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📌 Weekly Bulletin August 10th - August 15th.📌


🖍 Polkadot Network defined Denomination Day: DOT tokens will undergo a redenomination from the original sale. 𝘕𝘦𝘸 𝘋𝘖𝘛 will be 100x smaller than DOT (old). Therefore, user's balance will be 100x higher and the price will be 100x lower.

🖍 Significant slashing took place in
@Polkadot network on August 11th. About 10% of validators was slashed (26 names). Cumulative slash was 5 271.567 DOT.
List of validators: https://polkadot.js.org/apps/#/staking/slashes.
Details on slashing were provided on Aug 14th: https://matrix.to/#/!FdCojkeGzZLSEoiecf:web3.foundation/$m3zISIM6Ou5wwxJlnowfwldFjBF6YcnvMYYxRNzfoK8

🖍 First ever proposal in Polkadot TREASURE by Patract Labs: first group of proposals, focusing on Patract Suite, which is a series of development tools to simplify developing, debugging, testing and deploying smart contracts.



🖍 Officially became part of TOP 100 networks on CoinMarketCaP, taking 93rd place to the end of the week



🖍 Announced that Robonomics 0.20.0 now supports the #Rococo #parachain testnet for #Polkadot Network.

🖍$XRT cost increased to 300% by AUG 2th and continued growth by the end of the week.



🖍Published 2nd week results of Acala Mandala Festival #3. Results published: https://github.com/AcalaNetwork/Acala/wiki/W.-Contribution-&-Rewards#-week-2-trading-competition.

🖍Acala Network`s users now can monitor their financial status - loan positions, liquidation events, liquidity posotion etc. with special alerting Telegram bot - @Acala_Ryabina_bot

🖍Acala Network successfully connected to Rococo testesnet as a parachain on Aug 12th.



🖍 Launched SGN beta testnet on Aug 12th. Details: https://blog.celer.network/2020/08/10/state-guardian-network-beta-testnet-launches/



🖍 Introduced Phala Dark Wallet: The Seed of the Age of Blockchain Privacy. Details and turtorial are available here: https://medium.com/phala-network/introducing-phala-dark-wallet-the-seed-of-the-age-of-blockchain-privacy-463c43a283c5

🖍 Everyone can now participate in Test and Claim incentive from
@PhalaNetwork. Each participant will receive 10 $PHA if follows the tutorial to test the testnet #Rorschach functions. https://github.com/Phala-Network/phala-docs/wiki/Test-and-Claim?s=09



🖍 StaFi Stakedrop ended and results were published: https://twitter.com/StaFi_Protocol/status/1293587137502359553?s=09



🖍Chainlink and Plasm Network started the first of many collaborations: Plasm Network is actively consuming #Chainlink's ETH/USD & BTC/USD Price Reference Data feeds on mainnet as a means of pricing assets within its lockdrop. https://medium.com/stake-technologies/plasm-integrates-chainlink-price-feeds-live-on-mainnet-to-provide-asset-valuations-to-its-lockdrop-25d17f52ca42



🖍Announced the $BTC Dusty (test) lockdrop! Now test bitcoin can be locked and PLD tokens can be received. https://medium.com/stake-technologies/dusty-lockdrop-using-bitcoin-real-time-lockdrop-341b7f039765

🖍 Second Lockdrop ($ETH and $BTC) is planned on Aug 31th. https://twitter.com/polkadotnews/status/1293257893521829888?s=19



🖍Web3 Summit Berlin has shifted to a virtual conference slated for January 2021 due to COVID travel restrictions. Instead, we plan to convene our global community for a builder event in October and a Web3 Summit Asia event in November.
Crowdloan campaigns of future #Polkadot parachains are coming!

Rewards, tokenomics and bonuses from Acala, Astar, Moonbeam, Litentry and Manta!

The article will being continuously updated with new participants, stay tuned!
