Hero Film Festival
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Международный фестиваль фильмов для детей и юношества "Герой"
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💥 Показы второго фестивального дня стартовали в Синема Парке! Прямо сейчас сотни детей смотрят сборники лучших короткометражных фильмов от режиссеров со всего мира.

👉 В программе комедии и драмы, фэнтези и романтические истории про детей и для детей. А мы, как и всегда, спешим поделиться с вами фото и приглашаем скорее приходить на показы.

💥 The screenings of the second festival day have started in Cinema Park! Right now, hundreds of children are watching collections of the best short films from directors from all over the world.

👉 The program includes comedies and dramas, fantasy and romantic stories about children and for children. And we, as always, are in a hurry to share photos with you and invite you to come to the screenings as soon as possible.

#geroifilm #фестивальгерой #культуракрасноярья
📷Вы уже увидели множество самых разнообразных фотографий с первого дня II-го Международного фестиваля фильмов для детей и юношества «Герой». Теперь пришло время посмотреть на все это в динамике.

📹Вооружившись техниками кинематографа наши монтажеры сделали красочное видео обо всех главных событиях! Смотрим, комментируем и обязательно приходим на фестивальные показы, ведь все только начинается.

📷You have already seen a variety of photos from the first day of the II International Film Festival for Children and Youth "Hero". Now it's time to look at all this in dynamics.

📹Armed with cinematography techniques, our editors made a colorful video about all the main events! We watch, comment and be sure to come to the festival screenings, because everything is just beginning.

Видео: https://youtu.be/ViSZKhJlmR4

#geroifilm #фестивальгерой #культуракрасноярья
The second day of the International Film Festival for Children and Youth "Hero" is over, which means it's time to talk about what he will be remembered for.

Today, from the very early morning, honored guests, participants and members of the jury of the festival went to the beautiful Divnogorsk to present films to the audience and, of course, admire the stunning views. They visited the Eastern Entrance to the Krasnoyarsk Pillars National Park, the Tsar-Fish observation deck, the birthplace of writer Viktor Astafyev in the village of Ovsyanka and the Krasnoyarsk Hydroelectric power Station

But, perhaps, the most vivid impressions were left behind by the audience. The hall of the recreation center "Energetik" was filled with children and adults who wanted to chat with their favorite actors and directors. And the star guests themselves were only happy about it - Vitaly Kornienko and Oleg Chugunov were photographed with fans, Anton Bogdanov literally conquered everyone with his thoughtful and inspiring speeches, and Alexey Tsitsilin told about his cartoon "Hansel, Gretel and the Agency of Magic", which became famous not only in Russia, but all over the world.

On the way back, a surprise awaited the guests. The bus suddenly stopped right in the middle of the forth bridge. However, there was no reason to panic, the situation was quickly resolved, and the filmmakers got a unique opportunity to take epic pictures of the legendary railway bridge.

At the end of the day, already in the Krasnoyarsk Cinema Park, the films "Me and Cinema", "Stars of the Seventh Heaven", "Three Heroes and a Horse on the Throne" and "Shambhala" were presented respectively by directors Tatiana Miroshnik, Elena Turova, Konstantin Feoktistov and producer Madakim Eldiyar. After each show, the audience asked questions and discussed what they saw for a long time both among themselves and with the guests.

At the end of the day, already in the Krasnoyarsk Cinema Park, the films "Me and Cinema", "Stars of the Seventh Heaven", "Three Heroes and a Horse on the Throne" and "Shambhala" were presented respectively by directors Tatiana Miroshnik, Elena Turova, Konstantin Feoktistov and producer Madakim Eldiyar. After each show, the audience asked questions and discussed what they saw for a long time both among themselves and with the guests.

And, of course, one of the most important events of the day was the screening of children's films of the nomination "Who is your Hero?" and the subsequent public talk with young actors Vitaly Kornienko, Oleg Chugunov and director Tatiana Miroshnik. Children and teenagers were able to learn more about how filming takes place, what actors face and how important a thoughtful script is.

The festival will continue tomorrow! Follow the news and be sure to come watch a good movie.

Photo by Nina Parshina and Daniil Chernyavsky.

#geroifilm #фестивальгерой #культуракрасноярья
📍 Давно ждали этого события: чтобы с полным залом и в полном восторге провести Церемонию открытия Международного фестиваля фильмов для детей и юношества «Герой». И II-ой Международный дал нам такую возможность!

В прошлый раз, напомним, в ноябре 2020 года Церемония была сыграна - в буквальном смысле - снята как фильм и выложена на youtube-канал. Теперь: красная ковровая дорожка, полный зал, почетные гости, режиссеры, актеры, журналисты...

А теперь все это можно посмотреть на ваших экранах. Представляем вашему вниманию видео версию церемонии открытия II-го Международного кинофестиваля "Герой".

📍We have been waiting for this event for a long time: to hold the opening Ceremony of the International Film Festival for Children and Youth "Hero" with a full hall and in full delight. And the II International gave us such an opportunity!

Last time, we recall, in November 2020, the Ceremony was played - literally - filmed as a movie and posted on a youtube channel. Now: a red carpet, a full hall, honored guests, directors, actors, journalists...

And now all this can be viewed on your screens. We present to your attention a video version of the opening ceremony of the II-th International Film Festival "Hero".


#geroifilm #фестивальгерой #культуракрасноярья
Traditionally, we start the festival day with a short program of the main events! So, what awaits you, dear viewers, today:

 In the second hall of the Cinema Park, from 11:00 until the evening, competitive full-length feature films will be shown. Here you can see the Brazilian adventure drama "Young Warriors", which will be presented by the film critic, the author of the podcast about the cinema "The Great Illusion" Alexey Solovyov, the life-affirming comedy "Only I am Normal", which will be presented personally by director Anton Bogdanov, the Syrian tragicomedy "Neighbors", the military drama about the friendship of man and dog "Africa", which will be told by director Daria Binevskaya and the melodrama "Beach Dream", which director and producer Arash Sajjadi Farid specially came from Iran to present.

 From 15:00, screenings of animated films will begin in the third hall. First, you will be able to see the program "Inspiration, Imagination, creativity", which includes short cartoons about the power of art. Irina Mastusova, Executive Director of the Association of Animated Films, member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, will present them and also discuss them with the audience after the screening. And immediately after, real hits will shine on the big screen - "Hansel, Gretel and the Agency of Magic" and "Koschei. The beginning." They will be presented by director Alexey Tsitsilin and supervisor of the studio "Locomotive" Denis Alymov.

 And in the fourth hall - a real holiday for connoisseurs of high-quality documentary films. At 12:00, a special program for the year of cultural heritage of the Peoples of Russia will begin, which will be presented by director Vladimir Tarasov. Then you can watch a lot of short documentaries. And at the end of the evening, Vladimir Krivov and Konstantin Reich will present their paintings "My Friend Yeti" and "Lida".

Do not forget that screenings are also taking place at other venues in Krasnoyarsk and the entire Krasnoyarsk Territory. So, in the children's cinema "Dream" it will be possible to see out-of-competition programs of short animated films, and in the State Universal Scientific Library it is possible to watch full-length animation. The tapes "Teddy Boom!" "Benjamin" will be shown there.

And at 16:00 in the art attic of the Cinema House there will be a creative meeting with the director, associate professor of film directing at the Film School of Aristotle University in Thessaloniki - Dimitris Kutsiabasakos.

A detailed schedule can be found at the link below this post.

#geroifilm #фестивальгерой #культуракрасноярья
👉Во время фестиваля гости не только представляют зрителям свои фильмы, но и заходят в «Енисей кино», чтобы посмотреть на уникальные музейные экспонаты и лично увидеть, учреждение в котором ведётся самая активная работа над «Героем» (в том числе и прямо сейчас).

Зашедшие сегодня режиссер Антон Богданов и его иностранный коллега Димитрис Кутсиабасакос получили одни из самых незабываемых впечатлений. Они с неподдельным интересом прошлись по фильмофонду и даже примерили на себя роль фильмопроверщиков.

👉Фото, в подтверждение, прилагаются.

🎞️During the festival, guests not only present their films to the audience, but also go to the Yenisei Cinema to look at the unique museum exhibits and personally see the institution where the most active work on the "Hero" is being carried out (including right now).

Director Anton Bogdanov and his foreign colleague Dimitris Kutsiabasakos, who came in today, received some of the most unforgettable impressions. They walked through the film fund with genuine interest and even tried on the role of film reviewers.

👉Photos, in confirmation, are attached.

#geroifilm #фестивальгерой #культуракрасноярья
The format of the creative meeting is one of the most interesting at the film festival, and every day at the Hero venues there is communication with our guests.

We present director, screenwriter, producer of documentary films, director of the Central House of Cinematographers (Moscow), member of the jury of the II-th International Film Festival for Children and Youth "Hero" Ekaterina Golovnya.

At the creative meeting, the guest presented her documentary "VGIK. Militia" (2017), which tells about the feat of VGIK students and teachers who left for the 13th Rostokinsky Division. The episodes of the formation of the battalion of the division were filmed by the cameraman Roman Carmen's group. The film is based on interviews with such famous cinematographers as film director Grigory Chukhray (a month before his passing away) and others. Professors, teachers, and students came to the Moscow militia in the fall of the 41st from VGIK, headed by Director D.V. Feinstein. After the viewing, a discussion of the picture with the audience took place.

As an author, director and producer, Ekaterina took part in the creation of more than 50 documentaries. She has written scripts for more than 70 documentaries and cartoons. Many works have been awarded prizes at Russian and International film festivals. He has more than 20 years of experience as a jury member in Russian and foreign film forums.

🥈And let's say in secret (it turned out during an excursion to the Eastern entrance of the national park "Krasnoyarsk Pillars") has the second category in mountaineering. And in general – a wonderful, charming man, a long-time and sincere friend of "Enisey Kino".


#geroifilm #фестивальгерой #культуракрасноярья
These people have done a lot for modern Russian animation, which in fact do not need representation.

💥 Screenings of competitive feature films will start at 16:50. For the first time in the Krasnoyarsk Territory - a sports comedy from Iran "Football on the rock" and a Russian melodrama about first love and the difficulties of growing up "Call me Thrush". They will be presented to the audience, as well as discussed after the show, directed by Keyvan Majidi and produced by Yuri Obukhov.

🗣 A very exciting program awaits the audience in the Cinema House. At 16:00 there will be a creative meeting with the writer, film director, screenwriter, producer, head of the director's workshop at the VKKiT VGIK and the course "Directing genre cinema" Vladimir Alenikov. And then the screening of Dmitry Momot's documentary paintings "Faces of Yenisei Siberia" will begin.

🎨 Non-competitive full-length animated films will be shown at the children's cinema Dream and creative meetings will also be held. At 12:00 - "Benjamin", which first appeared on Russian screens, then a meeting with the director of animated films, screenwriter Natalia Nilova and executive director of the "Association of Animated Films", member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation Irina Mastusova and at 18:30 screenwriter Tatiana Belova will present the tape "Plush Boom!".

📘 Do not forget the libraries that also joined the festival screenings. In the State Universal Scientific at 12:00 and 15:00 you can watch an out-of-competition program of short animated films, in the Krasnoyarsk Regional Children's at 12:00 the premiere of the full-length tape "The Secret of the Amulet" will take place, and in the Museum-Estate of G.V. Yudin at 16:00 everyone will be presented with a special program "Ecology", with films and cartoons about the environment.

👉🏻 A detailed schedule can be found at the link: https://geroyfilm.ru/raspisanie-2022.

#geroifilm #фестивальгерой #культуракрасноярья
🚐 Вчера целая делегация кинофестиваля "Герой" отправилась еще на одну фестивальную площадку, расположенную на востоке Красноярского края - в поселок Абан.

👆🏻Режиссеры Елена Турова и Татьяна Мирошник, а также продюсер Юрий Обухов представили местным жителям свои фильмы - анимационную драму «Звезды седьмого неба», документальную работу о силе кинематографа «Я и кино» и игровую полнометражную ленту о взрослении «Зови меня Дрозд». После просмотров состоялись обсуждения со зрителями.

🌈 Весело и непринужденно прошла творческая встреча с самым юным членом жюри кинофестиваля "Герой" актрисой кино и дубляжа Виталией Корниенко, которая с удовольствие общалась с ребятами, отвечала на вопросы и давала автографы.

👍🏻Надо сказать, что гости вернулись в полном восторге от гостеприимства абанцев. Об это смотрите наше видео👍🏻

Yesterday, a whole delegation of the Hero Film Festival went to another festival site located in the east of the Krasnoyarsk Territory - to the village of Aban.

👆🏻Directors Elena Turova and Tatiana Miroshnik, as well as producer Yuri Obukhov presented their films to local residents - the animated drama "Stars of the Seventh Heaven", a documentary about the power of cinema "I and Cinema" and a feature-length film about growing up "Call me Thrush". After the screenings, discussions with the audience took place.

A fun and relaxed creative meeting was held with the youngest member of the jury of the Hero Film Festival, film and dubbing actress Vitaliya Kornienko, who enjoyed talking with the guys, answering questions and signing autographs.

👍🏻I must say that the guests returned in full delight from the hospitality of the Albanians. About this, watch our video👍🏻

#geroifilm #фестивальгерой #культуракрасноярья

Forwarded from Енисей кино
Одним из самых ожидаемых событий кинофестиваля "Герой" стала творческая встреча с греческим кинорежиссером Димитрисом Кутсиабасакосом, который буквально вырвался из плотного графика работы и прилетел к нам в Красноярск.

Димитрис - режиссер, доцент кинорежиссуры в Школе кино Университета имени Аристотеля в Салониках. Выпускник режиссерского факультета ВГИК. Автор документальных фильмов, телесериалов, короткометражных и художественных фильмов для кино и телевидения. Его работы отмечены национальными и международными наградами.

Перед общением с кинематографистом зрители посмотрели его документальную ленту «Янис Кастрицис: Человек и его тень», которая, по признанию самого автора, занимает особое место в его сердце. Режиссер даже сделал русские субтитры к картине, чтобы показать ее своему старому другу из ВГИКа.

«Я происхожу из очень бедной деревенской семьи, которая не могла дать мне образование, а я хотел стать режиссером. Как у Максима Горького – у меня не было отца, моя мать была инвалидом, я хотел учиться, а потом попасть в кино, но не было денег. Работая тогда в Афинах, я ходил и говорил: «Господи, нет такой киношколы в мире, где можно учиться без денег!», а мне говорят: «Есть. Самая лучшая киношкола в мире, в нее берут без денег, это ВГИК». Я не состоял ни в какой партии, пошел – нагло так подал заявление и был уверен, что меня не примут. И забыл об этом, а потом мне звонят и говорят, что я должен поехать в Советский Союз через 5 дней. Таким образом, я стал режиссером, и это случилось благодаря России», – рассказал Димитрис Кутсиабасакос.

Смотрите видео об этом событии.

One of the most anticipated events of the Hero Film Festival was a creative meeting with the Greek film director Dimitris Kutsiabasakos, who literally broke out of a busy work schedule and flew to us in Krasnoyarsk.

Dimitris is a director, associate professor of film directing at the Aristotle University Film School in Thessaloniki. Graduate of the directing faculty of VGIK. Author of documentaries, television series, short films and feature films for film and television. His works have been awarded national and international awards.

Before communicating with the cinematographer, the audience watched his documentary "Janis Kastritsis: A Man and his Shadow", which, according to the author himself, occupies a special place in his heart. The director even made Russian subtitles for the film to show it to his old friend from VGIK.

"I come from a very poor village family who could not give me an education, and I wanted to become a director. Like Maxim Gorky – I didn't have a father, my mother was disabled, I wanted to study and then get into the cinema, but I didn't have money. While working in Athens at that time, I walked and talked: "My God, there is no film school in the world where you can study without money!", and they say to me: "There is. The best film school in the world, they take it without money, this is VGIK." I was not a member of any party, I went – I brazenly submitted an application and was sure that I would not be accepted. And I forgot about it, and then they call me and say that I have to go to the Soviet Union in 5 days. Thus, I became a director, and it happened thanks to Russia," said Dimitris Kutsiabasakos.

Watch a video about this event.

#geroifilm #фестивальгерой #культуракрасноярья
