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Do you know the difference between coins and tokens?

A coin is a primary asset developed at the protocol level of a specific blockchain. It’s paid as a reward for blockchain validation or mining, as well as for every blockchain interaction that changes its data (deployment, for example). Everscale's only coin is EVER.

On the other hand, a token is a smart contract, and anyone can deploy their own token with its own specifications (name, ticker and supply). Tokens are usually used to achieve additional goals by developers, ecosystem products and regular users. Some of the most significant Everscale tokens are BRIDGE, QUBE and WEVER.

Interesting fact: on Everscale, you can create a token even if you don't have any programming knowledge by using the FlatQube token builder.

P.S. There are several types of tokens, but in this post we are talking about fungible tokens only.

What is Wrapped EVER (WEVER)?

WEVER is a token that is fully backed by EVER, Everscale's native coin, and serves as its token equivalent.

WEVER is utilized in other blockchains like Ethereum where EVER can't be transferred directly, as well as in some DeFi activities like swapping or farming due to its great compatibility with other tokens.

WEVER can only be minted in Everscale and only via a smart contract that accepts and locks EVER, then produces WEVER in a 1:1 ratio. If you then need to exchange WEVER for EVER, this smart contract will burn WEVER to unlock EVER. You may check this by comparing the balance of the smart contract in EVER to the entire supply of WEVER.

The easiest way to get WEVER is by using FlatQube or this website.

What is EVER? πŸͺ™

EVER is Everscale's native coin and primary asset. It is the lifeblood of the network and is used to pay small fees to make transactions and interact with smart contracts (sending tokens, swapping and farming on FlatQube, etc.). Validators receive EVER as a reward for helping to keep the network running.

Everscale, unlike other blockchains, has a feature that allows it to have multiple native coins, but this feature is not yet widely used.

😎 You can use EVER Wallet to manage your EVER and all Everscale-based assets.

The Broxus Ecosystem | Octus Bridge | FlatQube | EVER Wallet | EVER Scan | EVER Pools
Knowledge = Power πŸŽ“

We invite you to refresh your memory and re-read our latest educational posts. If this is your first time seeing them, this is a good opportunity to gain new knowledge πŸ€“

πŸ”Ή Coin vs Token
πŸ”Ή What is WEVER?
πŸ”Ή What is EVER?

You can find all our educational posts by using the #education hashtag.

The Broxus Ecosystem | Octus Bridge | FlatQube | EVER Wallet | EVER Scan | EVER Pools