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Next-Gen shooter built on UE5 / Play & Earn $FURY

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🎮🚀 Join the Fury Community and let's celebrate our small victories together!

We're excited to share daily updates on the development of our game

Let's take competitive gaming to the next level! 💪

🙌🏼 We are currently working on adding maps to ALL modes in the game!

Get ready to explore new territories and dominate the competition 🗺️🎮

🎮👾🕹️🔧 Our team has fixed some major bugs in the game, including the jumping (gravity effect), patch materials and textures

We've also fixed a bunch of minor bugs that were causing issues for our players 🐛🚫

At Fury, we're committed to providing the best gaming experience possible, and that means constantly improving and updating our game

We appreciate your patience and support as we work to make Fury even better 💪

Join us today and experience the ultimate gaming adventure! 🚀🎉

🔍 Technical Update Incoming! We've got our sights set on enhancing your visual experience in FURY! Recently, some players reported encountering graphical artifacts during intense firefights—think flickering textures, strange color shifts, and those pesky visual distortions. Our development team has been hard at work dissecting these issues, drawing insights from industry-leading titles like Call of Duty to ensure a top-notch fix.

🔧 The Root Cause: After extensive investigation, we pinpointed the culprit to be a mismatch between shader rendering techniques and GPU optimization, resulting in inconsistent rendering pipelines. This led to sporadic flickering and aberrant color rendering during certain gameplay scenarios.

🛠️ The Fix: Armed with data and player feedback, our engineers dove deep into the game's rendering engine, fine-tuning shader compilation processes and optimizing GPU resource allocation. By synchronizing shader rendering across all graphical elements and implementing stricter quality control measures, we're confident that these visual artifacts will soon be a thing of the past.

💥 What to Expect: With these optimizations underway, you can anticipate a smoother, more immersive gameplay experience. Say goodbye to distractions caused by graphical anomalies, and hello to uninterrupted battles where every pixel shines with clarity and precision.

📢 Keep the Feedback Coming: As always, your feedback is invaluable in shaping the future of FURY. If you encounter any lingering graphical quirks or have suggestions for further improvements, don't hesitate to reach out to us. Together, we'll continue to elevate the FURY gaming experience to new heights!

#FURYGame #GraphicalFix #GameDev #CallOfDutyInspired
🎬 Animation Overhaul Complete! We’ve rolled out significant updates to the animations in FURY, targeting smoother and more realistic character movements.

🔧 The Challenge: Players reported glitches with character animations—jerky movements, unnatural transitions, and occasional freezing during critical gameplay moments. These issues detracted from the immersive experience we strive to provide.

🛠️ The Solution: Our animation team has been hard at work refining the skeletal rigs and improving the interpolation algorithms that blend animations seamlessly. We’ve also increased the animation frame rate to enhance fluidity and incorporated feedback-driven adjustments to ensure that character motions are both realistic and responsive.

🕹️ Enhanced Gameplay Experience: Expect to see more lifelike character interactions and smoother combat movements. These improvements aim to deepen your engagement with the game and enhance the overall visual fidelity.

📢 Share Your Thoughts: We’re eager to hear how these animation upgrades impact your experience in FURY. Your insights are invaluable as we continue to polish and perfect every aspect of the game.

#FuryGame #AnimationFix #GameDev #PlayerExperience