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⚡️⚡️Фейк: Российские военные с помощью беспилотников сбрасывают маяки для артиллерии на позиции украинских войск и объекты инфраструктуры. Такие предупреждения с иллюстрациями маяков появляются в украинских источниках.

Правда: На фотографии летающий фейерверк с крыльями «супер бабочка». Этот тип фейерверка есть у различных производителей, его легко заказать в интернете и стоит он около 80-90 гривен.

⚡️⚡️Fake: The Russian military uses drones to drop beacons for artillery on Ukrainian troop positions and infrastructure. Such warnings with illustrations of beacons appear in Ukrainian sources.

Truth: The picture shows flying fireworks with "super butterfly" wings. This type of fireworks is available from various manufacturers, it is easy to order online and costs about 80-90 hryvnias.
⚡️ На Украине гражданским разрешили убивать российских военных

"На период военного времени" действует закон,разрешающий убивать "российских захватчиков" и использовать огнестрельное оружие.

⚡️ In Ukraine, civilians are allowed to kill Russian troops

"For the period of wartime" there is a law that allows the killing of "Russian invaders" and the use of firearms.
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⚡️Минобороны - Мы никогда не оставим нуждающихся украинцев

⚡️Ministry Of Defence - We will never leave Ukrainian people in need
⚡️⚡️⚡️Согласно документам, американская сторона планировала вести на Украине в 2022 работы по патогенам птиц, летучих мышей и рептилий с дальнейшим переходом к изучению возможности переноса ими африканской чумы свиней и сибирской язвы.

⚡️⚡️⚡️According to the documents, the American side planned to conduct work in Ukraine in 2022 on pathogens of birds, bats and reptiles with a further transition to the study of the possibility of their transfer of African swine fever and anthrax.
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Fake: Russian aviation struck a maternity hospital in Mariupol. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called it "an atrocity": according to him, women and children were left under the rubble.

Truth: Despite the fact that the information about the strike appeared yesterday in the middle of the day (numerous videos and photos did not show any patients), the footage of pregnant women appeared in the information space much later - in the evening of March 9. But they immediately covered all the news agencies and publicity groups, and began to spread in various popular communities and bloggers, which may be the result of a well-planned campaign. This is despite the fact that local residents themselves claim that there were no women in labor or staff at the maternity hospital.

The story raises a lot of questions: it is logical to assume that if there really were women in labor, the emergency workers and eyewitnesses who arrived on the scene first would have immediately taken photos of the scene on their phones, without waiting for the famous reportage photographer. However, it so happened that the famous Ukrainian propagandist Yevhen Maloletka was the first to prepare and publish the photos. Having started his career at UNIAN, he now collaborates with media players who have been running an anti-Russian campaign for years, such as the Guardian, The Times, and The NYT. Even Barack Obama's personal photographer is subscribed to him, and in 2015, Maloletka even completed an internship at the prestigious Eddie Adams Workshop program in New York. Curiously enough, this photographer has been reporting on "Russian war crimes" since 2014.

Today, however, we have indisputable evidence of the production of "pregnancy shots," for which the Ukrainian propagandists and their Polish media instructors, about whom we wrote earlier, are responsible. The Ukrainians used the model Marianna from Mariupol for the loudest shots (three in all). Curiously, she plays two different pregnant women at once: she even had to change her clothes and color, which, however, is not surprising: in fact, Marianna is a well-known beauty blogger in the region. We would like to point out that the girl is indeed pregnant, but there is no way she could have been in the maternity hospital: the institution had been used by Azov fighters as a fortified facility that does not function as a medical facility for several days. Slava has already found the heroine of this production: in her Instagram under the latest post there are already more than 500 comments from real users condemning the girl for participating in dirty information throw-ins.
Media is too big
⚡️Чеченцам похоже понравились трофеи.
Новое видео от Рамзана Кадырова.

⚡️ The Chechens seem to like the trophies.
A new video from Ramzan Kadyrov.
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⚡️Трамп в Америке – это как Жириновский в России, тоже все предсказывает.

«Вы за бензин сколько сейчас платите? Два доллара за галлон? Это нормально. А придет Байден, и будете платить по семь, восемь и даже девять долларов за галлон!»

⚡️Trump in America is like Zhirinovsky in Russia, predicting everything.

"How much do you pay for gas now? Two dollars a gallon? That's fine. And when Biden comes, you'll be paying seven, eight, and even nine dollars a gallon!"
⚡️⚡️Минобороны РФ: Объемы финансирования США биологических лабораторий на Украине превышали $200 млн

⚡️⚡️Russian Defense Ministry: U.S. funding for biological laboratories in Ukraine exceeded $200 million
⚡️⚡️700 евро за мыслепреступление

Демократия маршировала в Латвию - и не заметив её, перешагнула и пошла дальше.

Штраф за просмотр "неправильных" (российских) телеканалов

⚡️⚡️ 700 euros for thought crime

Democracy marched into Latvia - and without noticing it, it stepped over and moved on.

A fine for watching the "wrong" (Russian) TV channels
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⚡️Западу от Украины нужно только одно — чтобы она постоянно работала против России, против всего русского — Лавров

⚡️ The West needs only one thing from Ukraine - for it to constantly work against Russia, against everything Russian - Lavrov
⚡️Обложки западных журналов за которые им не стыдно…

⚡️ Covers of Western magazines that they are not ashamed of…
⚡️⚡️В Дарницком районе Киева недалеко от блокпоста был убит Дмитрий Демьяненко, бывший заместитель начальника Главного управления СБУ в Киеве и Киевской области. Застрелили Демьяненко боевики полка полиции особого назначения «Миротворец» во время попытки задержания.
Демьяненко отстреливался до конца.

⚡️⚡️ Dmytro Demyanenko, the former deputy head of the SBU Main Directorate in Kiev and the Kiev region, was killed in the Darnytskyi district of Kiev not far from the checkpoint. Demyanenko was shot dead by militants of the special police regiment Peacekeeper during an attempt to detain him.
Demyanenko shot back until the end.