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Программируем с PyTorch (2020)

«PyTorch –– это одна из самых быстрорастущих библиотек глубокого обучения, соперничающая с гигантом Google — TensorFlow — практически на равных. Книга обязательно должна стать настольной для каждого программиста и разработчика алгоритмов машинного обучения, которые хотят использовать PyTorch в своей работе».

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Python. Лучшие практики и инструменты (2021)

Python — это динамический язык программирования, используемый в самых разных предметных областях. Хотя писать код на Python просто, гораздо сложнее сделать этот код удобочитаемым, пригодным для многократного использования и легким в поддержке. Третье издание «Python. Лучшие практики и инструменты» даст вам инструменты для эффективного решения любой задачи разработки и сопровождения софта.

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Applied Natural Language Processing with Python (2018)

Learn to harness the power of AI for natural language processing, performing tasks such as spell check, text summarization, document classification, and natural language generation. Along the way, you will learn the skills to implement these methods in larger infrastructures to replace existing code or create new algorithms.

Applied Natural Language Processing with Python starts with reviewing the necessary machine learning concepts before moving onto discussing various NLP problems. After reading this book, you will have the skills to apply these concepts in your own professional environment.

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PyTorch Pocket Reference (2021)

PyTorch has, no doubt, enabled some of the finest advances in deep learning and AI. It’s free to download and use, and with it anyone with a computer or internet connection can run AI experiments. In addition to more comprehensive references like this one, there are many free and inexpensive training
courses, blog articles, and tutorials that can help you. Anyone can get started using PyTorch for machine learning and AI.

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Ontologies with Python (2021)

Use ontologies in Python, with the Owlready2 module developed for ontology-oriented programming. You will start with an introduction and refresher on Python and OWL ontologies. Then, you will dive straight into how to access, create, and modify ontologies in Python. Next, you will move on to an overview of semantic constructs and class properties followed by how to perform automatic reasoning. You will also learn about annotations, multilingual texts, and how to add Python methods to OWL classes and ontologies. Using medical terminologies as well as direct access to RDF triples is also covered.

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Tiny Python Projects (2020)

Python is an excellent, general-purpose programming language. You can write a program to send secret messages to your friends or to play chess. There are Python modules to help you wrangle complex scientific data, explore machine learning algorithms, and generate publication-ready graphics. Many college-level computer science programs have moved away from languages like C and Java to Python as their introductory language because Python is a relatively easy language to learn. We can use Python to study fundamental and powerful ideas from computer science. As I show you ideas like regular expressions and higher-order functions, I hope to encourage you to study further.

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Python for Geospatial Data Analysis (2022)

Are you a geographer, geologist, or computer scientist? Impressive if you answered yes, but I am a spatial data analyst. In a nutshell, I am interested in exploring data and integrating location. Now that access to location data and geospatial datasets is fairly ubiquitous, most of us are becoming data curious regardless of professional title or area of study. Appreciating the where in our analyses introduces a new dimension of comprehending the impact of a wider variety of features on a particular observation or outcome. I spend a lot of professional time examining public health data and large open source datasets in healthcare. Once you become familiar with geocoding and spatial files, not only can you curate insights across multiple domains but you will also be able to target areas where profound gaps exist.

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Hands-On Quantum Information Processing with Python (2021)

Quantum information processing is a field of study that is a subclass of information processing. It exploits the laws of quantum mechanics to enable information processing in a manner that offers some advantages over conventional, non-quantum information processing. Quantum information processing has various sub-fields. These include quantum communication, quantum cryptography, quantum computing, and quantum error correction. This book provides a hands-on introduction to quantum information processing using the Python programming language.

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Python Data Cleaning Cookbook (2020)

This book is a practical guide to data cleaning, broadly defined as all tasks necessary to prepare data for analysis. It is organized by the tasks usually completed during the data cleaning process: importing data, viewing data diagnostically, identifying outliers and unexpected values, imputing values, tidying data, and so on. Each recipe walks the reader from raw data through the completion of a specific data cleaning task. There are already a number of very good pandas books. Unsurprisingly, there is some overlap between those texts and this one. However, the emphasis here is different. I focus as much on the why as on the how in this book.

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Learn to Code by Solving Problems (2021)

We use computers to accomplish tasks and to solve problems. For example, perhaps you’ve used a word processor to write an essay or letter. Perhaps you’ve used a spreadsheet program to organize your finances. Perhaps you’ve used an image editor to touch up a picture. It’s hard to imagine doing these things these days without a computer. We get a lot of mileage out of our word processors and spreadsheet programs and image editors. Those programs are written as general-purpose tools to accomplish a wide variety of tasks. Ultimately, though, they’re programs written by others, not by us. What do we do when an off-the-shelf program doesn’t quite do what we need?

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Speed Up Your Python with Rust (2021)

The Rust programming language is an exciting new language. It gives us memory safety without garbage collection, resulting in fast times and low memory footprints. However, rewriting everything in Rust can be expensive and risky as there might not be package support in Rust for the problem being solved. This is where Python bindings and pip come in. This book will enable you to code modules in Rust that can be installed using pip. As a result, you will be able to inject Rust as and when you need it without taking on the risk and workload of rewriting your entire system. This enables you, as a developer, to experiment with and use Rust in your Python projects.

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Fighting Churn with Data (2020)

The book is written from the point of view of a data person: whoever is expected to take the raw data and come up with useful findings to help in the fight against churn. That person may have the title of data scientist, data analyst, or machine learning engineer. Or they may be someone else who knows a bit about data and code and is being asked to fill those shoes. The book uses Python and SQL, so it does assume that the data person is a coder.

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CPython Internals: Your Guide to the Python 3 Interpreter (2020)

Are there certain parts of Python that just seem magic? Like how dictionaries are so much faster than looping over a list to find an item. How does a generator remember the state of the variables each time it yields a value, and why do you never have to allocate memory like other languages? It turns out, CPython, the most popular Python run-time is written in human-readable C and Python code. CPython abstracts the complexities of the underlying C platform and your Operating System.

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Get Started with MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico (2021)

You might think of computers as things you stick on your desk and type on, and this is certainly one type of computer, but it’s not the only type. In this book, we’re looking at microcontrollers – small processing units with a bit of memory that are good at controlling other hardware. You probably have lots of microcontrollers in your house already.

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