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What are dTokens?

dTokens are decentralized assets (#RWAs) backed by cryptocurrency on the DeFiChain blockchain. Through the vault system, anyone can create their own dTokens, representing a wide range of real-world assets.

These digital assets trade freely on DeFiChain's decentralized exchange (DEX), without any centralized control or third-party intervention. The prices of dTokens are determined by the free market forces of supply and demand, independent of oracle prices used for collateralization.

Embrace the Benefits of dTokens:
True Decentralization: No single point of control or failure
Open to All: Accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world
24/7 Liquidity: Trade dTokens around the clock
Transparency: Auditable asset management for trust

Discover the future of asset tokenization with dTokens on DeFiChain. Find out more about here 👇
How are dTokens created on DeFiChain?

Creating dTokens (#RWAs) on DeFiChain is a straightforward process that puts you in control. Simply deposit your crypto assets as collateral into a Vault. The accepted collateral options include DFI, DUSD, dBTC, dETH, dUSDT, dUSDC, or dEUROC.

dTokens are minted with over-collateralization, meaning the value of your deposited collateral exceeds the value of the dTokens you create. This safeguards the peg and ensures dTokens can’t be created without sufficient backing. The interest rates you pay are determined by your collateralization ratio, operating similarly to traditional banking practices.

Let’s say your Vault holds $1,500 worth of DFI, BTC, and ETH combined. Minting $100 of dTSLA would incur low interest rates since your collateral is highly over-collateralized. However, if you mint $750 of dTSLA, you’ll face higher interest as you approach the minimum collateral requirement.

With just a few clicks, you can set up a Vault, deposit collateral and mint dTokens – all in a decentralized manner on DeFiChain. Try it out yourself!

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The Ultimate RWA-Master-Guide

Real-world assets (#RWAs) are experiencing a pivotal moment, with tokenized treasuries on-chain increasing 10x in just 15 months!

BlackRock’s recent launch of the first tokenized fund on #Ethereum is also driving support for asset tokenization among major financial institutions.

With the market cap of RWAs projected to reach $16 trillion by 2030, the massive potential for growth through tokenization is clear.

As one of the OGs in the #RWA space, DeFiChain is well-positioned to lead the way. This Guide explores what RWAs are and how they work on the DeFiChain ecosystem.