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Series on Digital Colonialism: How Meta aims to dominate India’s agriculture sector
#Technologie #datalocalisation #DigitalColonialism #digitalinfrastructure #english #Facebook #farmlaws #Farmersprotest #Farmers #financialinformation #financialsecurity #foodsecurity #foodsupplychain #Freebasics #India #IndianFarmers #ITforChange #JioKrishi #JioMart #markzuckerberg #Meta #monopolies #MukeshAmbani #RelianceIndustries #WhatsApp #WhatsApploans #WhatsAppPay

Will Meta soon control the Indian food supply market? – Rahel LangFacebook has entered a deal with India's largest corporation, Reliance Industries, in a bid to monopolize the entire food supply chain in India․ This deal could put the food security of more than 820 million people at risk․ Part 1 of our series on digital colonialism․
Dude, where’s my privacy?: How a Hollywood star lobbies the EU for more surveillance
#Überwachung #AshtonKutcher #chatcontrol #ClientSideScanning #english #europeanunion

Actor Ashton Kutcher has invested heavily in tech – Alle Rechte vorbehalten IMAGO / Motorsport ImagesThe European Union debates a new law that could force platforms to scan all private messages for signs of child abuse․ Its most prominent advocate is the actor Ashton Kutcher․
Platform work: “Fight for something more than just a Directive”
#Demokratie #Arbeit #english #ETUC #EuropäischeUnion #Gewerkschaft #GigEconomy #Interview #lobbying #Plattformarbeit #Slowenien

Tea Jarc bei einer Demonstration gegen Uber 2016 / Tea Jarc at a protest against Uber 2016․ – Alle Rechte vorbehalten IMAGO / PixsellMany young workers delivering food or driving cars are technically not even employed․ How can a trade union work to improve their conditions? Tea Jarc, president of Slovenian union Mladi Plus, has worked for years advocating for them․ And she has seen enough to be afraid of the platform companies’ lobbying power․
NCMEC figures explained: How the spectre of millionfold abuse haunts European policy-makers
#Öffentlichkeit #Chatkontrolle #english #eukommission #NCMEC

Figures around sexualized violence against children often lack classification – Background: IMAGO / imagebroker; Screenshot: missingkids․org; montage: netzpolitik․orgHow can sexualized violence against minors be quantified? Many misleading figures are circulating – and on the basis of these figures politicians are calling for more surveillance․ An analysis of the biggest misunderstandings․
TOCA: TikTok creators unite against opaque rules
#Nutzerrechte #ByteDance #China #english #Tiktok #TOCA

Amelia Som speaks up for creator’s concerns – Montage: netzpolitik․orgThey want to join forces and change TikTok․ Around 1,000 creators have formed an alliance․ One focus is discrimination against marginalized groups․ In an interview, project manager Amelia Som tells why she loves TikTok – and where TikTok fails․
PimEyes-CEO: „The user is the stalker, not the search engine“
#Datenschutz #english #GiorgiGobronidze #Interview #PimEyes

Giorgi Gobronidze: „academic curiosity․“ – Background: StableDiffusion; Montage: netzpolitik․orgGiorgi Gobronidze bought one of the world's most controversial face search engines․ In his first in-depth interview the new PimEyes-CEO explains how his company wants to detect stalkers and why PimEyes is available in some authoritarian regimes․
Longtermism: „An odd and peculiar ideology“
#Demokratie #AGI #AI #BigTech #EffectiveAltruism #ElonMusk #english #Longtermism #NickBostrom #PeterSinger #Superintelligence #Utilitarianism

Émile P․ Torres beschäftigt sich mit Fragen zum Ende der Menschheit und kommt dabei zu anderen Schlüssen als die Longtermisten․ – Alle Rechte vorbehalten Portrait, Mindmap: É․ P․ Torres; Virgo-Supercluster: IMAGO / StockTrek Images; Montage: netzpolitik․orgÉmile P․ Torres calls one of the most influential philosophies of our time an ideology: Longtermism is the central school of thought of tech giants like Elon Musk and Skype founder Jaan Tallinn․ In an interview, Torres explains why it is so dangerous․
Journalist under surveillance: „TikTok was scared and freaked out“
#Überwachung #Buzzfeed #ByteDance #EmilyBakerWhite #english #Forbes #Tiktok

Emily Baker-White was the target of a surveillance campaign – Alle Rechte vorbehalten Portrait: Emily Baker-White; headline: Forbes․com; background: Open Street Map; logo: TikTok; montage: netzpolitik․orgHardly anyone reports on TikTok as much as US journalist Emily Baker-White․ In an interview, the Forbes editor tells how TikTok spied on her and what danger she sees in the Chinese parent company ByteDance․
Surveillance advertising in Europe: The adtech industry tracks most of what you do on the Internet․ This file shows just how much․
#Datenschutz #DataBroker #Datenhändler #Datenökonomie #DieXandrRecherche #english #Microsoft #NPRecherche #OnlineWerbung #TargetedAdvertising #Überwachungskapitalismus #WolfieChristl #Xandr

Every click leaves a trail that hundreds of adtech companies are happy to pick up․ – Public Domain MidjourneyThe advertising industry has more than 650,000 labels to target people․ Reading through them reveals how even the most sensitive aspects of our life are monitored․ EU-based data brokers play a vital role in this system․
Archive Team: Shutdowns don’t stop during the weekends
#Technologie #ArchiveTeam #Archivierung #english #internet #Interview #WaybackMachine

Logo shown after the start of a Warrior VM – CC-BY-SA 4․0 wiki․archiveteam․orgThe Internet does not forget? The opposite is the case․ Huge mountains of data are lost on the internet every day․ That's why the Archive Team scours the vastness of the WWW and rescues data from extinction – around the clock and on a voluntary basis․
Interview: „TikTok’s power to say no is shrinking by the day“
#Datenschutz #Alibaba #ByteDance #China #DigitalServicesAct #english #firstamendment #freedomofspeech #Huawei #RestrictAct #ShouZiChew #Tiktok

Rebecca Arcesati has been researching China’s digital policies for years – Alle Rechte vorbehalten Mercator Institute for China StudiesTikTok is struggling to convince Western politicians it is not a security threat․ But governments are right to ban the app from official devices, says China expert Rebecca Arcesati․ Still she warns the biggest threat is Europe and the US giving up on their democratic values in dealing with TikTok․
Platform Work: Member states torpedo workers‘ rights
#Demokratie #Arbeit #Arbeitsbedingungen #ElisabettaGualmini #english #ETUC #EUParlament #EURat #Leilachaibi #LudovicVoet #Plattformarbeit #trilog #UberFiles

No go for workers‘ rights․ – Gemeinfrei-ähnlich freigegeben durch unsplash․com almaniThe planned Directive on Platform Work was supposed to be done, but now there are new problems: EU member states did not agree with the trilogue compromise, endangering the whole project․