Everscale and the tokens. Moreover, ALL native coins are safe and following the deactivation of the bridge cannot be accessed by the bad actors, who have only taken possession of the wrapped version.

We are currently taking all necessary actions against the bad actors, on the civil and law enforcement fronts, and should get results soon, for the benefit and protection of the ecosystem and the community.

We would also like to mention our partners, including exchanges, which are cooperating with the Everscale DeFi Alliance and taking action to prevent the bad actors from benefiting from their actions.

The decision to deactivate the bridge was done in the power granted by the DAO and intended to block the bad actors from redeeming the wrapped coins in their possession. The old wrapped version is now replaced by a new version (address: 0x1ffEFD8036409Cb6d652bd610DE465933b226917) that will be listed on the current and new exchanges in the upcoming days.

Until further notice, we urge you to cease all trading of WEVER until we announce the new WEVER has been updated on the relevant exchanges. WEVER holders are requested to reach out to the Everscale DeFi Alliance and swap the old tokens with the new ones, prior to the redemption against the native coins, subject to compliance requirements we will publish soon to make sure the bad actors are unable to do so.

We will publish additional instructions shortly.

As always, the Everscale DeFi Alliance and the DAO will take all necessary steps to prevent any wrongdoing and any action that may harm our mission and the best interest of our community and ecosystem.

Thank you,
Everscale DeFi Alliance

Broxus #OctusBridge #WEVER
πŸ†• Update your WEVER ERC-20 tokens

The recent suspicious activity involving WEVER has been met with an immediate response from us, the Everscale DeFi Alliance:

β€’ Transfers of WEVER via the Octus Bridge are temporarily suspended;
β€’ Transactions involving EVER and WEVER on major centralized exchanges have been paused pending the conclusion of our investigation;
β€’ A formal complaint has been lodged with the South Korean authorities;
β€’ A request has been issued to fully suspend all exchange accounts implicated in this crime.

Looking forward, we have crafted a plan to restore regular WEVER trading and proposed to the community that it be accepted at EVER DAO.
The community expressed an astonishing support of the proposal, for which we thank you.

As a result, we have started implementing the plan. One of the steps was to issue a new WEVER ERC-20 token and organize a process of exchanging the old token for the new one for community members who are not connected to the suspicious activity in any way and have clean WEVER ERC-20s.

The procedure has begun and will last until April 22, 2024. After passing the procedure and all AML checks, you will receive new WEVER ERC-20 tokens in exchange for your old ones.

πŸ‘‰ Follow the procedure to swap your tokens

Broxus #WEVER
Trading resumes on HTX

We've got great news to help you kick off your week: trading with the updated WEVER ERC-20 is now available on HTX!

Until further notice, we urge all of the EVER community to buy their WEVER only on HTX.

This is another step in our effort to make WEVER available, accessible and secure for all and we thank the HTX team for being the first, but definitely not the last, to support the new updated WEVER token.

Broxus #WEVER